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Any Geeks ever had mononucleosis?

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I was diagnosed with strep throat Saturday, but went back to the doctor yesterday because I wasn't substantially better. The doctor told me that strep throat is a weakling among infections and should normally be kicked in the nutz by antibiotics in 24-48 hours.


When I went for the follow up he dropped the "mono" bomb on me, telling me I have all the symptoms of mono, but wanting to switch my antibiotics since i had tested positive for strep.


If I'm not over it after the holiday, he'll test me for strep. I'm not feeling optimistic about being over it by then since its just as bad today as yesterday, with the headaches and sleepiness and mild fevers and sore throat.


Who here has dealt with mono in the past and what was your experience?

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Had both, mono and strep, at the same time...sick as a dog. Happened three weeks into the semester in college...lost the whole semester. Once I recovered had no school to worry about. :cheers:



After a few weeks....spring break came up....I was sick, but thought I could travel...The GF (now wife) and I were gonna travel down to N. Carolina. One of her roommates asked for a ride somewhere that was along the way, but wanted to stop at her parents first. On the way we stop at McDonalds. Oh, yeah, I had a new prescription...it was something I never took before, Erythromicine. So we are sitting at this girls parents house at the dining room table, who I never met or would ever met again. Apparently, they did not OK her Spring Break plans. All of a sudden, I'm feeling ill. They let me lie down on a bed somewhere, but they are looking at me like I'm a freak. Well, they wouldn't let their daughter proceed with her spring break plans. We are going to leave...I make it to the front lawn, leaning against a tree and start to puke my guts out, turning my head, Mom and Dad are looking at me out their front door window. Figured out then that I can't tolerate Erythromicine, but I'm pretty sure they thought I was a heavy drug user.

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No. But if you go to the threadtitled: Poll: Trade off: Gay for 3 years but then..., I promise that you will find some Geeks that had homonucleosis.

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There is a quick and easy test for mono. I'm surprised your doctor didn't perform it.


I had mono back in college.


I had some fever and a headache that felt like a spike in my head, and all the glands on my next were swollen.


However, the mono test came back negative.


Two weeks later, I had the worst soar throat I've ever had. It was unbearable. I also had a 102 fever.


I went to the doc again and tested positive for mono.


He said it might last a month.


However, what I did was go home and lie motionless on the couch. I only got up to eat, go to the bathroom and go to bed. Otherwise, I did no motion at all. Apparently, moving around a lot can make it worse and take longer to go away.


Three days later, the fever broke, and I felt normal, but I kept lying on that couch.


A week later, I went back to the doctor, and the mono test came up NEGATIVE, and he was :banana: .


People I've known who didn't get a lot of rest wound up suffering from mono for a month.



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had it a couple of years ago. I seriously thought I was dying before I was diagnosed. I would wake up in the morning feeling like I had not slept at all. As soon as I got home from work I went to back to bed. Finally, I got up the courage to see a Dr. He asked if my throat hurt and I said no. He then followed that with "it will". Sure enough I could barely talk 2 days later and took 2 weeks off of work.

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My ex-boyfriend had it last year around this time. He'd been really tired for a while and was having constant sore throats. He had so much swelling in his throat he ended up on steroids.


Then again, it all might have actually been the throat cancer that was diagnosed a month later.

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There is a quick and easy test for mono. I'm surprised your doctor didn't perform it.


I had mono back in college.


I had some fever and a headache that felt like a spike in my head, and all the glands on my next were swollen.


However, the mono test came back negative.


Two weeks later, I had the worst soar throat I've ever had. It was unbearable. I also had a 102 fever.


I went to the doc again and tested positive for mono.


He said it might last a month.


However, what I did was go home and lie motionless on the couch. I only got up to eat, go to the bathroom and go to bed. Otherwise, I did no motion at all. Apparently, moving around a lot can make it worse and take longer to go away.


Three days later, the fever broke, and I felt normal, but I kept lying on that couch.


A week later, I went back to the doctor, and the mono test came up NEGATIVE, and he was :dunno: .


People I've known who didn't get a lot of rest wound up suffering from mono for a month.





I know about that easy mono test-- its called the Monospot or something. I was feeling so crappy when I was at his office that it didn't occur to me that he was telling me to come back so that he could milk the insurance company for another office visit.


Typical answer I've been reading on the net is that majority of symptoms persist for a month or so.

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had it in college over xmas break.



I don't know about anyone else, but I slept about 20 hours in a row, get up pee and go back to sleep.



once you get it you are more pron to strep throat and ebsene barr (not sure of the spelling) basically it is a viral infection that is like chronic mono. if you get over tired or warn-out you get strep/mono.

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mono SUCKED.


I had the shorter version of it (2 months) and it was terrible. 1st 2 weeks felt like the worst flu ever. Puking, coughing, fever, dizzy, exhausted all the time...then I got better, but only 3/4 of the way better. Then stayed like that for 6 more weeks. fever would come and go, all the symptoms really. I'd break out in sweats, and get dizzy and tired.


That was awful.

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My son had it when he was 15 and I've never seen him that sick in his life.

He had a really rough time with it.

His symptoms were just as others have mentioned -

- THE worst sore throat you can imagine,

- Extremely tired all the time, slept a ton!

- Fever that came and went on and off for several weeks

- Not sure if everyone has this problem, but he got 2 horrible ear infections at the same time... Nothing would make the pain go away for him. I finally started wetting down washcloths with HOT, hot water, folded them down and held them at each of his ears... this is the only thing that would help subdue the pain for him. I felt so bad for him. Not a good time at all.


Also, the reason the dr.'s want you to not have much activity is because your spleen can very easily become enlarged when you have Mono. My son had to go in a couple of times throughout the course of his illness for the dr. to check the spleen to make sure it hadn't enlarged. (very common, and dangerous complication of Mono.)


Good luck. Hope you feel better as soon as possible.


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10th grade in 1991.


I was laid up in bed for about a week. Lost about 15lbs.


Very sore throat, and glads were swollen. It was not good. I did get to miss my Algebra final though.

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