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Guitar Hero II

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Got my kids running around the house signing "Shout at the Devil" and "Mother" .......... makes an old man proud..........


and as a game it freakin is addicting. (Mostly a kids game but we're having competitions and all :dunno: )



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There are a bunch of people at work that don't play games telling me how awesome this game is.

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There are a bunch of people at work that don't play games telling me how awesome this game is.

they're right-O

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yep... bought this game back in the fall when it came out... can't remember if i posted about it or not...



great songs though, i mean wow... you got old school classic guitar riffs and solos like freebird, jessica, and crazy on you...


then you got some 80s metal that rocks like motley crue... or the police with message in a bottle


throw in some alice n chains and some ###### dale misirlou mixed with "dark" metal that is fun and challenging to play... it adds up to just a GREAT GAME..



my favorite song to play has to beast and the harlot by avenged sevenfold... if you haven't heard it check it out it has a classical feel mixed with some metal thrashing


it's a great game everyone needs to play at least once with some friends

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This game is awesome. I bought a ps2 for the sole reason of playing this game. Lots of fun to play againt friends, and I've beaten the first five chapters on the hardest setting. :banana:

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Beat expert already, trying to get all 5 stars on them.

I hope I don't look like one of those DDR freaks when I'm playing it though

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My nephew got it for Christmas and was playing and all of a sudden I heard, "Jessy! Come in here! I'm playing your song."


Also, I got to play Wolfmother's "Woman." That game rules.

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:thumbsup: 7AM awoken to Daddy come on I challenge you to guitar hero - well 1 1/2 hours and 2 cups of coffee later I got my grove back :cheers:


ETA and Yes Jessy; Woman (Wolfmother) is a kick asss song

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Bought this game on Wednesday night with the wireless guitar. I'm hooked on this game, but Mrs. TBoy has played it more than I have. Guns N Roses, Kiss, Crue, etc. ONe of the most addicting games I've bought.



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Bought this game on Wednesday night with the wireless guitar. I'm hooked on this game, but Mrs. TBoy has played it more than I have. Guns N Roses, Kiss, Crue, etc. ONe of the most addicting games I've bought.




it's one of those games... comes along once (ok... twice) in a very long while... do yourself a favor and get 2 guitars if you don't already

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Bought this game on Wednesday night with the wireless guitar. I'm hooked on this game, but Mrs. TBoy has played it more than I have. Guns N Roses, Kiss, Crue, etc. ONe of the most addicting games I've bought.





Get a second guitar and you can play Face off (VS each other) or Co-Op (together - one bass lines and one guitar lines)



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Yeah, I was already thinking about getting another guitar. Gonna take my March Madness winnings and get another one. :headbanger: I don't know if I'll ever get up to the expert level. Right now, I'm trying to muddle my way through the medium level.

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I don't know if I'll ever get up to the expert level. Right now, I'm trying to muddle my way through the medium level.


My 8 year old is on expert and I have a hard time with medium - although I did finally clear medium- wasnt easy thats for sure.

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I have a hard time believing that

so do I, but 2 things - he seems to not think just react and # 2 go to youtube and there are vids of other kids

doing even better ( I never said my kid doesnt miss notes - these kids are doing 100% on expert).


Search for guitar hero expert 8 year old and you'll see what I mean. (psycho freakout)


Get back to me on that :doh:

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