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In my league, only start 2 WRs, no PPR. 10yds/pt, 6pt TDs. I drafted Housh and Marshall, no quality backups. Was the first to grab Royal off the wire, so hes my number 3, but will likely start over Housh sooner rather than later, given his struggles, and the Bengals general lack of an offense.


Been shopping Housh and Royal around - would you do any of these offers? If yes, whats your rationale?


Colston and Patten for Housh and Royal? This way, Patten fills in until Colston gets back. Im inclined to do this, but my team has started 0-2, and I am a bit worried about my ability to run off 4 wins starting Patten as my WR#2 for the next 4-5 weeks. Sucks to be in this position, not used to being desperate for wins. I also have Brees at QB if that matters to you.


Housh for Welker, straight up? Im also inclined to do this as well. Cassel looked to Welker far more than he did Moss, though I think this will change and he will make sure to get the ball to Moss in the coming weeks.


On another note - any believers in a resurgent Cinci offense? What has changed so much since last year that they cant move the ball?


If you answer, leave a link, Ill respond promptly. Thanks in advance for the help.

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If it were me I would keep royal and Housh, if you do the housh for welker straight up maybe. you will be getting a lot of catches, but no ppr. tough one.


I would wait for cincys offense. only problem is having royal and marshal starting together, I would


stay with housh , marshal and royal for a couple more weeks. Cincy has to start getting in the grove some time

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Keep what you have! Remember TJ is a top WR for a reason. The CIN offense is just a little off and I think the trade of Rudi has hurt the team offense from a "gel" point of view. Rudi and Palmer were on the same page and now that safety valve is gone. TJ will be back. As far as Welker I would stay away from that situation if it were me. The Colston deal is tempting but it is basically a two for one and no way Patten equals TJ's #s over the next 5 weeks. Not to mention, even with Marshall Eddie will still have some very good games and be a very nice #4 WR and if Marshall gets hurt he showed he can be a #1 WR in week 1. Keep what you have and like you told me don't sit or trade your studs! Start TJ this may be the week that get it on and wouldn't you hate to have just traded him for Patten! lol


Thanks for seeing mine and good luck

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In my league, only start 2 WRs, no PPR. 10yds/pt, 6pt TDs. I drafted Housh and Marshall, no quality backups. Was the first to grab Royal off the wire, so hes my number 3, but will likely start over Housh sooner rather than later, given his struggles, and the Bengals general lack of an offense.


Been shopping Housh and Royal around - would you do any of these offers? If yes, whats your rationale?


Colston and Patten for Housh and Royal? This way, Patten fills in until Colston gets back. Im inclined to do this, but my team has started 0-2, and I am a bit worried about my ability to run off 4 wins starting Patten as my WR#2 for the next 4-5 weeks. Sucks to be in this position, not used to being desperate for wins. I also have Brees at QB if that matters to you.


Housh for Welker, straight up? Im also inclined to do this as well. Cassel looked to Welker far more than he did Moss, though I think this will change and he will make sure to get the ball to Moss in the coming weeks.


On another note - any believers in a resurgent Cinci offense? What has changed so much since last year that they cant move the ball?


If you answer, leave a link, Ill respond promptly. Thanks in advance for the help.


The prob. is that Housh is a sell low guy right now, and you probably can't get good value for him, while Royal is a high-value guy on an offense that is sizzling right now. I wouldn't be too afraid to start both Royal and Marshall the way Cutler is tossing the rock. But I also think Housh is going to be valuable down the stretch. Patten's value will fall off when Colston comes back, as you know, and you're back in the 2 WRs on the same team soup, and Denver looks like a better bet than NO right now. Housh for Welker? Tough call. I think Cassell's effectiveness may fall of once teams get a look at him, but Welker would probably be the go to guy there anyway. I'd ride Housh for another week before ditching him, I'd hang on to Marshall (you know that), and if you really want to move a WR, look for a high end WR that is in a sell low position (like Housh), like Braylon. I'd even see if the guy that has Fitz would go straight up since AB is getting the TDs (but he won't keep getting them all).


Thanks for mine.

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Give Housh another week. Don't forget he was hurt in the preseason so he may still be coming up to speed. Last week's weather didn't help any either.


thanks for mine

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I would stand pat as well. Although I dont see Cinci being at hot on offense this year in years past. Housh will come around and I think he will see ALOT more scoring opportunities than Welker.


I think without Brady these 2 offenses are about the same and thats coming from a disappointed Moss owner. But I wouldnt bench Moss as I wouldnt bench Housh.


Thanks for mine.

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I agree with everyone else here .. stand pat. I think Housh will do better .. it's only been two weeks after all

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Keep what you got. With his extended lay off from injury Colston will have a bad year stats wise. Cutler loves Royal and Marshall. Think Harrison/Wayne or Johnson/Housh a couple years ago. Thanks for seeing mine

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thanks for mine... if you do that trade you are giving 2 starting quality wr's for 1 basically because i dont see patten being worth much when colston comes back..


housh will come around and royal will be an option all year in what looks to be a high powered O in denver.

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Coming from a fellow Housh owner in one of my leagues, keep him! CIN passing game will pick up, the weather was absolutely horrible last week. Things will get better and TJ will be the #1 man in CIN with CJs injury etc. Not to mention I dont particularly like having the QB and both WR combo of the Saints, just in case they dont play well (last week) you are sure to lose.


Why are you 0-2 with Brees and Marshall? You must have been facing a good opponent and lost by a little or have horrible RBs.


please see mine, im trying to get Marshall and I'm quite close!



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In my league, only start 2 WRs, no PPR. 10yds/pt, 6pt TDs. I drafted Housh and Marshall, no quality backups. Was the first to grab Royal off the wire, so hes my number 3, but will likely start over Housh sooner rather than later, given his struggles, and the Bengals general lack of an offense.


Been shopping Housh and Royal around - would you do any of these offers? If yes, whats your rationale?


Colston and Patten for Housh and Royal? This way, Patten fills in until Colston gets back. Im inclined to do this, but my team has started 0-2, and I am a bit worried about my ability to run off 4 wins starting Patten as my WR#2 for the next 4-5 weeks. Sucks to be in this position, not used to being desperate for wins. I also have Brees at QB if that matters to you.


Housh for Welker, straight up? Im also inclined to do this as well. Cassel looked to Welker far more than he did Moss, though I think this will change and he will make sure to get the ball to Moss in the coming weeks.


On another note - any believers in a resurgent Cinci offense? What has changed so much since last year that they cant move the ball?


If you answer, leave a link, Ill respond promptly. Thanks in advance for the help.


I'd stick with what you have. Possibly the 2nd trade though.


Colston and Patten for Housh and Royal doesn't sound like much of an upgrade, especially if you're desperate for wins.


Housh for Welker seems ok. It depends if you believe Cincy's offense will rejuvenate this season. Me, I'm not a believer. That team is a mess right now and I wouldn't be surprised if coaching changes are made, further exacerbating the turmoil.


THerefore, I'd stick with what you have.


Thanks for answering my post.

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I'll just echo what everyone said. It can't get worse for Cincy - and let's be real - there's no major reason to think they won't right the ship eventually. Housh is a good WR - I think he'll get his sooner than later. I'd stay where you are for now.



Thanks for mine - appreciate it!

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In my league, only start 2 WRs, no PPR. 10yds/pt, 6pt TDs. I drafted Housh and Marshall, no quality backups. Was the first to grab Royal off the wire, so hes my number 3, but will likely start over Housh sooner rather than later, given his struggles, and the Bengals general lack of an offense.


Been shopping Housh and Royal around - would you do any of these offers? If yes, whats your rationale?


Colston and Patten for Housh and Royal? This way, Patten fills in until Colston gets back. Im inclined to do this, but my team has started 0-2, and I am a bit worried about my ability to run off 4 wins starting Patten as my WR#2 for the next 4-5 weeks. Sucks to be in this position, not used to being desperate for wins. I also have Brees at QB if that matters to you.


Housh for Welker, straight up? Im also inclined to do this as well. Cassel looked to Welker far more than he did Moss, though I think this will change and he will make sure to get the ball to Moss in the coming weeks.


On another note - any believers in a resurgent Cinci offense? What has changed so much since last year that they cant move the ball?


If you answer, leave a link, Ill respond promptly. Thanks in advance for the help.


Hate to beat a dead horse, but I wouldn't make either of these deals, as there is no real improvment to your team. As hot as Cutler is, there is no reason not to ride Royal even though you start Marshall too. Nobody is going to give you decent value right not for Housh, so you are better off hanging onto him for now, then try to deal him after a good game or two. The Cincy offense cannot get any worse, however they have struggled for a while now going back to last year, so who knows if/when they will come out of their funk? Good luck and thanks for mine.

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