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tanatastic last won the day on April 29 2019

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2,061 Excellent

About tanatastic

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 01/03/1982

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  1. tanatastic

    Going to Maui: sight-seeing recommendations

    Yes thanks for the concern.
  2. tanatastic

    #2 overall Pick?

    That’s fine, I wasn’t going to chance losing if the shoe was on the other foot, hence the clause. I won’t regret it in hindsight just cuz it prob would have went my way.
  3. tanatastic

    #2 overall Pick?

    Danny has been shut down and won’t play 13 games so our bet is null if you want. Unless you think Giants can come back from however many games down they are, but I wouldn’t expect that. Up to you. @jrokh
  4. tanatastic

    Top Bust of 21

    CMC, Henry, Cook all busts and if we count Kamara missing 4 games as a bust that’s the entire top 4. I said I’d take Zeke no.2 and it sounded silly at the time but he’s one of the few along with Ekeler that panned out in the top half.
  5. tanatastic

    Next Years Top 12

    Is CMC really going top 3 after an injury prone couple of seasons in a row? I’m not taking him. Henry after the prophecy of 400 touches came true? Not so sure about that either. Ekeler is looking like the consensus there to me. Kamara should be no.3. No.4 either Cook, Najee or trusty and reliable Zeke. Then I can see Henry and then CMC but I’m still not touching him. Maybe those two before zeke, not sure.
  6. tanatastic

    Kyle Rittenhouse trial

    Kid deserves a medal not a trial.
  7. tanatastic

    2 receivers same team

    It’s not that bad if they are the best options you have but don’t think there’s some kind of strategery because your opponent has Kyler. You don’t “negate” any of Kylers points neither does Kyler negate yours. Many a logical fallacy in FF comes from thinking the correlation is some kind of edge. You don’t lower his floor or ceiling or any of that stuff people like to say. End of day FF is your 9 spots added up vs his 9, however they get there is not relevant and it’s all coincidence.
  8. tanatastic

    Christian Mccaffrey is a sissy

    Can officially label him injury prone as well as slow to heal.
  9. tanatastic

    Gruden........He Gone😲

    This is the nail on the head. Would have slid under the carpet then, not now. The Michelin lips thing was passable, the other comments were not, there’s no recovery from that. He is done as a public figure for the nfl.
  10. tanatastic

    My kingdom for a field goal

    I think it’s time for teams to go for it every time rather than kick the ep. Don’t the stats say it’s worth it I thought?
  11. tanatastic

    Trade proposal

    They prob already did. People love posting trades as if they are on the table, ready to accept when really it’s just their idea for a proposal and not at all discussed with the other member yet. Personally if someone gives me the “let me think about it”, I tell them the deal expires in 5 min.
  12. tanatastic

    Rams at Seahawks: TNF Discussion

    11 carries and a td for Sony makes me sick when Henderson gashed all night. Hes had it dyed for team colors for some time now.
  13. tanatastic

    Rams at Seahawks: TNF Discussion

    All the Sony for no reason making we want to vomit.
  14. tanatastic

    Rams at Seahawks: TNF Discussion

    Some of these ram play calls and formations are borderline trolling. Just abysmal. Luckiest catch ever for DJax on a horrible ball salvaged the drive. Meanwhile they are gashing with the run but passing on 2nd and 3.
  15. tanatastic

    Rams at Seahawks: TNF Discussion

    1st down PA bomb ok I can respect that. I still say every 1st should be a run, it just sets up your next plays so well but whatever. Then complete on 2nd. Penalty on 3rd ok so have to pass now instead they run on 3rd and long for no reason basically just accepting a punt. Me with a PlayStation controller and a madden playbook would be a massive upgrade for the rams right now.