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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    It’s unfortunate that 90% give the other 10% a bad rep.
  2. 1 point
    Gimme some likes! I will send nudes for 1 like. I wont send them for 5 likes. How many does it take? Anyone know? 10...25?? ( . )( . ) bewbs
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Yes I believe so. some of those alts will 10x too.
  5. 1 point
    There are abortion techniques that have been inaccurately described by anti choice groups as killing a baby after birth and this has been hysterically blown up to suggest that a woman can give birth, change her mind , and an abortion doctor will kill the baby. this doesn’t happen
  6. 1 point
    The strategy makes perfect sense actually (Though the logic behind it makes zero sense at all) The radical left is built upon identity politics which has a core of perpetual victimhood. If you have someone who claims they are a victim, then if the Conservative and/or Republican base can address the issue or show proof of denying the accusations around that specific issue, then the next almost automatic step is to "Move The Goalposts" This non stop "fluidity" means anyone can be a victim at any time, except if you are a Conservative and/or a Republican. This is why the growing number of Asian American Republicans are never acknowledged by said radical left. The general success rates of many Asians, particularly immigrants, takes away the victimhood narrative used often by radical black leftists. That's why if you have elderly Asian women being beat down in the streets, robbed and murdered in broad daylight, there is no widespread "social justice" fueled outrage. Liberals like a Bill Maher does not support the kind of "nonsense" you are talking about. But again, the MSM doesn't acknowledge the positions of liberals like Maher. The radical end of the party has moved so far left, that someone like Maher is treated now like a traitor. Want proof? Look at Obama's 2008 platform. He would be "cancelled" under today's current political climate. Patrice Cullors is an example of why so many people are doing this routine now. She's a millionaire with multiple properties, a huge platform, and fame. For doing what exactly? How many black small businesses has she helped create in these highly impoverished mostly African American areas? How many black veterans has she helped to get off the streets? Does anyone find the bitter irony in that she's purchased million dollar homes in the kind of lily white gated neighborhoods, and surrounded by the kind of wealthy white people, that she constantly says she despises and is the enemy of all black Americans? And what would her career upside be without BLM? Maybe being a cashier at a TJ Maxx? Maybe a low level civil service job? Maybe working at a grocery store? Grifters who want power, status and money. The radical left can't define a woman, can't define a victim, can't define racism, can't define anything they keep shouting about, because it would force them to actually face real solutions if they were presented. There's no money in that. There are no votes in that. It's the same reason why Obama refused to codify Roe V Wade into federal law in 2009 when he had a brief filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Why make real change when the constant "wedge issue" keeps guaranteeing more future votes and more future donations and another issue to use to attack Republicans all the time? Here's the real problem for the radical left. The average American is not a racist and not a bigot and doesn't want bad things to happen to trans people or LGBT people. The average American has enough of their own problems to deal with and doesn't have time for the problems of other groups. But in order to basically market the trans and LGBT lifestyle and path, it means going after kids. Now you are not just fighting Conservative and Republicans, you are choosing to fight the majority of parents. If the most extreme end of the trans community just left kids alone, then the majority of Americans just wouldn't care about these issues. But if you mess with and threaten people's kids, they are going to react. So that's the calculation by the current Democratic Party. Indoctrination of entire generations of children ( i.e. future voters and donors) will happen faster than the loss of votes from angry parents. And the more the Democratic Party and this current administration destroys this economy, the more pressure and stress those parents feel to not have the energy to fight these trans issues encroaching on schools. Most Americans don't care about trans people. Because they don't care about nearly all people period outside of a very small work/family circle. That's not bigotry. That's people who don't have time for other people's drama. The way to stop it all is to take away all the incentives for the money, fame and status that comes with being woke.
  7. 1 point
    Defund the Police Soros-bought DA’s No Cash Bail Talking of black crime gets you labeled a racist. Juve crimes expunged at 18 Brainwashing blacks that they are being discriminated against Giving free rein to Liberal protestors, where burning and looting is basically unenforced, even when captured on video. Punish the people defending themselves from crime. See Austin, TX. See the Lawyer guarding his Property in Missouri as BLM “rally”trespasses on private property. See bodega store owner in NYC. See Kyle Rittenhouse… Welcome to the People’s Republic of America.
  8. 1 point
    Sitting on the porch watching the Pedros clean up that yard and around the dock. Offshore storms brought in a lot of debris.
  9. 1 point
    Check out this beauty. https://postimg.cc/gnJ2xT8V
  10. 1 point
    This is false: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/07/25/international-opinion-of-joe-biden-in-6-charts/ The rest of the world has a positive opinion of Joe Biden, significantly higher than the previous President. Once again, you’re getting amd repeating bad info.
  11. 1 point
    I played a game with my kids where I have to sit in my office chair and bounce a ball against a door. They get a point if they can keep me from catching the ball. I get a point if I catch it. The equalizer is I have to bounce the ball before hitting the door and the door has uneven panels so if it hits one of the panel seams the ball goes in some random direction and I can't leave my chair. My kids call it Wall Daddy. We have a trophy and everything. I won 100 - 87 and sent my 6 yes old daughter into a crying fit.
  12. 1 point
    They look so happy now!! No Regerts!!
  13. 1 point
    generalpimpledoosh will be crying again this year.
  14. 1 point
    Gutterboy was dropped on his head as an infant. Tim too.
  15. 1 point
    It’s amazing. I can say “rare occurrence”, acknowledging that in certain situations a woman may not know she is pregnant within six weeks, and then I’m told I don’t know how womens bodies work. Someone said it earlier, you spend half your time having to explain simple shite around here.
  16. 1 point
    Sorry but you have the distorted worldview. Yep. I know there is no intelligence requirement for state legislatures, so I can see any one person being oblivious, but it boggles my mind that a group of people could think it is a good idea to pass a bill which will be a death knell to the party. It's oddly similar to the support of Trump, who can't possibly win. It's like a huge swath of the country doesn't want to actually win, but wants to lose and then be able to whine about it.
  17. 1 point
    Seems reasonable to me. Some wouldn’t be happy unless they had the option to snuff the baby out at birth
  18. 1 point
    Elon Musk isn't in it any of this for the money. He needs money to go and colonize Mars. That's what he wants. The reason he supports the GOP and the Republicans right now is that they aren't going to get in his way. The current Democratic Party, the way it's constructed and behaves, is going to get in his way. Feelings over facts and persecuting people for wrong think and letting cities burn is a truly stupid way to encourage and support progress. You can't build rockets if the cities where the parts are built are in chaos. If the current Democratic Party was seen as one of real progress, Musk would probably support them. And he'd probably have left Twitter alone. Trying to force everyone to electric vehicles without any plan towards practical infrastructure and basic logistics is beyond stupid. Musk makes electric cars and even he realizes the way it's being done is stupid. Many people can't afford their rent and the cost of food, how the hell can they buy an electric car? If Biden had some fraction of a reasonable energy policy, then Musk would have just left this all alone. Today's Democratic Party is anti progress. They'll demand someone like Musk hire a black person or a woman or a gay person first, instead of the person who can best build a damn rocket ship. Maybe that person will end up being a woman. Or a black person. Or a gay person. But Musk wants the freedom to decide for himself. Something to pay attention to is that in just 2-3 years, the Democratic Party has made enemies of a large cross section of different people with major platforms. Musk is a big one. Joe Rogan is another. Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr. So not only are they anti progress, they are also failing the basic "Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend" principle. Musk is an explorer. He's an innovator. Sure, he's an ######## too. But if the Democrats want him to get out of their way, they shouldn't make the progress he wants so damn hard all the time. Smart people don't resent stupid people until those stupid people make the lives of the smart people impossible and miserable.
  19. 1 point
    Suck it up buttercup. You are getting 1/100th of what Conservatives have been facing for the last 10 years.
  20. 1 point
    If the liberals on this board could have seen their posts from present day 10 years ago, they would say that their accounts were hacked. It’s so strange what has happened to that side.
  21. 1 point
    When everything coming out recently is “woke”, then something coming out that isn’t makes news. It’s pretty simple.
  22. 1 point
    I want to see this movie. My kids and I have played a lot of Mario Kart and Mario Party the past few years, and my son and I just finished Super Mario World last week.
  23. 1 point
    Nothing worse than a front load washing machine. My old place had side by side top load washer. New place has stacked but the washer is front load. So it’s already small off the bat and then as your putting stuff in it it’s falling back out on you.
  24. 1 point
    All of this is true. It started with the Community Reinvestment Act, which did not do all that much really.....until Clinton.....and then it started, next thing you know bing-bam-boom and banks are predating on minorities....
  25. 1 point
    Tranny stripper? Let's cut the bulllshit and call it what it was - a colored queer dressed up like a women.
