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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    My 2012 Taurus could not stay out of the shop either. I cut it after 2 seasons.
  2. 2 points
    He celebrated by spraining an ankle
  3. 2 points
    9.03 Straight Tequilla Night - John Anderson 1990s
  4. 2 points
    This is the Party that voted for unrestricted abortions right up until the moment when the baby's head is coming out. With only one dissenting vote in the House! That's the sickest shitt I've seen in my lifetime, and it's not even close. Bottom line - Liberals are flawed people. No other way to say it. Their beliefs and their way of doing business is antithetical to a civilized, peaceful society. This country is in shambles right now. Biden is letting in millions of illegal aliens - all on the taxpayer's dime. Soros-funded DA's are putting criminals back on the street quicker than their victims can be rendered medical attention. They aren't just allowing - they are advocating for - irreversible sex change procedures for children. They want to teach sexuality to kids in the 3rd grade. WTF? When I was in 3rd grade I thought everyone had a wiener. But the worst thing Liberals do is divide the country with identity politics, to the point where race relations are the worst I've seen in my lifetime. Actually, Liberals have taken it a step further. They are now actively teaching that black people are victims and white people are oppressors. What do they hope to accomplish by this? Do they think this will help improve race relations? Sometimes it really does feel like these idiots are intentionally trying to destroy this country. I could go on and on, but what's the use? It won't change any Liberal minds. Words don't penetrate their thick skulls. Hell, Timschochet still thinks the media doesn't have a Liberal bias. You can't reason with people like this. Furthermore, many of them don't even want to talk to Conservatives. They are perfectly happy seeing Conservative voices muted, censored, and canceled - 1A be damned. We've tried talking things out. We thought it would get better when Trump left, but it didn't. It got worse. We've arrived at a place of irreconcilable differences. In my mind the best path forward is a civil divorce. It's either that or civil war. We all know that there isn't any possibility of reconciliation between these diametrically opposed worldviews. So yeah, let's carve it up and go our separate ways. Everyone will be happier.
  5. 2 points
    It is so f-ing disgusting all the left can do is attack Tucker. Not a single person on the left is shocked that the FBI hid exculpatory evidence and lied to courts which enabled the courts to keep a peaceful man in prison under the false narrative that he was too dangerous to release. The left does not give one sh1t that a conservative was abused by the system. because as I have been saying for years, the left view conservatives as sub-human who do not deserve rights. January 6th was tragic day in American history not for how the protestors acted, but how the FBI acted. Everybody knew January 6th was going to have protests. The FBI infiltrated and knew who the bad actors were. An FBI operative was on a blow horn egging people to seige the Capitol. The FBI/CIA is the modern day Gestapo. We must stop allowing those bastards to hide behind 'classified' information. Covering up for your dirty deeds is not what classifying material is for. The FBI not only let it happen, they made it happen, and then they capitolized on it.
  6. 1 point
    Cmon guys, the MSM is fair in its coverage. And they aren't lying when they DON'T report on it, are they? Are they?! Of course not! Therefore it is NOT an example of the MSM being biased. Sheesh, you people don't think these things through like us lefties with the smartz.
  7. 1 point
    This is a bailout, we are paying for it. Great plan.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    The saddest part is that Jussie knew his lies would be gobbled up and pedaled by the MSM. He didn’t invent fake racism. He was so confident that he wouldn’t be questioned, that he never saw how easily his story could be unraveled.
  11. 1 point
    #1 May - Summer getting ready to get started. #12 January - Cold, long, dark all the time. June used to be my favorite until it was hijacked by the homos
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    It helps if you spread peanut butter on its wang first.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah. You gotta see how the team utilizes these players too. I'll be interested where the Bears play him to start. And see what they ask him to do.
  15. 1 point
    The line forms behind Nuno Bettencourt
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Your wife calls it "gaaaggh gaaaggghh gaaaggghh"
  18. 1 point
    ChiefsPlanet.com RIP though
  19. 1 point
    The pro bowls honestly mean little and Bills fans would laugh when he made them. Matt Milano wasn't near the prospect nor has the measurables of Edmunds but he is twice the player and the glue on that defense. Bills had a good defense last few years but they could be ran on. Edmunds is better in coverage than plugging holes. He rarely plays on the other side of the line of scrimmage. Meanwhile Milano made those plays. Edmunds I think would be a better true sam lber than some who mans the middle. He came in real young like 19 so he may have ore room for improvement. Dont care for his instincts basically.
  20. 1 point
    Yeah, I don't care about your insecure little cut downs of myself and others on this site. You have to live with you in the end. That's gotta be punishment enough.
  21. 1 point
    But once Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis will become the devil.
  22. 1 point
    and he could sit a year and learn from the best. I dont mind that move at all. Kelce may not like it much, but hes probably two years from retirement. (maybe 3) it normally takes at least 2-3 years for most TE's to breakout anyways. not many light it up in year 1.
  23. 1 point
    2017-2019 were three of the best years in our nations history. I think Desantis can bring it back. But if it’s Trump it’s Trump. Let the games begin.
  24. 1 point
    So four more years of Biden. Good job retardicans.
  25. 1 point
