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Colts interviewing Jim Tressel

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This needed it its own thread. A couple of thoughts.


- He must be seriously interested in him to fly to Florida

- I think Colts fans are going to be disappointed big time in this hire. He sure can evaluate talent, but has no mind for the X and O at all.

- If Tressel ends up getting this job...how focking lucky can a guy get? Jesus..must have skin made out of teflon.



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I actually think Tressel is a good coach and leader. He is very old school. However, he would need to hire an experienced NFL offensive coordinator because his play calling is ultra conservative and would not translate well to the NFL game.

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This needed it its own thread. A couple of thoughts.


- He must be seriously interested in him to fly to Florida

- I think Colts fans are going to be disappointed big time in this hire. He sure can evaluate talent, but has no mind for the X and O at all.

- If Tressel ends up getting this job...how focking lucky can a guy get? Jesus..must have skin made out of teflon.




And Dungy did? Dungy was a Defensive coach and their D sucked for the most part -- Peyton basically coached the team. SweaterVest to OSU and made them a every year title contender -- to do that you have to be a little more than just a great recruiter. Tressel would be a really good hire if the Colts want to rebuild around Luck and cut ties with Peyton. Tressel has a big Ego and so does Peyton I don't see them getting along very well but who knows.

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For what I know, I personally hope they don't add him and just keep him in the office. Let him help us in the draft and such.


At this time, I am hoping for the OC of the saints: Pete Carmichael.

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That franchise looks more and more like a rudderless ship.

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That franchise looks more and more like a rudderless ship.


Right now yes, but in two weeks, I think a direction will be there. I am happy with our new GM. Now let's see who they bring in for the HC and DC.

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I am happy with our new GM.


I'm actually starting to wonder just how much power this dude is gonna have. Since the initial interviews/press conferences, I've not heard a peep from the guy. It's been all Irsay when it comes to this whole hiring process.

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I'm actually starting to wonder just how much power this dude is gonna have. Since the initial interviews/press conferences, I've not heard a peep from the guy. It's been all Irsay when it comes to this whole hiring process.


I think it is more the type of person he is. I was highly impressed with how he handled the media. He wouldn't give them anything and quite frankly, put them in their place.


Irsay likes being out in the media. I do believe the Manning decision will be Irsay 100%. But I do believe Grigson had a lot to do with cleaning house and has the other say in the new HC and DC.

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Right now yes, but in two weeks, I think a direction will be there. I am happy with our new GM. Now let's see who they bring in for the HC and DC.


Could be. I'm certainly looking from afar.


I've read the same about Irasy loving the media limelight. I just don't know how you bring in a GM to make your personnel decisions...except one.

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