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QB draft strategy

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12 team, h2h, start 1qb, 2rb's, 3 wr's, 1 rb/wr


0.25 pts completion and reception


6 pts TD's


25 yards/pt passing 10 yards/pt rushing and receiving


5 pts at 300, 350, 400 yards for qb's

5 pts at 100, 150, 200 for rb's and wr's


I'm in a league where Manning will go rd 1(prolly 5th) and I'm thinking Palmer, Brady, Brees, and Bulger will be gone before I pick at 4.06.....should I wait until the 4th hoping 1 of the aforementioned make it to me or should I grab one of them at 3.07??? Is a Mcnabb, Kitna, Romo a better value pick in the 5-7th??



Is this a year where it's a MUST to have a top QB, or should I gobble up rb's and wr's while the other owners overpay for qb's? Any help is appreciated.

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Last year I got burned because I waited to get a QB and ended up playing rotisserie QB every week. Yes, good QBs can be picked up in later rounds, but I'm looking for as much guaranteed consistency as possible. This year, I'm going to try and pick one of the above mentioned QBs in Rd 3.

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Anyone else???


I'm leaning on taking Brees in the 3rd if he's there...I would rather secure him as I don't think the dropoff in wr's from 3.07 to 4.06 is that great.

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If you want a good qb ie. Brees , Bluger, and Palmer you have to do it in the third round. If those guys are not there take a gamble in the 4th and 5th round on Like a Hasslebeck or dare I say Vince Young.

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I have snagged Brees in two recent mocks at 4.9. I think I am going QB in round 3 or 4. I want one of the ones mentioned above.

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Anyone else???


I'm leaning on taking Brees in the 3rd if he's there...I would rather secure him as I don't think the dropoff in wr's from 3.07 to 4.06 is that great.

We're in very similar leagues. Mine gives 1/2 pt per COMPLETION, as well as bonus points for big passing/rushing/receiving yardage.


During the off-season I've been analyzing my league's scoring from last year and I noticed something interesting. The point discrepancy between the top QBs and the 10th, 11th and 12th best QBs is HUGE. Almost as much as the RB point dropoff!!! To me that shows that taking a QB early is definitely worth it in this type of system.


Just for fun I went back and checked to see which teams made my league's playoffs last year... not surprisingly 5 out of the 6 playoff teams had Manning, Brees, Bulger, Palmer, or Brady (all of which finished as the top 5 QBs point-wise in my league). I was that 6th team that made the playoffs with Brett Favre (those completion points helped Favre a lot), and I got lucky picking up Garcia later in the year.


In any case, going into this season - you better believe I'll be looking to draft Palmer, Bulger or Brees early. Under some scoring systems, it's obviously worth it.

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Given your scoring, IMHO you definitely gotta grab a stud QB early. Those that say don't grab one til 6,7,8 prollly are just on a standard scoring system. Of course you would go stud RB (duh) IMO but grabbing a QB/WR early is beneficial too. I'd go for Palmer / Brees / or Bulger this year. Studs that love to pass. :pointstosky:

Good luck!

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The scoring system has nothing to do with it (Please read all other informative posts - but in a nutshell because all QBs will be under the same system and RBs are the premium position).


HOWEVER, you should still Tier your players and I must say after 6 (and yes, I do include McNabb at 6) the dropoff is ENORMOUS. I'm targeting my QB in 3rd-5th round as long as one of those 6 are there.


Good Luck

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The scoring system has nothing to do with it


I have to disagree. Some leagues score passing TDs at only 4 points. Compared to leagues that give 6 pts per Td, completion points, and bonus yardage points... there's a much bigger point discrepancy among QBs.

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Anyone else???


I'm leaning on taking Brees in the 3rd if he's there...I would rather secure him as I don't think the dropoff in wr's from 3.07 to 4.06 is that great.



LMAO! Wasting a 5th round pick on Young or Hasslebeck is stupid.

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Young and Hasselback have been falling alot later than the 5th round. Hass maybe the 6th round.

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I'm picking 2nd in a 10 team league and I'm definately selecting the best available in the 3rd round. I go burned last year playing matchups. I think there is a huge drop off from the top 6 and the rest. Some of the rest will perform but an awful lot of them will be below average. I can't tell the difference between Romo, Rivers, Hasselbeck, Delhomme, Cutler, Young etc. I will sacrifice that 3rd pick to gain consistency. Wides are a dime a dozen and they can be picked up later on.

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my dilema is i draft last in a a 10 team league. if i go RB-QB, my second rb will be horrible. If i go rb-rb, i run the risk of missing palmer, brees and bulger.

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My plan was to take a QB later. Like in rounds 6-8 and land either Hasselbeck or Rivers or Leinart. I need to do a few more mocks and see what my team looks like if I take either Brees or Bulger in late 3rd or early 4th. (Picking 9th)


I did go RB/QB (got Manning) and I really did not like what my team looked like. So no way I take a QB with one of my first 2 picks.


So far most of my mocks I have been going: RB/WR/WR/RB (Bush/Chad/Boldin/Lynch) and it hasn't been to bad.


We can plan all we want but come draft day you have to see what others do. I'm most likely will be taking "best available" which means Bulger or Brees at 3.09.

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Yeah, it's definitely a dilemna. I have the #8 pick in a 10 team league.


Most of my league doesn't follow fantasy football nearly as close as I do, and so the draft will be somewhat unorthodox. I think most of them will go for QB early, and there's a decent chance that the top 5 QBs will be gone by my 3.8 pick. If Bulger or Brees are still there at 3.8, I'll probably take them. Maybe even McNabb(!!). If not, I'll hold off a few rounds and hope that I can get good value for Romo or Kitna. Picking Leinart as a back up later on might pay off later in the season. I figure by week 10+ he should be chucking it around pretty well.

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I have to disagree. Some leagues score passing TDs at only 4 points. Compared to leagues that give 6 pts per Td, completion points, and bonus yardage points... there's a much bigger point discrepancy among QBs.

thanks, my sentiments exactly

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Too funny. I was just on YouTube and there are some idiots called "Fantasy Freakin Football" they said don't get a qb until at least round ten. Their reasoning. Ben Roethlisberger will put up almost as many points as Bulger (2 pts per week difference). Chic said she got Manning at pick 3.2 and it ruined her draft. I haven't seen a draft since Peyton has been a stud (last 4/5 years) that he hasn't went in the first or early second round.


With that. If you want one of the great ones, you'll have to get them around the middle of the fourth or sooner. If you don't.....wait until forever, because they're all the same from 8-28!

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