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Jesus hates Jon Kitna

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There's a new Kitna the crusader article on yahoo most viewed sports news:




The best quote from Kitna the crusader is, "We didn't want to have a house this big, But we felt like God told us to buy it..."


God doesn't want Kitna to play well, but he does want him to have an 8000 square foot house and convert his teamates. It amazes me how gullible the human race still remains. Kitna seems very happy to be rid of those Pagan Bengals.

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There's a new Kitna the crusader article on yahoo most viewed sports news:




The best quote from Kitna the crusader is, "We didn't want to have a house this big, But we felt like God told us to buy it..."


God doesn't want Kitna to play well, but he does want him to have an 8000 square foot house and convert his teamates. It amazes me how gullible the human race still remains. Kitna seems very happy to be rid of those Pagan Bengals.


He had the occasional drink at Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Wash., but it was at Central Washington University that Kitna said his partying got out of hand and he was very drunk four nights a week. He hit rock bottom in October 1993 when his girlfriend, who now is his wife, caught him cheating on her.

aaahhhh...the land of the hypocrites......like how full churches are on Xmas.


and poor Roy not chasing women and more, ala Kitna---

Williams, who participates in prayer circles with Kitna but not the Bible studies, said he since has examined his life in a way he hadn't in the past. He tries not to curse anymore or chase women.


How about Carson with the PC statment, cause you know when it's "hang out time", noone wants to hear a Bible Thumpers opinion, you have to fight back the urge to punch them in the face.

Hawks, Bengals or Lions or whatever jersey he wears, Kitna Stinka.All the weapons in the world only mask this fact for a shortime, then his brainless pocket presence, lack of sensing pocket pressure, anticipating DBs, are why he will always sucks !

I think Jesus has longed moved on, perhaps when he was banging some fresh poontang, cause that ain't "the lord's way"... :banana:

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aaahhhh...the land of the hypocrites......like how full churches are on Xmas.

I'll start listening to "Christian" athletes when they start thanking Jesus for killing Dale Earnhart or the kid with Cancer in the same breath as they thank him for their big house or rewarding their faith with a Super Bowl win. If you (Christian athlete) think you aren't going to be struck dead for partying in his name after winning A GAME while children are being slaughtered in Darfur, you better get a more complete handle on the Bible...

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There's a new Kitna the crusader article on yahoo most viewed sports news:




The best quote from Kitna the crusader is, "We didn't want to have a house this big, But we felt like God told us to buy it..."


God doesn't want Kitna to play well, but he does want him to have an 8000 square foot house and convert his teamates. It amazes me how gullible the human race still remains. Kitna seems very happy to be rid of those Pagan Bengals.


still beats punching strippers and having one of your posse maim an innocent bystander for life by popping a cap in his spine, eh?


good grief.


hey, i roll my eyes too sometimes when kitna says stuff like that like. but get and a clue a little perspective.

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I'll start listening to "Christian" athletes when they start thanking Jesus for killing Dale Earnhart or the kid with Cancer in the same breath as they thank him for their big house or rewarding their faith with a Super Bowl win. If you (Christian athlete) think you aren't going to be struck dead for partying in his name after winning A GAME while children are being slaughtered in Darfur, you better get a more complete handle on the Bible...


you mean the bible where whole villages--down to the woman and children and farm animals--were slaughtered for eating unclean flesh? you might want to get a more complete handle on the bible yourself.

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you mean the bible where whole villages--down to the woman and children and farm animals--were slaughtered for eating unclean flesh? you might want to get a more complete handle on the bible yourself.

Well, if you ask a Christian the "bible" before Jesus' words are merely parables that where wiped of instructional value by his dying on the cross. There isn't a single village pillage/unclean food reference in the New Testament, which are the rules to live by according to Christians. You'll find it much more about forgiveness, serving god and other people's interests over your own. Which makes the whole idea of thanking god for your new mansion hilarious :thumbsdown:


Funny that an atheist is schooling you on the bible, you better get a more complete handle on the "good book" yourself!

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Well, if you ask a Christian the "bible" before Jesus' words are merely parables that where wiped of instructional value by his dying on the cross. There isn't a single village pillage/unclean food reference in the New Testament, which are the rules to live by according to Christians. You'll find it much more about forgiveness, serving god and other people's interests over your own. Which makes the whole idea of thanking god for your new mansion hilarious :banana:


Funny that an atheist is schooling you on the bible, you better get a more complete handle on the "good book" yourself!


oh, okay: the old testament is completely irrelevant. funny: every christian church i've ever attended still uses the old testament and teaches from it. maybe your bible starts somewhere around matthew? well, i suppose that saves on paper anyway :doublethumbsup:

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oh, okay: the old testament is completely irrelevant. funny: every christian church i've ever attended still uses the old testament and teaches from it. maybe your bible starts somewhere around matthew? well, i suppose that saves on paper anyway :dunno:

Ask any Christian theologian why you're not expected to burn a bull on your altar as a sacrifice for the lord (LEV. 1:9) anymore. You'll get the same answer I gave...Old Testament=parables voided by the blood of Jesus.


The theologian will also tell you that Kitna thanking Jesus for his mansion, or Warner thanking Jesus for winning the Super Bowl, is about as Christian as burning a bull in sacrifice :doublethumbsup:

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Ask any Christian theologian why you're not expected to burn a bull on your altar as a sacrifice for the lord (LEV. 1:9) anymore. You'll get the same answer I gave...Old Testament=parables voided by the blood of Jesus.


The theologian will also tell you that Kitna thanking Jesus for his mansion, or Warner thanking Jesus for winning the Super Bowl, is about as Christian as burning a bull in sacrifice :doublethumbsup:


hmm...i guess that means baby jesus loves jon kitna and perhaps it's not our job to judge him?


pow. :dunno:

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hmm...i guess that means baby jesus loves jon kitna and perhaps it's not our job to judge him?


pow. :dunno:

As an Atheist I get to judge whomever I feel like judging, it's one of the perks...and millionaire jocks who cloak themselves in the "word" are my favorite :wub:


"Dear little baby Jesus, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. I would like to thank you for bringin' me and my moma together, and also that my kids no longer sound like retarded gang-bangers."

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Im actually more agnostic than athiest. I like the quote from roberts because its amusing to me. As is the quote by silverstien.



get off the fence sissy... I have no respect for agnostics. Me, I believe in joe pesci...

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As an Atheist I get to judge whomever I feel like judging, it's one of the perks...and millionaire jocks who cloak themselves in the "word" are my favorite :dunno:


"Dear little baby Jesus, who's sittin' in his crib watchin the Baby Einstein videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. I would like to thank you for bringin' me and my moma together, and also that my kids no longer sound like retarded gang-bangers."


i guess that means because you don't do the bible that you can kill your neighbor and then fock his wife. quite a liberating lifestyle, that atheism. :wub:

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get off the fence sissy... I have no respect for agnostics. Me, I believe in joe pesci...

yea but joe pesci is an actualy god. So its easy to believe in him.

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i guess that means because you don't do the bible that you can kill your neighbor and then fock his wife. quite a liberating lifestyle, that atheism. :pointstosky:

It's great, I'm living the dream :doublethumbsup:


Thank you Jesus!!

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i guess that means because you don't do the bible that you can kill your neighbor and then fock his wife. quite a liberating lifestyle, that atheism. :unsure:



As an Atheist you have to use common since and moral judgment. Also, you can’t murder people and then repent your sins or ask for forgiveness to make everything all right in your little make believe world.


It’s tough being an Atheist. We don’t get to be men of the cloth, rape little children and then have the most powerful hypocritical money thieving organizations in the world get us out of trouble. I wish I could live my life as a lie, believe in fairytales and think everything is going to be blissful in the afterlife; unfortunately, I’m just not that stupid.

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let me put it this way: if your team has to play the lions you better hope it's not at ford field this year. they'll be tough there all season.




Had to get that one last dumb post in before you disappear until April :first:

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Bumping for comedy! :sleep:


Every week some douche bag has to be the one to bump this thread. Congrats on being that guy this week.

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Every week some douche bag has to be the one to bump this thread. Congrats on being that guy this week.

I think the point in bumping this thread reminds us every week of the moron Kitna is a QB and a jebus lover. :mad:

A show of hands for those who wasted time in their lives going to "church" ?

Stand up, Sit down, Kneel, kneel again, AMEN.

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I think the point in bumping this thread reminds us every week of the moron Kitna is a QB and a jebus lover. :wall:

A show of hands for those who wasted time in their lives going to "church" ?

Stand up, Sit down, Kneel, kneel again, AMEN.


Why would it be wasting time, if that is what they enjoy to do? How much of your geek life have you spent on fantasy football boards? What's the difference?

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Why would it be wasting time, if that is what they enjoy to do? How much of your geek life have you spent on fantasy football boards? What's the difference?

Having someone tell you what to do, what to believe, how to live your life....yeah, that's a wasting your time.

Unless of course there's a MILF there you're looking to score with....then I beg for your forgiveness, as I understand. :wall:

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Having someone tell you what to do, what to believe, how to live your life....yeah, that's a wasting your time.

Unless of course there's a MILF there you're looking to score with....then I beg for your forgiveness, as I understand. :headbanger:


Ummm.....It's called rules, just like everything else in life. You live by the rules, by not speeding, murdering or breaking any other law. Like I said what is the difference? So far you have given me the same argument that any 12 year old would give.

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Ummm.....It's called rules, just like everything else in life. You live by the rules, by not speeding, murdering or breaking any other law. Like I said what is the difference? So far you have given me the same argument that any 12 year old would give.

I agree, gotta have LAWS.

Jebus "rules" are a bit different, you don't see the comedy in Kitna's comments, and Jebus ?


Jebus will see us through these times.

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I agree, gotta have LAWS.

Jebus "rules" are a bit different, can't use birth control, gotta wait 'til I'm married to live together, are you focking kidding me...NOT part of life today.


Jebus will see us through these times.


Nobody says that these people cannot do it, they just see it as being wrong. Your argument is flawed, birth control is not something that they see as bad, only certain kinds of birth control. And who cares if Christians decide to wait until they are married to live together? I do not agree with everything that Christians do, but I am not going to condemn them, because they choose to believe in something that others may not. They live their life and you live your's. You don't have to live your life the way that they do and they do not have to live their lives the way that you do. I am sure that you mocking something that is serious to Christians makes you feel good, so that's all that matters right?

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Nobody says that these people cannot do it, they just see it as being wrong. Your argument is flawed, birth control is not something that they see as bad, only certain kinds of birth control. And who cares if Christians decide to wait until they are married to live together? I do not agree with everything that Christians do, but I am not going to condemn them, because they choose to believe in something that others may not. They live their life and you live your's. You don't have to live your life the way that they do and they do not have to live their lives the way that you do. I am sure that you mocking something that is serious to Christians makes you feel good, so that's all that matters right?

no, no, no, no, any birth control is bad by the church !


But I changed my response, I didn't feel like getting too deep, just making fun of Kitna.

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no, no, no, no, any birth control is bad by the church !


But I changed my response, I didn't feel like getting too deep, just making fun of Kitna.


no, no, no you are wrong my friend. I am not sure which denomination that you are referring to, but most Christians do no see using birth control as a sin. Only the morning after pill. I really don't want to get into this that much either, but it really irritates me when people think that they are better than others, because they believe differently.

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