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Found 81 results

  1. Patented Phil

    The white supremacists on my block are upset

    DC - during the inauguration - exactly as shown in the video you dumbasss. 217 people were arrested for rioting and 6 cops were injured. Even the Liberal mayor of DC used the word “destruction” in talking about it. God you are an insufferable asss.
  2. Dude, Arod is a WOKE Snowflake, he's one of you . He's a granola crunching hippie. Dumbasss
  3. I gave you the minute mark dumbasss. You still won't because you like keeping your head up your asss. I just posted it so everyone else knows what a POS you are.
  4. She wasn't washed in 2006 dumbasss. https://www.bostonherald.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2007/02/11/011218stormydaniels001.jpg?w=620
  5. Jose M

    AZ Brings Back 160 Year Old Abortion Ban

    No the someone says someone from Trumps camp says he'd support a national ban is fake news. Same exact thing happened last month and the campaign issued a statement saying its not true. Go kick yourself in the balls dumbasss. Biggest idiot on the board by a mile. Jesus.
  6. Maximum Overkill

    Uh oh... Rashee Rice...

    Haha. He's a dumbasss.
  7. Maximum Overkill

    Kyle Rittenhouse - Criminal or Hero?

    It doesn't matter dumbasss. He still acted in self defense. The guy just happened to be a Pedo. Why are you upset?? Self defense and he took out a Pedo. Nothing to see here just like the courts ruled.
  8. Maximum Overkill

    Uh oh... Rashee Rice...

    It's satire dumbasss
  9. They can't charge whatever they want. Send the IRS agents after them like you promised. This is student load forgiveness 2.0. Guess what, those late fees, you agreed to them when you signed up for the CC dumbasss. You'd probably be ok with them forgiving the loans altogether and make rich people and/or the banks pay it.
  10. Horseman

    Timmy’s thread for general discussion

    Half this nation seems to be under some kind of evil spell! That was hyperbole, what I really meant was they’re being fooled and they don’t see the threat before their eyes! Yeah, big difference dumbasss. That's not an extreme take either!
  11. Move some of your wife's boxes and take a look in the mirror dumbasss. How many aliases across how many forums and how many suspensions? You've got that loser award wrapped up by a mile.
  12. Murder. Youre no expert thats for sure, at even reading your own link. They ruled on a civil law dumbasss. It means parents can bring suit against them for accidentally destroying an embryo. It would be covered under Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. You couldn't get any dumber if you repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Murder.
  13. Horseman

    Top 10 Signs You’re Wearing Trump Sneakers

    Duh. China makes by far the most shoes in the world including all the top 10 manufacturers. You don't think Donald would settle for anything but the best would you. Dumbasss liberals think this is some sort of gotcha.
  14. Seven reasons why you're wrong and all you can come back with is your tired adolescent one liner. It's too easy proving what a dumbasss you are. Everyone sees it. A giant worthless POS.
  15. Didnt realize there was a “N” in the queer alphabet yet. Can’t say I’m surprised though. But if you dug her up she won’t put herself back in the ground dumbasss.
  16. The test is simple on purpose dumbasss. We aren't measuring IQ, we're measuring cognitive function. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/analysis/ I'm not so sure Biden could correctly draw 3:40 on an analog clock even if someone explained the question to him. I'm sure you are though.
  17. Horseman

    Joe Biden - Diminished Faculties—👀

    Explaining it away as a sure thing is dumb because even if it was a sure thing, and it's not, you'd make twice the money betting at a sportsbook. Gamblers spend enormous amounts of time finding an edge. To offer up odds worse than vegas is just stupid. Twice that of vegas is just a dumbasss blowhard not having a clue. Per usual.
  18. Horseman

    Joe Biden - Diminished Faculties—👀

    Words mean things dumbasss. Especially after you've already agreed to the bet. You have to wait until November, just like you said. If Biden is the nominee but dies on Halloween you lose.
  19. Horseman

    Joe Biden - Diminished Faculties—👀

    It's one post above the one you quoted dumbasss.
  20. Horseman

    Supreme Court hearing on Trump, Colorado

    POTUS isn't a state office dumbasss.
  21. Its exageration not to be taken seriously. It's used for dramatic effect. If you say it's not true you're taking it seriously. Read a dictionary dumbasss.
  22. Ruined his life and it didn’t even move the needle. Poor dumbasss. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/politics/charles-littlejohn-trump-taxes-leak/index.html
  23. The SCOTUS ruled that a EO should stay in place until the EO in question makes it to their level. 2+2=4? The writing was on the wall dumbasss.