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FU Rude Rick

Iran, Syria Relieved That Democrats Won

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November 10, 2006


Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - Iran and Syria say that a Democrat-controlled Congress and the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld could relieve the pressure on them, officials from those countries said.


Both Iran and Syria have been under pressure from the U.S. -- Iran, for its refusal to abandon its nuclear program; and Syria for its alleged involvement in the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.


The U.S. also has criticized Damascus for hosting the headquarters of Palestinian terrorist organizations and for supporting the insurgency in Iraq.


Washington has accused both countries, which back the Hizballah terrorist organization in Lebanon, of trying to topple the government in Beirut.


Syrian officials said the U.S. midterm elections mark a "significant change," and they view it as an American vote "against the neo-conservative mentality of the current administration."


"The outcome of the theses elections [is] a genuine punishment from the American people to [President Bush's] administration that staged a war on Iraq because of incorrect and inaccurate stimulations," Syrian Information Minister Dr Mohsen Bilal said in an interview with al-Jazeera, according to the official Syrian news agency SANA.


"Therefore the U.S. and British forces are in a mess there now," Bilal was quoted as saying on Thursday.


Bilal noted that incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes the war in Iraq. "This lady has made the word of the American people audible," he said. "And this is very comfortable."


Iranian analysts were quoted as saying that the Democrats will try to resolve the standoff with Iran through negotiations. They also welcomed the resignation of Rumsfeld.


Iranian state-run radio called Rumsfeld a "symbol of stupidity and unilateralism" and said his resignation represented "America's defeat in Iraq, the end of the era of neo-conservatives and the failure of America's war policy -- of which Rumsfeld was the architect."


Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani also expressed optimism that the defeat of the Republicans "might soften the U.S. war-mongering policy in the region."


Larijani, who is close to Supreme Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said "It is possible that the United States will behave in a wiser manner and will not pit itself against Iran."


In Israel, experts have said the only way to avoid a military confrontation with Iran is for the U.S. and its allies to be willing to use force -- and to make that clear to Tehran.


Israel's newly appointed Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh said that Israel must prevent Tehran from succeeding in its nuclear pursuits "at all costs."


Sneh said he was not advocating "Israeli preemptive military action," which he considers a "last resort."


"But even the last resort is sometimes the only resort," Sneh told the Jerusalem Post in comments published on Friday.

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Guest Davaco

we can win the war and keep Iran and syria happy



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Is this the Democrat platform? Sucking Irani cack?

I'm relieved, too.


Relieved that bootlickin', butt-munching, ass-kissing, page-raping, deficit-bustin' Republitard lemmings no longer have carte blanche to fock up the country as they have for the past 6 years.


Thank the good Lord! :dunno:

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Bush suck ass! High five!

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I wouldn't go that far. Iran is a serious issue for the United States and the world. It's not a Republican or Democrat issue. Even France wants Iran to hault it's nuclear ambissions. Russia and China are the only countries outside of the Middle East that favor Iran. Nancy Pelosi has it out for China in a big way and she is outspoken against them. I don't think she'll shy away from Iran. No one in congress wants to see a nuclear Iran.

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Focking retards. Bush is more likely to bomb them back to the stoneages now then he was two weeks ago.

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Is our foreign policy now to do whatever the enemy doesn't want us to do? Al Qaida doesn't want us to leave Iraq because it's become their #1 recruitment pitch - should we leave immediately? Also, the new Secretary of Defense has argued that Syria and Iran could play a role in stabilizing Iraq. Is he appeasing them?Most sloppy thinking from the Bush right. You guys had your shot and failed, now please STFU while the new Congress fixes this mess, thanks.

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How come when someone says that the administration is alienating us with the rest of the world the Republicans say we don't care what anyone else thinks but when something like this is said they are all over it saying look what so and so thinks???

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Is our foreign policy now to do whatever the enemy doesn't want us to do? Al Qaida doesn't want us to leave Iraq because it's become their #1 recruitment pitch - should we leave immediately? Also, the new Secretary of Defense has argued that Syria and Iran could play a role in stabilizing Iraq. Is he appeasing them?Most sloppy thinking from the Bush right. You guys had your shot and failed, now please STFU while the new Congress fixes this mess, thanks.



are you mentally retarded? Now that Dems have control of the houses the slimy people there are all of a sudden going to become saints? Were you even alive when we had a dem congress last time? When something changes then you can talk sh1ot. Until then you should shut the fock up you political hack.


focking welcher :banana:

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are you mentally retarded? Now that Dems have control of the houses the slimy people there are all of a sudden going to become saints? Were you even alive when we had a dem congress last time? When something changes then you can talk sh1ot. Until then you should shut the fock up you political hack.


focking welcher :(


I guess the Bush GOP doesn't really have any answers so I'll just keep repeating the questions:


Who cares what Iran or Syria thinks? Why would their public comments, which are entirely designed to pit Americans against each other, have any effect on our foreign policy? If our goal is to do the exact opposite of what our enemies want, why not leave Iraq immediately since they're hoping for a long, protracted conflict? And if dialogue with Iran and Syria is so bad, why has Bush's new Secretary of Defense argued in favor of it?


Anyone? Beuller? :cry:

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Ok, with the regime change in place there needs to be a shifting of positions among the geeks. One of the lefties has to take kp's job of telling the other side they are crybabies when they post 10 threads a day.

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Ok, with the regime change in place there needs to be a shifting of positions among the geeks. One of the lefties has to take kp's job of telling the other side they are crybabies when they post 10 threads a day.


According to kpbuckeye he is a nonpartisan libertarian type, so I look forward to all of his posts calling Republicans who complain about the Dem congress whiners and crybabies for the next two years.


:cry: :cry: :cry:

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Ok, with the regime change in place there needs to be a shifting of positions among the geeks. One of the lefties has to take kp's job of telling the other side they are crybabies when they post 10 threads a day.



with maybe the exception of rp who on the right cries more than you guys? I have seen two threads of guys whining about congress results. I have seen countless 10+ threads still crying about bush and or the right. Just goes to show you no matter what happens you guys can't give up crying, its in your nature. :dunno:

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with maybe the exception of rp who on the right cries more than you guys?


All you ever do is :thumbsup: You are the biggest puzzay whiner on the board.


:cheers: :doh: :lol:

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I used to kinda like you, now not so much. :mad:

He really serves no purpose. At least you take a stand, argue subjects. He just runs around telling people they ###### too much.

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I used to kinda like you, now not so much. :D


you were the closest I could come to him, no way do I think you are even on his scale. sorry.



zero, here are your contributions to the thread:


Ok, with the regime change in place there needs to be a shifting of positions among the geeks. One of the lefties has to take kp's job of telling the other side they are crybabies when they post 10 threads a day.



He really serves no purpose. At least you take a stand, argue subjects. He just runs around telling people they ###### too much



Please keep running your mouth. :P

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