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Ooops. ESPN and media

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Anyone watch the Owens press conference?




Teee heee....oops. We reported a story before we actually knew the facts of the story.


Oh well. It's only TO. We can do what we want when we want, to whoever we want, with no recourse by the person(s) we so blatently accused of whatever it was they didn't do.

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Anyone watch the Owens press conference?

Teee heee....oops. We reported a story before we actually knew the facts of the story.


Oh well. It's only TO. We can do what we want when we want, to whoever we want, with no recourse by the person(s) we so blatently accused of whatever it was they didn't do.


What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, I tried to kill myself. I'm crazy. Go ahead and void my contract."




The truth will eventually come out, and when it does I expect it not to come out in his favor. I especially liked his publicist calling the Dallas PD liars.


Get a clue, dude.

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The guy is what he is. The Cowboys have who they thought they had. He didn't do anying IMO, that outlandish. The bike helmet thing...yeah...cute...distracting, whatever.

The hamstring, looked at through microscope by the media, yet Smith and Ward were left alone. Yeah okay...so the media beat him up a little over those things...whatever. No big deal either way. All taken with a grain of salt.


This suicide sh1t?

WTF...the guy doesn't deserve that. And yet he was a cordial as could be at the press conference.

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What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, I tried to kill myself. I'm crazy. Go ahead and void my contract."



Yeah, and the hospital personel said "He took 35 pills. He attempted suicide. That being said, we are letting him out to run free." You obviously think they said that. But hey..you are entitled to your opinion. My opinion and your opinion just differ, that's all.


It's my opinion that they wouldn't let him out had it been a suicide attempt. I do realize though, that you disagree with that.

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I am not a TO fan but the press really screwed him over this time. Once he was released from the hospital it was clear he did not try to kill himself but they kept the speculation going until they couldn't.

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Matt Leinhart is starting on Sunday and TO tried to commit suicide. Is Dan Rather running Disney/ESPN now? :dunno:

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Not that TO needs the money.. but he could totaly sue a lot of people for libel. :dunno:


Except that he knows that his publicist was most likely the first to blame as far as what we know so far.


Eric K on ESPN radio now is saying something similar...though he is taking it a bit further than I would.


But I do not think we are getting the complete truth from everyone at this point. Not from TO, not from his PR person, not from Parcells and the Cowboys.

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The sports media is a disgrace. If TO didn't attempt suicide, and the hospital can confirm this, heads should roll.

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Not that TO needs the money.. but he could totaly sue a lot of people for libel. :dunno:


very difficult for a public official/celebrity to win a libel suit. public officials must prove falsehood, damage, negligence (just like private citizens) of the news media in question--AND (and here's the kicker) "actual malice" on the part of the news service.


the last one makes it almost impossible for a public official to win a libel case.




The sports media is a disgrace. If TO didn't attempt suicide, and the hospital can confirm this, heads should roll.



the hospital will confirm nothing about a patient. a little thing called 'patient confidentiality'--and if they have released info on him (as some here seem to suggest) they're probably in more doo-doo than even the media.

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T.O. did not get raped. He got exactly what he always wants attention. Maybe he did not expect it to get to this level but he sure was reaching for some from the people around him. Who takes pills out of the bottle and puts them in a drawer. You do this so when someone thinks you may have OD the pills cant be found. Explain why the pills were taken out the bottle and put in a drawer? This guy has lacking in some type of mental capacity. I do feel sorry for him but not from a media standpoint. I feel sorry because this guy as issues that he can't seem to overcome.

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But the news sources reported harmful information about him without checking their facts. An attempted suicide will hurt his credibility and marketability. Weather its true or not is not the issue. The issue is privacy laws protect T.O. and if they dont have substantial evidence to report this story they should not have written anything. AP, ESPN, all the local Dallas News sources, the DPD and the Hospital may all be in trouble for either Slander or Libel. If I was TO's attorney I would be licking my chops right now.

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The media did NOTHING wrong in my opinion. The police write-up that was obtained said very clearly that this was a SUICIDE ATTEMPT. That was information written by medical workers and handed out by police. Blame those people!


The media does a lot of strange things, but this wasn't some inside source or speculation. This was from a police document.

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But the news sources reported harmful information about him without checking their facts. An attempted suicide will hurt his credibility and marketability. Weather its true or not is not the issue. The issue is privacy laws protect T.O. and if they dont have substantial evidence to report this story they should not have written anything. AP, ESPN, all the local Dallas News sources, the DPD and the Hospital may all be in trouble for either Slander or Libel. If I was TO's attorney I would be licking my chops right now.


God - learn the law.


The police report stated they asked him if he was "trying to harm himself" - TO responded "yes". Even at his news conference he didn't deny saying it - only that he was incoherent.


Case dismissed.

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But the news sources reported harmful information about him without checking their facts. An attempted suicide will hurt his credibility and marketability. Weather its true or not is not the issue. The issue is privacy laws protect T.O. and if they dont have substantial evidence to report this story they should not have written anything. AP, ESPN, all the local Dallas News sources, the DPD and the Hospital may all be in trouble for either Slander or Libel. If I was TO's attorney I would be licking my chops right now.


Did you watch the press conference. He said he doesn't know what he said when they asked him if he took the pills and if he tried to hurt himself. It is in the Police report which anyone who pays a fee can go get that he responded yes to both questions. How is that libel or slander?

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But the news sources reported harmful information about him without checking their facts. An attempted suicide will hurt his credibility and marketability. Weather its true or not is not the issue. The issue is privacy laws protect T.O. and if they dont have substantial evidence to report this story they should not have written anything. AP, ESPN, all the local Dallas News sources, the DPD and the Hospital may all be in trouble for either Slander or Libel. If I was TO's attorney I would be licking my chops right now.


nope. while "negligence" on the part of the media can be proven (if the story is incorrect), owens and his attorney would be hardpressed to prove actual malice on the part of the news agencies.


there is zero chance--zero--of owens winning a libel case.


end of discussion.

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Matt Leinhart is starting on Sunday and TO tried to commit suicide. Is Dan Rather running Disney/ESPN now? ;)


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TO is a douche. I just thought I'd throw this out there right now....


Even though I dont like him, I really am tired of the media coverage. When SS, Ward, and others missed preseason with hammys, everyone focused on TOs. Jesus, its like I can't get away from him. Now this, which looks to me like an unfortunate accident, and it almost makes me feel sorry for him.

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Matt Leinhart is starting on Sunday and TO tried to commit suicide. Is Dan Rather running Disney/ESPN now? :thumbsdown:



This is by far the best comment of the day on this.


Oh, and I know someone that tried to cut their wrists and was out of the hospital in 6 hours. It can happen.


I thought all the crap he got is a product of what he produced, but i think it gets all blown out of proportion. When the 911 call is released, we will all know why this was or should not have been a suicide story.

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The media did NOTHING wrong in my opinion. The police write-up that was obtained said very clearly that this was a SUICIDE ATTEMPT. That was information written by medical workers and handed out by police. Blame those people!


The media does a lot of strange things, but this wasn't some inside source or speculation. This was from a police document.



If you watched the Police news conference, that report WAS NOT supposed to be released because it was not accurate. So I blame the Police and the media for eating this all up. Sue their a** off TO!!!

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If you watched the Police news conference, that report WAS NOT supposed to be released because it was not accurate. So I blame the Police and the media for eating this all up. Sue their a** off TO!!!


And that's the media's fault? Again, blame Dallas police if you want, but the media used a police document and didn't make up information.

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The police report is a public record. It clearly states that based on the statements of his publicist and TO himself that this was a suicide attept.


There is no slander or libel on the part of the press here. Just a lot of backpedaling by TO's publicist.

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Can you say "cry wolf" :cry: who is going to believe a thing from him now. Shame on anyone for taking the bait on this one after his long history :dunno: . Personally if he is even mentioned on the TV I am voting with my remote.... switch the channel. :blink:

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Anyone watch the Owens press conference?

Teee heee....oops. We reported a story before we actually knew the facts of the story.


Oh well. It's only TO. We can do what we want when we want, to whoever we want, with no recourse by the person(s) we so blatently accused of whatever it was they didn't do.





Oh, and everyone can stop saying the police reported it as a suicide - that was all BS based on the paramedic talking to the media.

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That was information written by medical workers


So they said he was suicidal, and let him out of the hospital? Hmm. Odd.



Can you say "cry wolf"



Ummm...where exactly did he cry wolf?

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The media did NOTHING wrong in my opinion. The police write-up that was obtained said very clearly that this was a SUICIDE ATTEMPT. That was information written by medical workers and handed out by police. Blame those people!


The media does a lot of strange things, but this wasn't some inside source or speculation. This was from a police document.


The original report was OK it was after he was released from the hospital they screwed up. Fortunately I have never know anyone who tried to comitt suicide but I do know that if you do, you are not released from the hospital that quickly. I think a few people at ESPN know that too.

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So they said he was suicidal, and let him out of the hospital? Hmm. Odd.

Ummm...where exactly did he cry wolf?


He wasn't out of hospital when they got the report. AGAIN, the media went with police information.

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One thing people are forgetting here, and I don't see a lot of credibility in TO or his publicist, is that if the initial reports turn out to have been correct, then there is a lot of people who are chosing to ignore some obvious warning signs of a very troubled person. Forgetting about the media nonsense for a minute, the last thing you want to do in a situation like this is sweep it under the rug and pretent that everything is okay. And it seems to me there may be a lot of people close to TO who are more concerned with his image than his well being.

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Oh, and everyone can stop saying the police reported it as a suicide - that was all BS based on the paramedic talking to the media.


No the first version of the police report did report it as a suicide. But they say that that was due to statements from the paramedic to them, not the media. When the final version of the report was put out by police all that stuff was blacked out.


It's still not over because there is still the 911 tape that has yet to be heard.


The police document, first reported by WFAA-TV, said Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time [he] stated, 'Yes.'"


When officially released by police, about half the document was blacked out, including the phrases "attempting suicide by prescription pain medication" and "a drug overdose," as well as the details of Owens having two pills pried from his mouth and Owens saying "Yes" when asked if he intended to harm himself.


Etheredge, who said she was the friend cited in the police document, told Dallas-area media Wednesday that the police got the story wrong.


The tape of the 911 call could help clear things up. The Associated Press filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act to get its contents, but fire department officials said it would not be available before late Wednesday.

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Yeah, and the hospital personel said "He took 35 pills. He attempted suicide. That being said, we are letting him out to run free." You obviously think they said that. But hey..you are entitled to your opinion. My opinion and your opinion just differ, that's all.


It's my opinion that they wouldn't let him out had it been a suicide attempt. I do realize though, that you disagree with that.


man, he's not the only one with that opinion. i'm pretty sure the hospital didn't want the headache of keeping him there against his will. we'll see what happened when the 911 tapes come out. his excuse is already as shaky as an old car going 85 up a hill on bad gas.

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He wasn't out of hospital when they got the report. AGAIN, the media went with police information.


He was out of the hospital in the A.M. ESPN had it on their website until right after TO's press conference.

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One thing can be learned from this... don't buy your "natural supplements" from Micheal Irvin.


"Mind if I do a J."

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People are talking about his image, potential lawsuits, implications to football, trying to be the first to break a story..., and I'm left wondering if there is a person out there with the slightest care for this guy's well being.

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He was out of the hospital in the A.M. ESPN had it on their website until right after TO's press conference.


What does this have to do with the police report? They learned he was out of the hospital right around noon. The police report was obtained by WFAA around 9am.


News coverage isn't about making conclusions. They can't assume the story isn't true just because he's out of the hospital. Again, for the 500th time, the only concrete information they could go by was a police report.

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One thing people are forgetting here, and I don't see a lot of credibility in TO or his publicist, is that if the initial reports turn out to have been correct, then there is a lot of people who are chosing to ignore some obvious warning signs of a very troubled person. Forgetting about the media nonsense for a minute, the last thing you want to do in a situation like this is sweep it under the rug and pretent that everything is okay. And it seems to me there may be a lot of people close to TO who are more concerned with his image than his well being.


Either that or we're smart enough to recognize non-news wen we see it.


Some people would prefer to believe the 2nd hand information of an ambulance driver over listening to the man himself.


There were no "signs" - he took his suppliments and took his vicodin, and had an adverse reaction. It happens. It's happened to thousands of people.


So because some d0uchebag in the media decided to run with the "TO Tried to commit suicide" headline, and every other media circuis latched onto it like a bulldog on a soup bone, we're all suppossed to show some deep concern for TO?


I feel for TO that he had to go through this bullsh!t over a simple trip to the hospital to see why he wasn't feeling well after mixing suppliments & vicodin - otherwise, there's nothing to sweep under the rug. Did it ever occur to you that everything actually might be OK and that pretending isn't necessary?


no, it probably didn't.

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It's odd how Rothlisberber's suicide attempt gathered a lot less attention.

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The guy is what he is. The Cowboys have who they thought they had. He didn't do anying IMO, that outlandish. The bike helmet thing...yeah...cute...distracting, whatever.

The hamstring, looked at through microscope by the media, yet Smith and Ward were left alone. Yeah okay...so the media beat him up a little over those things...whatever. No big deal either way. All taken with a grain of salt.


This suicide sh1t?

WTF...the guy doesn't deserve that. And yet he was a cordial as could be at the press conference.



probably the most intelligent post i have read on here. thank you for someone finally having a head on their shoulders and posting what is true! :first:

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