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Irvin disses Romo...

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Same ol crap. A white guy says something and he's blasted. A black guy says something and its funny. ESPN doenst have the balls to do anything. Focking Crack Head.

Labeling Irvin an Idiot is offensive to the rest of us Crackheads! :pointstosky:


I hate Irvin anyway because he is dumb as a brick and cannot speak proper english. Joking or not there is an obvious double standard here.

But guys THIS particular double standard exist everywhere. There are things African Americans can say and get away with that if a white man said would be immediately reprimanded. It happens every single day in every single occupation. Irvin just happens to nationally televised. He should apologize for his comments, but he will never be fored for them. Mainstream PC has deemed this double standard acceptable and if you don't believe that then simply start paying more attention to your everyday life.

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and it doesn't suprise me that Irvin is a crackhead

Would you people please stop labeling him a Crackhead! I find it totally offensive to be lumped into the same category as Irvin! :mad:


Someone also said his ancestors probably slept with retards. Well if the retards of the world could read they would be offended by that as well! :blink:

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Irvin can say whatever he want because black people can say one thing and it's okay and white people can say the same thing and have their careers ruined. Why? Because our country is full of a bunch of hypersensitive ######.

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Apparently it IS NOT ok for white people to say it because they get fired for it. Blacks don't and that's a fact! :dunno:


OBTW did everyone hear about good ol' Al Sharpton? He reufses to accept Kramer's apology because it was done on a white show, in a white studio, for a white audience!! Now had a white guy said the same thing about a black guy's apology.....you get the rest ;)

Al Sharpton can go to hell.


It speaks volumes when the Republicans financed Sharpton;s presidential campaign last election... he is such a joke. Why does anyone care what al sharpton says? He is one of the biggest hypocrites in America.

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Muslim is not a race, it's a religion.


I understand that the world overall is too PC but that starts with the media. The media believe they're champions of race and they will save us all because they can show us how these topics should be treated but they aren't consistent.


If you hate PC, watch South Park.....but any type of news (world, local, sports, celebrity) will always be PC. I can't see that ever changing.


I'd love to see some consistency at the very least.


"Muslim is not a race, it's a religion"? Actually, since you are being so critical and dissecting someone's point, let me do the same to you. Muslims practice Islam, that is the religion. :cry:

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White people will let stuff like this slide because White folks see blacks folks as funny a$$ mofos.


Black people will no way in hell let something like this slide because black people see white folks as slave drivers.

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Anyone remember what Steve Lyons said to Lou Piniella during a broadcast? Yep, Fox fired him the next day.


DETROIT (AP) - Fox baseball broadcaster Steve Lyons has been fired for making a racially insensitive comment directed at colleague Lou Piniella's Hispanic heritage on the air during Game 3 of the American League championship series.


The network confirmed Saturday that Lyons was dismissed after Friday's comments. He has been replaced for the remainder of the series by Los Angeles Angels announcer Jose Mota.

"Steve Lyons has been relieved of his Fox Sports duties for making comments on air that the company found inappropriate," network spokesman Dan Bell said.


Lyons had been working in the booth for the ALCS alongside Thom Brennaman and Piniella.


Piniella, approached before Saturday's Game 4, declined to comment on the situation except to say: "No, he's not here today."


and more detail to what he said...


In the second inning of Friday's game between Detroit and Oakland, Piniella talked about the success light-hitting A's infielder Marco Scutaro had in the first round of the playoffs. Piniella said that sluggers Frank Thomas and Eric Chavez needed to contribute, comparing Scutaro's production to finding a "wallet on Friday" and hoping it happened again the next week.


Later, Piniella said the A's needed Thomas to get "en fuego" — hot in Spanish — because he was currently "frio" — or cold. After Brennaman praised Piniella for being bilingual, Lyons spoke up.


Lyons said that Piniella was "hablaing Espanol" — butchering the conjugation for the word "to speak" — and added, "I still can't find my wallet."


"I don't understand him, and I don't want to sit too close to him now," Lyons continued.


Fox executives told Lyons after the game he had been fired.


Well, if Irvin is on the air Sunday then something is wrong in the media.

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Anyone remember what Steve Lyons said to Lou Piniella during a broadcast? Yep, Fox fired him the next day.

and more detail to what he said...

Well, if Irvin is on the air Sunday then something is wrong in the media.

i don't have any background knowledge on the lyons thing, but it sounds pretty different from what irvin said to me. lyons insinuated that hispanics are thieves. irvin insinuated that black people are fast. irvin's comments were more a brag on his own race than a slight to others imo. and even if someone really took offense at the implication that non-blacks aren't as quick, joking about a race being slow is pretty different from joking about a race being all thieves.


it really seems like a lot of you see reverse-discimination everywhere w/out thinking about the situation. i agree that there are blacks that scream discrimination unjustifiably, but there are a lot of whites (represented well in this thread) that apparently see discrimination everywhere too -- bunch of whiny pansies all of you. hearing whites complain about the horrible double-standards they have to endure is so pathetic it honestly embarrasses me (as someone that is also white.)

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i don't have any background knowledge on the lyons thing, but it sounds pretty different from what irvin said to me. lyons insinuated that hispanics are thieves. irvin insinuated that black people are fast. irvin's comments were more a brag on his own race than a slight to others imo. and even if someone really took offense at the implication that non-blacks aren't as quick, joking about a race being slow is pretty different from joking about a race being all thieves.


it really seems like a lot of you see reverse-discimination everywhere w/out thinking about the situation. i agree that there are blacks that scream discrimination unjustifiably, but there are a lot of whites (represented well in this thread) that apparently see discrimination everywhere too -- bunch of whiny pansies all of you. hearing whites complain about the horrible double-standards they have to endure is so pathetic it honestly embarrasses me (as someone that is also white.)

nice broad sweeping generalization. I don't think anyone said it was horrible to endure the double standard. just that the double standard exists. Also not sure where you get that whites see discrimination everywhere. everyone on this thread has mentioned the same couple of examples. you are embarassing yourself.

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First....im not shocked to see another "announcer" thread on this board. Ive really never seen anything like this on a board before......every week you guys start up a thread about who the announcers are, the field reporters, etc. Lol...ive never seen a collective board more worked up about who is announcing over who is playing.





Irvin said nothing racist about white people. Saying that some ancestor had sex with a black man? Big fvcking deal.


Id rather you just said..."I dont like Irvin...so im going to get myself worked over anything he says i dont like". I could at least repect that.


but to call this racist.....when its not is laughable.


Is it stupid? Yes.....but not racist.

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stuff like this, is the issue right before our eyes. this is the stuff i see (especially in the usa) that creates the issues we have before us. unfortunately a large percentage of our western society has some controversial racial beliefs, and this guy is amongst the worst. from here on out you can play the role of the racist advocate on this board. congratulations. enjoy your miserable, average life......karma is a nasty thing.


Lighten up Francis.


i don't have any background knowledge on the lyons thing, but it sounds pretty different from what irvin said to me. lyons insinuated that hispanics are thieves. irvin insinuated that black people are fast. irvin's comments were more a brag on his own race than a slight to others imo. and even if someone really took offense at the implication that non-blacks aren't as quick, joking about a race being slow is pretty different from joking about a race being all thieves.


it really seems like a lot of you see reverse-discimination everywhere w/out thinking about the situation. i agree that there are blacks that scream discrimination unjustifiably, but there are a lot of whites (represented well in this thread) that apparently see discrimination everywhere too -- bunch of whiny pansies all of you. hearing whites complain about the horrible double-standards they have to endure is so pathetic it honestly embarrasses me (as someone that is also white.)


It has been stated over and over by everyone involved in this situation that Lyons did not even know Pinella was hispanic and was not even referring to the hispanic race, just joking with Pinella in the booth. Pinella even said that he did not think anything of what Lyons said. Fox was looking for a reason to fire Lyons and they got it. I am not providing any links either before anyone asks. This has been reported way too many times for you so called race experts not to have any knowledge of this.

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Is it stupid? Yes.....but not racist.



irvin stated quite clearly that romo's success as an athlete was due to racial genetics. was it a joke? perhaps, but the statement was made. any white media personality who made this statement would be accused of racism. that double standard is what is being discussed here.


if you are going to claim that this statement isn't racist, then i'd be curious to know your opinion of limbaugh's comment on mcnabb, and whether or not that was a "racist" statement.

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Honestly, I think what Irvin said was funny and everyone should just let it go. I was suprised that he said something funny to be honest with you. Just because a white guy gets fired for similar comments does not make it right to fire Irvin. People need to stop being so sensitive all the way around. Lighten up everyone. He was joking around.


irvin stated quite clearly that romo's success as an athlete was due to racial genetics. was it a joke? perhaps, but the statement was made. any white media personality who made this statement would be accused of racism. that double standard is what is being discussed here.


if you are going to claim that this statement isn't racist, then i'd be curious to know your opinion of limbaugh's comment on mcnabb, and whether or not that was a "racist" statement.


I don't even remember what Limbaugh said, or maybe I just ignored it.

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dude i think people read into sh!t too much.. I thought saying I hate nigg#r$ and I hate H0nk@ys is racist...If i were to say black people can jump high and white people can shoot three's is that racist or just an opinion that hurts peoples feelings...if that hurts peoples feelings than its just a bunch of pansies runing around screaming racism, its me stating what i think and it shouldnt make any white person or black person feel degrated or threatened... people use this racist word too much. Isnt racism when you treat/speak to

somone different b/c of there skin or their culture? I understand people feel like they are being mistreated when they do certain things like a job interview for instance, but these people should think about it from a managers point of view.. You see a kid walk in w/ pants around his ankles and a hat pulled down to his eye lids and sneakers or boots untied, or a kid wearing a cutoff flannel with a john deer hat and work boots, this is how some people go to job interviews even if its McDonalds or a Bank etc. Its a place of business and if you cant dress professional to get a job you shouldnt be hired case and point, but no no its racism that guy is a racist whatever it may be.. These kids will never say I walked in there like a slob, they will say thats the style now and he is racist.. alright i am off my soap box and sorry for going of sports topic... thnx

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Its not what he said thats a problem. Obviously it is not that big a deal. The problem is the double standard. If Dan Patrick said it he would be fired or seriously reprimanded. Limbaugh said nothing and was fired. Lyons said something no worse than Irvin said and was fired.

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If a minority ever wants to be considered equal, they need to give up the hand-me-out mentallity. Step up to the plate and get off the friggen nipple!


Are you saying you got a messican sucking on your nipple right now? :rolleyes:

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Honestly, I think what Irvin said was funny and everyone should just let it go. I was suprised that he said something funny to be honest with you. Just because a white guy gets fired for similar comments does not make it right to fire Irvin. People need to stop being so sensitive all the way around. Lighten up everyone. He was joking around.

I don't even remember what Limbaugh said, or maybe I just ignored it.



Rush basically said he thought McNabb was overrated in a sense because the media was trying to find that great black QB. He is a good qb but thinks he is precieved as better then should be because of the whole black qb thing.


Irvin on the other hand said the only way a white guy can be athletic is that his family banged some brothers.

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1 thing is for sure,all these white announcers who lost there jobs just seemed to fall off the face of the earth and never got the opportunities to defend there statements.If Irvin would lose his job he would get more press than the oj trial.Its time to get rid of this guy period!!At 1 time he never agreed with Ditka and anymore he always does,but still interupts and tries to talk louder than the others.Experiment over espn,you cant put earrings on a pig.

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Waaaaaaah, waaaaaah....quit f@cking crying about this sh!t...who cares??? Like someone else said, this junk doesn't look credible to me, especially with Bryant's a$$ crack showing right above it....


And if this is real...then well...lmao @ Irvin...showin naked on the Dan Patrick show


lol @ white folks in this thread catching feelings over some bullsh!t...get over it, white ppl have said sh!t 1000 times worse than what Irvin said.

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Honestly, I think what Irvin said was funny and everyone should just let it go. I was suprised that he said something funny to be honest with you. Just because a white guy gets fired for similar comments does not make it right to fire Irvin. People need to stop being so sensitive all the way around. Lighten up everyone. He was joking around.

I agree with you, it is hilarious. I don't know if Tony Romo likes the insinuations that his great great grandmother was raped in a barn... but as long as a black guy is saying it, we cannot criticize, right? Racial equality and fair standards??


If a white guy said this ... Jesse Jackson would be boycotting ESPN, simple as that. And the white guy's career would be ruined. That is our ridiculous country for you.

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I agree with you, it is hilarious. I don't know if Tony Romo likes the insinuations that his great great grandmother was raped in a barn... but as long as a black guy is saying it, we cannot criticize, right? Racial equality and fair standards??


If a white guy said this ... Jesse Jackson would be boycotting ESPN, simple as that. And the white guy's career would be ruined. That is our ridiculous country for you.


If it was a white guy that made that statement, it would had been a huge media event over the last few days. I'm glad it was a black guy that said this so we can focus on football.

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nice broad sweeping generalization. I don't think anyone said it was horrible to endure the double standard. just that the double standard exists. Also not sure where you get that whites see discrimination everywhere. everyone on this thread has mentioned the same couple of examples. you are embarassing yourself.



people seem awful concerned about it. and folks that are equating kramer's screaming tirade w/irvin's joke are seeing a double-std where it doesn't exist. even comparing lyons saying "all hispanics steal" to irvin's "black people are fast" is really different, and if you don't get that, your desire to find a double-std is trumping your reasoning ability.


white people droning on about reverse-racism/blablabla is usually just pathetic. waaah waaah.

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