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cyclone24 last won the day on May 27

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About cyclone24

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    FF Geek

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  1. cyclone24

    NCAA Football

    Heck of a game @Hawkeye21 you guys are aggravatingly good in the most nauseously boring way. And I mean that as a compliment.
  2. There it is. If they just happen to believe in the God, you agree with that will fix everything. The comical arrogance of the religious folks is amazing. Did you ever stop to think that maybe some of those people think their God is the correct one?
  3. So two questions. Play in a yahoo league where Taysom still has tightened eligibility. Where would you slot him as far as tied ends given that information? Had another league draft where I got AJ Brown, and Amon Ra…. But my third eye grabbed Davante Smith. Would you have any concerns starting to Eagles wide receivers? thanks in advance and good luck to everyone this year
  4. I mean, I don’t care what side of the aisle you vote on, but if you don’t think our countries under attack from this kind of garbage, I don’t know what to tell you at this point. It’s quite literally rotting from the inside out because of these liberal policies. I don’t even fathom how you could dispute it at this point.
  5. cyclone24

    Wyatt Earp And The Cowboy War (NETFLIX)

    Nice!! Was thinking of starting it tonight
  6. cyclone24

    Best Cinderella song?

    The first minute and a half of bad seamstress blues might be my favorite intro of any song next to enter Sandman
  7. I can understand exit velocity a little bit being important although I think it’s kind of like sprinting. You can get marginally faster, but I wouldn’t say you can really upgrade that a ton. Launch angle I’ve got no idea why that has any importance. I didn’t need to watch it, but I watched probably the first four or five and just watch their swings. They’re not upper cutting the ball in fact they’re trying to put backspin on it. Today’s hitters are just trying to get the ball up and aren’t worried as much about the backspin. Still works, but I think that’s part of why you see batting averages not as good because it’s either out or in the gap or off the wall as opposed to solid singles in my opinion
  8. cyclone24

    Taunting In 2024

    It’s always the people that say it’s dead that weren’t watching anyway. If you suddenly aren’t watching because of taunting penalties, then you’re a moron and I’m OK if you’re not around. Pro sports are doing just fine to the point where people will even watch dog crap WNBA games for God sakes. Never thought I’d see the day.
  9. Like it matters. We have so many insufferable douche bags on here. It’s barely worth looking at this place. There needs to be so many ban hammers leveled out I don’t even know where you start.
  10. Griffin deep throats one croissant over in France and boom fired.
  11. cyclone24

    Orioles Players.

    More dopes that think mysterious voice in their head they say is a God likes their particular team that coincidentally they also like. Certifiable.
  12. He got eeeemm!! Surprised Fox hasnt just closed down now. Squish just slammed the door
  13. cyclone24

    ***Official Best Titty Bar Songs of All-Time Thread***

    Jesus we got this far without Bawitaba by Kid Rock? like a damn stripper national anthem
  14. cyclone24

    What was your first injury playing sports?

    There’s a really good anal joke in here somewhere
  15. cyclone24

    What was your first injury playing sports?

    Had a broken finger and a couple dislocated fingers, but the worst was my broken ankle in college. Playing junior college ball and I think I might still be second or third and three-pointers made but I was getting quite a few looks at bigger schools, couple power fives and after my ankle I just mentally wasn’t the same. Was a dumb 20 year-old kid getting laid and decided to call it.. A classic if I just hadn’t got hurt type nonsense. All good though. I played enough. Just took me too long to get past it.