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Peyton Manning: Any reason to keep him?

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I have him on my team and I definitely could fill that roster spot with someone else. Do I hold on to him or just get rid of him now because he pretty much has little chance of playing this year?

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Lemmie put it this way...


The Colts are saying 2-3 months. So assuming a completely best case scenario, that puts him back in mid November. Most doctor's I've heard on the radio, BTW, are saying that 2-3 months is a pretty rosy scenario.


So lets put it at 3 months. That has Peyton coming back in mid December, with barely any time left in the season.


Now, I think we can all agree that if the Colts have a terrible record, and no playoff hopes, they will probably not put him out there at all even in december.


But, let's look at the, in my opinion, unlikely scenario that Collins & Co. Manage to hang around close enough to keep the playoffs in striking distance. You really think a guy who hasn't taken a snap in practice, let alone a real game, in an entire year is just gonna come in there and start putting up the kind of numbers worth holding on to him for?


So in closing, I'd put it at maybe a 20% chance, optimistically, that Peyton takes a snap at all this year. And who knows how effective he will be when he does, or who will be left on the team by then as injuries play out.


If it were me, I'd cut him and move on.

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Like I said in that thread, there's more valuable contributors out there and you won't be "clever" by stashing Manning.



[ps to doughboys -- I was talking perennial top 10 QBs, although the Colts could be passing the torch to new blood very soon, too]

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I just dropped him for Cam Newton. I'd like to think I'd be patient enough to keep him a roster spot open for him until December, but realistically I know that's now going to happen.

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if it's a redraft league - he's a must drop no doubt. Let some other sucker take him and take up a roster spot.

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I'm going to hold onto him until at least Week 6 when Kolb goes on bye. If there's no news about his comeback then I'll drop him. I'm hoping by then we'll get an update on whether or not he'll be back in Nov.

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I have him on my team and I definitely could fill that roster spot with someone else. Do I hold on to him or just get rid of him now because he pretty much has little chance of playing this year?

Unless you need the roster spot pretty badly, hold onto him for a month. If the Colts are 0-5, drop him - even if he's able to come back by November, the team will be out of contention, and won't bring Manning back this season. If the team is 2-3, maybe consider holding onto him.


Also, waiting a month will allow you to hear how his recovery is going. Apparently Manning took the "riskier, more painful" procedure by taking a bone spur from his hip. I know this sounds crazy optimistic, but some people have speculated that if everything goes well, it could only be 6-8 weeks total. I know it's doubtful, but I'd hate to drop Manning, only to have him come back week 7-10 and torch the league while you're stuck starting Mark Sanchez or Cam Newton.


Also, chances are you're dropping him for a backup - whether it's a backup QB, or a sleeper RB/WR/TE. What are the chances that new players has a real impact for your team? Slim to none. If, on the other hand, you have the opportunity to pick up Caddy Williams for the next few weeks, or Lance Moore (somehow) with Colston out for 1-2 months, than drop Manning in a heartbeat.

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