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'Slush fund'? USAID under fire for paying Afghan, other governments to pass laws

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WASHINGTON A U.S. agency whose mission is to foster democracy by providing financial aid to foreign governments is under fire for what some lawmakers charge is blatant political bribery to get foreign officials to pass policies favored by the Obama administration.


The payment programs, administered by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), are described as "incentive" funds. The U.S. government offers multi-million dollar payments to foreign governments -- including in Afghanistan, as well as North Africa and elsewhere -- in exchange for approving policies that are a priority in Washington, but not necessarily in those countries.


The money effectively greases the palms of foreign government officials, but watchdogs and lawmakers are questioning how that money is being spent.


"It sounds like a bonus, it sounds like a slush fund, it sounds like a lot of very negative things," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said during a recent House hearing on Capitol Hill.


Last year, the U.S. government gave $15 million to Afghanistan in exchange for its parliament passing a law on violence against women. The United States Agency for International Development has defended that payment, arguing before a House Oversight subcommittee that the vital law would have been "unpalatable" for Afghanistan without the monetary incentive.


But that was just a chunk of a larger, two-year $175 million "incentive fund" through USAID to nudge Afghanistan toward "progress" on human rights, budget and election reforms. Another $15 million was given last month for budget changes.




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So more human rights, less violence against women, balanced budgets, and democratic election reforms are "policies favored by the Obama administration"? And exactly why are these bad things?



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So more human rights, less violence against women, balanced budgets, and democratic election reforms are "policies favored by the Obama administration"? And exactly why are these bad things?



Who said they were bad???

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Who said they were bad???

I just assumed the phrase "Under Fire" connoted negativity.


Also as further explanation:



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I just assumed the phrase "Under Fire" connoted negativity.


Also as further explanation:



It is the bribery that is under fire. HTH

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It is the bribery that is under fire. HTH

What would help is if you could please explain to me why it's bribery, and if it is, how is it different than the same policy every post WWII president has followed?

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What would help is if you could please explain to me why it's bribery, and if it is, how is it different than the same policy every post WWII president has followed?

Paying someone to do something that they would never, ever do without payment is certainly bribery. And yes, we have pretty much done this with all of our 3rd world "allies". Of course 20 years down the road we will help depose the recipient of the a large portion of the money, send the country back into chaos and declare it a human rights victory.

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What would help is if you could please explain to me why it's bribery, and if it is, how is it different than the same policy every post WWII president has followed?

As predicted, this was the point where phurfur disappeared from the thread.

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Moth to a flame...

Sure seems that way. Always nice to see you doing your daily stalking. Do you get money from someone for chasing me around?

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As predicted, this was the point where phurfur disappeared from the thread.

Who predicted he would disappear from this thread? I don't see it.


Oh wait, is this another one of your famous "After-the-fact" predictions? :clap:

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Who predicted he would disappear from this thread? I don't see it.


Oh wait, is this another one of your famous "After-the-fact" predictions? :clap:

You've been around long enough to know Pappy. He's just like you. Trolls around until asked a direct question, then he scatters like a cockroach. You and him are the biggest pussies on the board. You currently have about a dozen unanswered questions lingering out there that you ran away from. :clap:

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Sure seems that way. Always nice to see you doing your daily stalking. Do you get money from someone for chasing me around?

Yea I get the same rate you get for stalking and chasing Phurfur.

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Yea I get the same rate you get for stalking and chasing Phurfur.

Yeah, but in his case, he stalks me even more. He starts threads about my pictures. You just have some sort of odd mancrush on me. Now I know I'm a pretty sexy guy. Everything you wish you were, but it still borders on creepy. :wave:

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You've been around long enough to know Pappy. He's just like you. Trolls around until asked a direct question, then he scatters like a cockroach. You and him are the biggest pussies on the board. You currently have about a dozen unanswered questions lingering out there that you ran away from. :clap:

Just as I suspected......another "after-the-fact" prediction.


You are like the Bizarro Kreskin.

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Yeah, but in his case, he stalks me even more. He starts threads about my pictures. You just have some sort of odd mancrush on me. Now I know I'm a pretty sexy guy. Everything you wish you were, but it still borders on creepy. :wave:

If it helps you sleep...

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