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cyclone24 last won the day on May 27

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About cyclone24

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    FF Geek

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  1. cyclone24

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    Celine Dion… I thought she had some sort of condition that she turned into stone or something.
  2. cyclone24

    We are enduring immense hatred.

    I mean it when to say this. And I’m sure I’m not the only one, but this place would be so much better off if you posted less. Pray on it and think about it. Thanks.
  3. cyclone24

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    Man him and Zelensky better hurry up and come get their checks before Joe leaves. I know the left wants folks to rely on the government but I underestimated how much they want others to rely on us as well.
  4. cyclone24

    Trump assassination attempt conspiracy

    Yeah, he saved Trump but fock those other people
  5. cyclone24

    RNC: Trump Acceptance Speech

    Well, I vote for Republican. I just didn’t think it was great. But no it probably didn’t make much difference at all.
  6. cyclone24

    RNC: Trump Acceptance Speech

    I didn’t think the speech was great to be honest. It was meandering. It was not specific, he’s got a lot of very broad ideas for the next four years, but it was so disjointed. I mean, this was his opportunity to reach out to independents and democrats and say what he could do for them. Feel like it was a miss tonight.
  7. cyclone24

    Trump assassination attempt conspiracy

    God saved him. He did? The guy whacked his ear. Yeah, but God kept him alive But just said fock your ear and im not protecting you ALL the way? Its comical
  8. cyclone24

    Trump assassination attempt conspiracy

    Oh my God this is what I’m talking about when I say religious people are absolutely bat shiit crazy. How many Republicans have you heard literally saying that God protected Trump or that God saved Trump or that God and this is my favorite one…that God put shield around Donald. JFC. Certifiable nutjobs.
  9. cyclone24

    Biden is capping rent hikes at $55

    Imagine proposing how much businesses can actually make and trying to come off as not communist.
  10. cyclone24

    Lowering the temperature at the Geek Club

    Who the fock are you?
  11. cyclone24

    JD Vance

    I bet anything. She just lays there and makes little mouse noises. And then burn sage or pours fake holy water on her self. I might be getting off track here.
  12. cyclone24

    JD Vance

    Didn’t know him before this, but Vance comes off really bright. Rating: Would fock.
  13. No, no don’t worry. We know Democrats base their voting off race and sex not the actual merits of the person. You guys have come along ways from wanting judged by the content of our character. Yeesh
  14. Seriously if Joe Biden was a regular person committed a crime today I’m not sure you could mentally find him fit to stand trial as a civilian.
  15. No matter what you think of Trump having it thrown out for that reason is probably the stupidest thing this administration has done. Excellent. Delay it until after the election. Trump gets in and then have the new Attorney General general dump the case. Another sham case isn’t working out for you guys. And if you had any integrity, you’d be wanting a Biden documents case but of course you don’t.