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TommyGavin last won the day on November 24 2023

TommyGavin had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

790 Excellent

About TommyGavin

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/04/1963

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  • Location
    New York

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  1. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Yeah that was childish Fixed.
  2. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Forgot my password- lucky I was able to sign back into this sh1thole. No offense to the good people here.
  3. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Link ?
  4. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Vodka lemonade- no tomato juice in the house. Rookie move.
  5. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Thank you and Sunday fun day starts now.
  6. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    I either said that or N1@@er still suspended
  7. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    For the record I did not know him (he was 20+ years younger then me and 10+ years older then my boys). But he grew up 3 blocks away from me (have friends that did know him). Neighborhood has been in memorial status ever since. I stand by my original take on the situation and F you Mike or any other mods that suspended me.
  8. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Thanks for reaching out D.
  9. TommyGavin

    Shotsup Memorial Sunday Bloodies

    Thanks for looking out. I ain’t dead yet !
  10. TommyGavin

    David Ortiz - Legend of the fall on Fox sports

    That was great as well. And in ‘86 I was rooting for the Red Sox.
  11. It’s from 2022 but I saw it for the first time tonight. Very good doc.
  12. TommyGavin

    The Bear on HULU

    It gets better too.
  13. TommyGavin

    Geek Club Fantasy Neckcar 2024

    Thanks for the reminder