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Chuck Rodgers working out w/ 3rd team

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the lions made a mistake by not taking santonio holmes when they had the chance.

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I just heard on sports radio on my way to lunch that Martz said Rogers is making good progress over the last couple days since camps began.

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the lions made a mistake by not taking santonio holmes when they had the chance.


Should that statement be followed by a :angry: ?


Surely you're not suggesting they should have wasted another high draft pick on a WR? :(

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Should that statement be followed by a :ninja: ?


Surely you're not suggesting they should have wasted another high draft pick on a WR? :(



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Just my opinion here....but I think this is just a motivation tool by the coaching staff.


In the games Rogers has actually played....he's produced pretty well. He's got a tremendous amount of talent and the injuries he's sustained haven't been anything related to his legs (broken collarbone).


Call me crazy....but i still think that Rogers, in Mike Martz's offense, is going to make some noise in the fantasy world this year. It's pretty bold at this point but I'll stick by my gut.

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Just my opinion here....but I think this is just a motivation tool by the coaching staff.


In the games Rogers has actually played....he's produced pretty well. He's got a tremendous amount of talent and the injuries he's sustained haven't been anything related to his legs (broken collarbone).


Call me crazy....but i still think that Rogers, in Mike Martz's offense, is going to make some noise in the fantasy world this year. It's pretty bold at this point but I'll stick by my gut.



I live in Michigan so I'm forced to watch Lions football every Sunday (to cheap for Sunday ticket). The only time I've seen Rogers decent was in his 1st year prior to the 1st collarbone injury. He showed a lot of promise. Since then he's been in a downward spiral. He played in games last year and you'd never have even known he was in the game.


Rogers has a ton to prove. If I had to guess I'd say Rogers is either too stupid or too lazy to achieve success in Martz system. I think Williams has a better shot if he tries. And I think Roy Williams is a star waiting to happen if he'd just man up and quit with the excuses.

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I believe the west coast offense that Mooch was trying to install requires a smart QB to get the ball into the athletic hands of the playmakers. ROY & BMW seem to be very good for that system (In theory anyway, I know it didn't work out).


However, in a Martz "timing" Offense, I think it's more cerebral. Who knows which, if any, of these guys will be a good fit. We're really going to have to let this play out a little more & see who best picks up Martz's scheme.


I've often wondered just how good Martz is. Was he really a genius or did he just reap the benefits of Vermeils hard work? I guess we'll know soon enough.

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all i have to say is Glenn Martinez and Mike Furrey are not even 3rd and 4th WRs at best

who the fock IS Glenn Martinez???


i'll take yet another late round flier on Rogers, call me crazy but at least i know Kitna can get the ball around to WRs and the system is one that should favor the passing game

serioiusly, someone other than Roy should do well this year, the Lions curse can't be that crippling....

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serioiusly, someone other than Roy should do well this year, the Lions curse can't be that crippling....


Yeah, Cory Bradford or Scottie Vines or the tight end they got from Indy....whatever his name is.



If Martz system calls for "cerebral" players, count Rogers and Mike Williams out now!

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If Martz system calls for "cerebral" players, count Rogers and Mike Williams out now!

well fock, they can understand "go deep" cant they

you cant get a pattern any easier than running straight, im sure week by week they can learn 90 degree angles and the difference between left and right

by the end of the season they might even have slants down :(

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I don't really see much risk in putting Rogers in as the #3 and I presume that's where Martz is going. Rogers has nowhere near the route running skills or intelligence required to perform in a 'hot read' oriented offence. That said, he needs to work those things out during live fire exercises so to speak. He has all the tangible qualities you need to succeed at WR so Detroit really has to give him some sort of shot to win a job now that he's finally healthy.

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in fairness, martz said on detroit radio today that rogers has made "giant strides" this week and not to count him out.


as martz pretty much tells it like it is i'll take his word on it.


that said, i surely won't touch chuckie with a 10-foot pole in my ff drafts.

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well fock, they can understand "go deep" cant they

Yeah, but it'll take Williams until next offseason to get deep. :blink:

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guess there are conflicting reports, in this one Martz is praising Charles




don't see it as conflicting. martz is lining him up at 3rd string and telling him to earn it; martz is also noticing that rogers is practicing well.

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Yeah, but it'll take Williams until next offseason to get deep. :mad:



and your wife is STILL waiting...





:mad: Sorry, couldn't pass on the ez lay-up. J/K

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