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Joey Gladstone

Kudos to Mark Buehrle...

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Whether I agree with his comments or not (I do, btw and I always root for Vick to get hurt), I'm just happy to see an athlete with the balls to stand by his comment. :thumbsup:

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Rats Ass to this "drama" but...


Chicago White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle said he has no regrets about saying he at times wished Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick had gotten hurt this past season as retribution for his involvement in dogfighting.


"[Vick] had a great year and a great comeback, but there were times where we watched the game and I know it's bad to say, but there were times where we hope he gets hurt," Buehrle told MLB.com earlier this month. "Everything you've done to these dogs, something bad needs to happen to these guys."


...did Buehrle miss Vick actually getting hurt in the season?

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A rarity in today's society full of poosays. :thumbsup:



He and his wife are "huge advocates" for animal rights.....he is one of the poosays you speak of. That much is obvious since he openly wishes injury on Vick. How immature can you be?


When he's hunting and shoots a deer punching a hole in it's lung so it can suffocate and maybe even drown in it's own blood, how is that all that much different?


If Mark is a huge advocate for animal rights, how can he be okay with hunting? I just don't get it. It's okay to kill some animals and call it sport, but not okay to do it to other animals? Does he choose which is okay and which isn't? Maybe because doggies are so cute, and fuzzy, and cuddly. :rolleyes:


I notice Ozzie stays away from it, and probably should since he likes bull fighting. I've been to the bull fights in Mexico before, I don't see anything different there than what Vick was doing at his kennels. They torture the bull until his last breath.


Get over yourself Mark Buerhle.

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I never realized how crazy dog nuts are until the Michael Vick saga came up. The guy did horrible things and paid his debt to society and people act as if he got away with murder. How many people have murdered or done horrible things to other people and never paid their debt, i.e. O.J. Simpson? And the crazy thing is that a lot of these dog nuts, would step around O.J. in order to spit on Michael Vick.


I've never gone hunting in my life. But if I was a hunter, I would keep my mouth shut about Vick or else admit that I was a hypocrite. I love dogs, but there's a much greater gap between a dog and a human than there is between a dog and a deer. Just my crazy opinion.

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He and his wife are "huge advocates" for animal rights.....he is one of the poosays you speak of. That much is obvious since he openly wishes injury on Vick. How immature can you be?


When he's hunting and shoots a deer punching a hole in it's lung so it can suffocate and maybe even drown in it's own blood, how is that all that much different?


If Mark is a huge advocate for animal rights, how can he be okay with hunting? I just don't get it. It's okay to kill some animals and call it sport, but not okay to do it to other animals? Does he choose which is okay and which isn't? Maybe because doggies are so cute, and fuzzy, and cuddly. :rolleyes:


I notice Ozzie stays away from it, and probably should since he likes bull fighting. I've been to the bull fights in Mexico before, I don't see anything different there than what Vick was doing at his kennels. They torture the bull until his last breath.


Get over yourself Mark Buerhle.


I'm not a hunter, but I think the difference is that when you shoot a deer, the plan is to kill it ASAP and then prepare it for eating. You're not shooting it on a bet just so you can watch it die, and then throw it in the trash or just leave it there to rot.

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I'm not a hunter, but I think the difference is that when you shoot a deer, the plan is to kill it ASAP and then prepare it for eating. You're not shooting it on a bet just so you can watch it die, and then throw it in the trash or just leave it there to rot.


I'm no hunter either, and I know that's the plan. But from hunters I know, things don't always go to plan. Deer can run for quite awhile on pure adrenaline, even with a punctured lung. Sometimes the shooter has trouble finding the animal or never does find it and the deer could have a slow, painful death.


For every Mark Buerhle type "animal lover", I'm guessing there's a more crazy animal lover who would call Buerhle a raging hypocrite.


I don't hunt b/c imo it's intensely boring and stupid to go sit out in the cold weather hoping something walks over to you, but hunters shooting deer doesn't bother me a bit. I do agree that what Vick was doing to the dogs was inhumane and he deserved punishment, but come on....the guy went to a federal penitentiary for 21 months. He paid and paid dearly.


Doggy lovers like that pansy Buehrle need to shut it.

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Some of you are missing the point. He made a harsh statement about something he seems to really care about and he stuck by it. No backtracking, saying he was kidding or whatever. Thats almost blasphemy into today's PC-rich society and I applaud the man for it. You might not agree with his statements, but Mark Buehrle is far from a poosay.

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The Federal Government deems one LEGAL and the other ILLEGAL.

What does the government have to do with animal rights activists?

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Some of you are missing the point. He made a harsh statement about something he seems to really care about and he stuck by it. No backtracking, saying he was kidding or whatever. Thats almost blasphemy into today's PC-rich society and I applaud the man for it. You might not agree with his statements, but Mark Buehrle is far from a poosay.


I see what you're saying, and I commend Buehrle for not backing down. He's got a right to his opinion and it's also cool that the White Sox organization isn't issuing a statement denouncing his comments or anything like that.


However, wishing injury on someone never works out well.

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The Federal Government deems one LEGAL and the other ILLEGAL.

True. But the Federal Government has also determined that Michael Vick has paid his debt to society but that's irrelevant to the dog nuts.

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Some of you are missing the point. He made a harsh statement about something he seems to really care about and he stuck by it. No backtracking, saying he was kidding or whatever. Thats almost blasphemy into today's PC-rich society and I applaud the man for it. You might not agree with his statements, but Mark Buehrle is far from a poosay.

I get your point and I'm not sure the fact that he's not backing away from his statements is all that big of a deal to me. It's not the first time athletes or celebrities have used their fame to share their beliefs. Not that big a deal.


I disagree with you though. He is a poosay. Wishing injury on a person who paid his due to society in a big way because you love puppies so much. ghey

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I get your point and I'm not sure the fact that he's not backing away from his statements is all that big of a deal to me. It's not the first time athletes or celebrities have used their fame to share their beliefs. Not that big a deal.


I disagree with you though. He is a poosay. Wishing injury on a person who paid his due to society in a big way because you love puppies so much. ghey


I understand, and personally I think he's paid his debt to society through his incarceration and the millions upon millions of dollars he lost out on due to breach of contract, court fees, loss of endorsements, ect.


I'm not a dog nut. I like dogs, and have owned a couple. I can however, understand how people who may be dog lovers would still hate the guy, to the point of wishing bodily harm upon him. Vick has nobody but himself to blame for people feeling that way about him. Dogs or not, what happened to those pit-bulls was heinous and disgusting. Also, I think people are a little to quick to label the guy as "reformed". He's being commnended for doing what he's supposed to do, and with the financial situation he was in he really has no choice.

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Rats Ass to this "drama" but...




...did Buehrle miss Vick actually getting hurt in the season?


i dont think he ever said "we wished for vick to get hurt but damn, it never happened"


i think its just a general statement.

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the only thing i applaud buehlre for is sticking to his statement.


i think his logic is a little flawed though. Not everyone regards hunting as a sport. So to cite that as a reason why hunting is ok is... i dunno. Im sure there are people who feel dog fighting is a sport as well.


now, i think Vick is a piece of trash and deserves to still be in prison so....


its not that i think Buehrle shouldn't talk because he hunts. Not at all. I do think that there is a big difference. In many cases, hunting is and has been a means of nourishment and survival. And as others have pointed out, hunting is about clean kills and making use of the animals parts.


Dog fighting is cruel punishment, abusive behavior. Dogs who lose are executed for pleasure.


i just don't like Buehlre's reasoning, classifying it as a "sport"

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now, i think Vick is a piece of trash and deserves to still be in prison so....

I don't get it. Why?


The guy did hard time in Leavenworth State Penitentiary. There are very real criminals in Leavenworth. It's not a vacation getaway like Martha Stewart went to.

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...did Buehrle miss Vick actually getting hurt in the season?

Maybe he meant he wished someone put Michael's head in a bucket of water? :dunno:

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I laugh at some people that say dog fighters kill the dogs for pleasure and are so entrenched in their beliefs that they won't believe anything else. They also kill them because they lost them money. The losers of most dog fights are in such terrible condition that they could not fight or live a normal life afterwards.


Vick did his time. His situation brought light to dog fighting. It's essentially done much more good than ever imaginable.


Get over it.

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