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Playing another TE as your flex

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The league is 12 teams Non-PPR





I read an article about possibly drafting TE's a little early and getting 2 of the top 4 who tend to put up numbers equal to what a 3/4WR would have. The idea is that is that you'd get similar production with the possibility of starting a rush on TE's when they see you grabbing two earlier...then addressing other needs while everyone plays catch up to fill their TE spot.


Also if I do this I will probably add a 3rd TE for my bench which could make my depth come in handy for trades if any top of the line TE gets injured.



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Sorry everyone I'm new to these boards and just realized this should be in the little help forum...I'll try to get it moved

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What? There's another forum?


I don't think this question belongs there, this seems appropriate in this forum.


Now will anyone answer the questions, that's up for debate.

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Simple draft and play the player who will get you more points throughout the year. If that is a TE then great.

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I saw a guy go this route in a league I commish on yahoo last year. He took Gates in the 3rd and then Witten in the late 4th. That started a run on TEs, with most acceptable TEs being gone by the mid 5th. We play .5 pt PPR with a WR/TE/RB flex.


Both his #1 TEs had up and down years, and he finished in 5th place (12 teams).


Unless you can guess which TEs are going to be consistently better than WRs I would think there is better value available in the 3rd and 4th rounds. Aside from Gates (whose injuries scare me) there just isn't anyone else putting up the necessary numbers to draft that high. TEs are pretty deep this year - one of the deeper years I can recall.


For bye week filler this strat might have legs. To draft with it and count on starting a position run that will net you choice picks to fill out your team later is taking a chance. I wouldn't do it.

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I can not see how this could possibly work. You would have to take 2 TEs in top 5 rounds to even think about doing this. Your going to be very very very very very weak at either QB, RB or WR. I guess you could do it and get very damn lucky with some late round picks but you would have to have someone like Gates and Clark or Gates and Finley.

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Seems like a bad idea to me. Why draft top TEs that, as you said, might put up WR3/WR4 type numbers at the time in the draft when you can likely draft your WR2? I rarely like to draft TEs early, and the few times I did (Gates and Gonzo) I regretted it.


You MIGHT start a run if your league is likely to fall for that type of thing, but you aren't going to benefit from in if you're the one that started the run by drafting two TEs too early. Someone else that waits to pick up his TE and cashes in on RB3s and WR2s while you guys are going TE crazy will be the guy the truly benefits.

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The league is 12 teams Non-PPR





I read an article about possibly drafting TE's a little early and getting 2 of the top 4 who tend to put up numbers equal to what a 3/4WR would have. The idea is that is that you'd get similar production with the possibility of starting a rush on TE's when they see you grabbing two earlier...then addressing other needs while everyone plays catch up to fill their TE spot.


Also if I do this I will probably add a 3rd TE for my bench which could make my depth come in handy for trades if any top of the line TE gets injured.




Nah dont do it. Having 3 TE is a strain on ur roster because that spot could go to a bigger need or at least a high upside sleeper rb or "maybe he will explode" kind of guy. i agree start the guy who will score the most but that spot is better suited for a rb or wr.

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This is only a great strategy if you are playing in a league that gives EXTRA value to TEs for receptions. This is becoming more common, especially where there is a TE flex.


But it only works well if the league awards 1 PPR for WRs and RBs but 1.5 PPRs for TEs. Even the best TEs are only equivalent to WR2s if there is no bonus.

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This is only a great strategy if you are playing in a league that gives EXTRA value to TEs for receptions. This is becoming more common, especially where there is a TE flex.


But it only works well if the league awards 1 PPR for WRs and RBs but 1.5 PPRs for TEs. Even the best TEs are only equivalent to WR2s if there is no bonus.


The guy that won the championship last year shocked me by drafting Clark and Finley. He freakin started off on fire. He played both while they were healthy. It was a freak thing that he lost both of them but he was smart enough to pick up Tamme to fill the void. He most likely would have rolled over the league if those guys didn't get hurt, he was killing it. I'll contend that after the top tier WR's are off the board, the top tier TE's are about the safest play. In a PPR, it is like getting a WR2, but much more certain.

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