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Who should I draft at #5 overall?

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With the likes of LT, S.Jax, LJ, and probably Gore off the board. Should I draft S. Alexander or maybe gamble with Addai, FWP, or Westy??? This is a Re-Draft league, 1pt/10 yds., 6pt TD's., NO PPR!!!!

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I would go with Gore if he was around, then Addai, then parker, then SA. Being a rb behind Peyton tends to produce pretty good stats. SA i am not high on, his touchdown total will depend on the health of himself AND the health of Hasselback, this is something that i think drops his value, even though i think if they both stay healthy there is an outside shot of him returning to top 3 form. But i believe all of these guys have shots at being top 3, trends say someones moving up there.

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I was wondering the same thing......I picked #5 in my first draft of the season. Ended up with Frank Gore only because Peyton Manning ended up going #3(!). I was planning on having to choose between Shaun Alexander and Joseph Addai. I would have taken Addai..hope this helps!



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Gore, Addai, FWP, Westbrook.


Those are the RBs I would consider, with a heavy preference for the first two.

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You'd be surprised how many people will draft players like Steve Smith / Peyton Manning with their first round picks. You might get lucky and squeeze out Gore. If not, either Shaun Alexander or Willie Parker. Both are good options, it really just depends if you'd wanna take a chance with Alexander's injury last season.



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The fact that it's a re-draft makes the decision harder. I would come down to Alexander and Addai and probably go...Alexander.


Just my $0.02


Parlay Pete

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The guy picking #4 says he's torn between Gore and Alexander. If he doesn't pick Gore I'm sure I will. If not, should I pick SA or Addai???

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Interesting to see a lot of love for Addai. I like him too, but I am cautiously optimistic with him. For one, I heard a lot of the same stuff about Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams last year. They both had very good rookie years and their potential seemed high for their second year. They both didn't live up to the hype. This year, Addai is entering his second year and I'm hearing the same things. He has never handled a full load and he plays on the Colts and we all know Manning will throw to Harrison & Wayne from the 1 yard line. After the big two, I like SA and all his issues, but he does have the best chance of 20 tds and 1600 yards. Just some food for thought.

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Addai, next year he'll compete with LT for he #1 pick :thumbsup:

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I know I'm in the minority but I would lean on Alexander at 5 since its not a PPR league. Then Addai, Westbrook and FWP in that order. Wish I could quote some stats to back it up, but just a gut feeling. You probably cant go wrong though with Addai or Alexander at 5.

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As a die-hard Steelers fan I would take FWP last on that list.


1). New system


2). Already battling injury to his leg


3). Though he had a heavy workload last year, he does not have a history of being the man. I can see a drop-off from last year.



I like Addai, Alexander, and Gore in that order. For the person who was concerned about Alexander and hasselback, the same can hold true for Addai and Manning. You can not predict injury so don't let that factor in unless it is a chronic problem.


Westbrook is more valuable in a PPR league. With McNabb healthy, I can see Reid going back to the pass first philosophy and spreading Westbrook out more.

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As a Steelers fan, I like Addai. No Rhodes to steal carries or goalline touches, plus he'll get some more catches.

Alexander is questionable because of the injury and age and, well, I don't have alot of faith in San Francisco (even though Gore and the team did better last year).

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