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Spinning up the Atlantic Fleet

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Saw today where we're going to bring back online our second Fleet in the Atlantic region. Hopefully we can unfuck ourselves Navy wise. We were sure screwing the pooch in the Pacific Theater.


I bet there's a hell of a lot of people wishing we hadn't signed off on those ridiculous Zumwalt Destroyers. We're going to need that money.


Also song where the Navy's completely redoing itself. Basically they're getting rid of basic seamanship and other protocols. Apparently, the incoming recruits are just that effing stupid. Yeah, that always works. Lower the bar. Problem solved.


Of course, one good EMP and you're going to regret not having anybody on the bridge who can read a fuking Compass or work a sexton. But hey, that'll never happen.

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Obama, in a time of war, left out military in shambles. No denying that.

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Obama, in a time of war, left out military in shambles. No denying that.


^^^^ this.


No denying that. Now it's up to Trump and the Republicans to - ONCE AGAIN - clean up the disaster left by Democrats. It's the same thing Walker had to do here in WI.

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Actually kiddos, follow the money and follow the generals. Bush Co fired a ton of generals. Actually a record number of generals. And other Associated ranks. We had a huge brain drain right when we least needed it. In the middle of two Wars. Then, in the conducting of two separate Wars, money got tight. The military guys on the board here I can tell you that. They were robbing Peter to pay Paul. And in this case Paul was Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Actually kiddos, follow the money and follow the generals. Bush Co fired a ###### ton of generals. Actually a record number of generals. And other Associated ranks. We had a huge brain drain right when we least needed it. In the middle of two Wars. Then, in the conducting of two separate Wars, money got tight. The military guys on the board here I can tell you that. They were robbing Peter to pay Paul. And in this case Paul was Afghanistan and Iraq.

No obama focked it up big time. While I was in, he actually had our force reduced. Sending people home and ending their service prematurely. Then we were so shortmanned we had to do the work of 3 people. Hell, when I was on the last 6 months of my enlistment I didnt get any holidays or days off. Worked mon-sun 7am-7pm. They couldnt support me going to school anymore. Since I was 1 of 3 NCOs on the unit and it was a 24 hr urgent care we had to have at least 1 NCO on the floor at all times. So we staggered it to where one of us worked at night, one worked during the day, and the other worked the mid shift. That way we had 2 on at times and we could actually take lunches, go to appointments, commanders calls, etc. Especially me since I was getting out

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Not saying there is no blame to go around, but Bush rung up a huge credit card bill. Paid the whole both Wars on credit and left the next guy to have to find a way to pay for it.


I've been saying for a while now, it. Just declare mission accomplished and get the out of Afghanistan.

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