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Mueller delivers HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) to Moscow.


If Wray were doing this it would be treason and cause for impeachment.



Background: 2006 sting operation in Georgia (former Soviet Union, not perennial SEC losers) discovers stolen Uranium. US takes it. Could have been stolen from Russia. Mueller hand delivers uranium sample to Moscow so they can test and determine if it is in fact their Uranium that was stolen.


On the surface appears innocent.



Questions though:


1. Why would Mueller be the person to deliver Uranium?


2. If in 2006 it was discovered that Uranium was stolen from Russia and on its way to place unknown, wtf would the Obama admin think it appropriate to sell 20% of US uranium supply to Russia, allow them to ship to Canada on trucks, then across the ocean to a variety of countries? Does not sound very secure, based on past.


3. In 2016 Russia was our mortal enemy and any meetings or conversations with them were evidence of collusion/treason. In 2009 our FBI director was hand delivering HEU to Moscow and attempting to cooperate with the Russians in an effort to strengthen ties between the two countries. What changed?

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I've seen this before but there didn't appear to be anything beyond the posted excuse for doing so. Definitely odd.


Given what we all know now though, probably some nefarious activity associated with it.

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