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Widow of man slain by illegal alien to sue San Fran

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Basis of Claim. State in detail all facts and circumstances of the incident. Identify all persons, entities, property and City departments involved. State why you believe the City is responsible for the alleged injury, property damage or loss: This claim arises out of the triple murders of Anthony Bologna, 48, and his two sons, Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16. Claimants are the surviving heirs entitled to bring a claim for wrongful death.


Claimants allege that official and de facto policies, practices and procedures of the Respondent and its departments and employees, (including without limitation Mayor Gavin Newsom, the Police Department, Police Chief Heather Fong, the Juvenile Probation Department and Chief Juvenile Probation Officer William Siffermann), intentionally violated United States statutory law and were negligent, grossly negligent, and reckless, and a substantial factor in causing the injury, loss damage and harm suffered by claimants, as described below.


:rolleyes: :wub: About focking time these focking idiots get held accountable for the polices they force on us. It on http://www.michaelsavage.com if you want to read the whole thing.

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:pointstosky: :thumbsup: About focking time these focking idiots get held accountable for the polices they force on us. It on http://www.michaelsavage.com if you want to read the whole thing.


Good. Seriously. A loud and clear message needs to be sent. I'm sick and tired of the ultra-liberal decision-makers in the San Fran area.


This is un-PC of me, but I think "diversity" has more than exceeded its limits.

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This is un-PC of me, but I think "diversity" has more than exceeded its limits.

One could argue that diversity is a prima facie good, but if we have to get it in this manner, it falls miserably short.

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One could argue that diversity is a prima facie good, but if we have to get it in this manner, it falls miserably short.


I used to tow the diversity doctrine hook, line, and sinker, but have modified my stance over the last few years. The face of diversity, quite simply, has changed considerably. I'm weary of having it drilled into our collective minds that it's beneficial for everyone.


Different racial and ethnic groups simply have different biorhythms. Is there anything wrong with that? No, I don't believe there is. While this certainly doesn't include all individuals within other racial and ethnic makeups, for the most part, white people like to be like white people, black people enjoy being black people, Asians prefer to be Asians, etc., etc. But this absurd notion that we need to stand side-by-side, hold hands and sing Kumbaya is over the top.


Can't we respect and honor each others' distinctions and yet realize that's exactly what they are...distinctions? Must we subscribe to these differences with open arms and be forcefully told to integrate them with our own?

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I used to tow the diversity doctrine hook, line, and sinker, but have modified my stance over the last few years. The face of diversity, quite simply, has changed considerably. I'm weary of having it drilled into our collective minds that it's beneficial for everyone.


Different racial and ethnic groups simply have different biorhythms. Is there anything wrong with that? No, I don't believe there is. While this certainly doesn't include all individuals within other racial and ethnic makeups, for the most part, white people like to be like white people, black people enjoy being black people, Asians prefer to be Asians, etc., etc. But this absurd notion that we need to stand side-by-side, hold hands and sing Kumbaya is over the top.


Can't we respect and honor each others' distinctions and yet realize that's exactly what they are...distinctions? Must we subscribe to these differences with open arms and be forcefully told to integrate them with our own?

It gets worse too.

Prison de-segregation to begin


It was an unwritten policy in California prisons that members of the same race would be cellies, so as to minimize the opportunity for violence amongst prison gangs, which are usually formed around race.


As a result of a settlement between the plaintiffs and California, however, inmates will no longer be permitted to be paired based on the color of their skin. Not all are excited about this move, however:


Many inmates fiercely oppose integrating cells, calling it a dangerous idea that is guaranteed to lead to widespread riots and death.


“It’s like screwing around with the ecosystem,” said Rodney Raxon, 35, a white inmate at Lancaster’s high-security prison. “We don’t want any part of it.”


Several inmates said racial separation helps preserve the peace. In dining halls and prison yards where convicts can commingle if they choose, they hang out with their own. Chosen representatives handle communication between groups, they said, to avoid riots.


As the gym’s black representative, Lavel Atkins, 34, of Compton, Calif., said he defuses nearly 20 grievances a day over issues such as whether one inmate’s splashing water on another was a sign of disrespect. There would be more disputes, he said, if members of various races were forced to room together.




Beyond belief that they can be so stupid as to go this far for the sake of diversity.

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It gets worse too.



Beyond belief that they can be so stupid as to go this far for the sake of diversity.


I've been thinking more about it and realize I went overboard with my comments above. I'm back to liking "diversity" again.


As proof, I'm going to embrace Kwanzaa in order to show my flexibility.














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As proof, I'm going to embrace Kwanzaa in order to show my flexibility.



Nice. She hot? :thumbsup:


ETA: Actually, a girl I went to high school with was actually name Kwanza. Don't think we didn't make fun of her.

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I find it pathetic that a citizen has to sue the guberment because they did not enforce the law :nono:

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I find it pathetic that a citizen has to sue the guberment because they did not enforce the law :music_guitarred:

No shait. This shait is beyond belief. This idiot running San Fran wants to be focking Governor after this total failure on his part.

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My take is that it is a valid case. But, it does not go far enough and I hope it goes to the next level. The perp is an Illegal. Homeland Security, local police, state marshals office, Immigration and many others should be named as defendants. I really hope the sh!t hits the fan on this one and we start enforcing immigration laws that are on the books.


And, as far as "diversity" goes, I think it's an acronym for "let's all galvanize to the lowest possible point as a society."

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My take is that it is a valid case. But, it does not go far enough and I hope it goes to the next level. The perp is an Illegal. Homeland Security, local police, state marshals office, Immigration and many others should be named as defendants. I really hope the sh!t hits the fan on this one and we start enforcing immigration laws that are on the books.


And, as far as "diversity" goes, I think it's an acronym for "let's all galvanize to the lowest possible point as a society."

The Great Michael Savage says diversity = perversity.

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The Great Michael Savage says diversity = perversity.


That's one of about five things I agree with Savage on.



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And, as far as "diversity" goes, I think it's an acronym for "let's all galvanize to the lowest possible point as a society."


I'm going to remember that. You're right, pledging to "diversity" is essentially a willingness to embrace the lowest common denominators in our society. No thanks.

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