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Ohio Children’s museum cancels queer prom after flier with Vulgar drag performers names go viral.  

Amen, let’s all rejoice in this great news.  

The Bible reminds us that your sins will be exposed.  Amen.  

Thank you Jesus. 

My God of Mercy, Grace, Love, Comfort, Peace, Joy, Salvation be with you, but only if you have accepted Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior will He be.  Anything else is Hell to pay. 

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Protected in His love.  Lamentations 3:22-33.  Amen. 

They are foolishness unto Him.  1 Corinthians 2:14.  Amen. 

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Godly friendship.  Ephesians 4:9-12.  Amen. 

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Liberal trump request conservatives retreat from bud light boycott.  

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And in All Judgement.  Philippians 1:9&10.  Amen.  

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But foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strife.  2 Timothy 2:23. Amen. 

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On 2/8/2024 at 4:12 PM, weepaws said:

Ohio Children’s museum cancels queer prom after flier with Vulgar drag performers names go viral.  

Amen, let’s all rejoice in this great news.  


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But each person is tempted when lured and enticed by own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.  James 1:14-15.  Amen. 

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4 hours ago, wiffleball said:

I understand that Jeebus and his merry men have filed a retroactive NIL lawsuit. 

But foolish and unlearned 👆🏿Questions avoid knowing that they do gender strife.  2 Timothy 2:23.  Amen.  

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8 hours ago, weepaws said:


 gender strife.  


Could we have ONE damn thread without Tranny talk?! 😡

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This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.  2 Timothy 3:1.  Amen. 

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For men shall be lovers of self, covetous,boasters,proud,blasphemous,disobedient to parents,unthankfull, unholy.  2 Timothy 3:2. Amen. 

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32 minutes ago, weepaws said:

For men shall be lovers of self

I told you that Jesus promotes jerking Off 

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1 hour ago, Maximum Overkill said:

I told you that Jesus promotes jerking Off 

Without natural affection, truth breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of things that are good.  2 Timothy 3:3.  Amen. 

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Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.  2 Timothy 3:4.  Amen

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3 hours ago, Maximum Overkill said:


You can put trumps pic in that group. 

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Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant Mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  1 Peter 1:3.  Amen. 

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As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the Household of Faith. Galatians 6:10. Amen. 

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European Parliament condemns massacre of Christians in Nigeria, blames climate change.  Oh my soul. You stupid conservatives and liberals, it’s always something but the truth.  Amen. 

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15 minutes ago, weepaws said:

European Parliament condemns massacre of Christians in Nigeria, blames climate change.  Oh my soul. You stupid conservatives and liberals, it’s always something but the truth.  Amen. 

what are you whining about now?

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1 hour ago, seafoam1 said:

what are you whining about now?

What Mr insufferable 👆🏿

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So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10.  Amen. 

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The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted and they will be humbled.  Isaiah 2:12.  Amen. 

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Having the form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away.  2 Timothy 3:5.  Amen.  

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.  2 Timothy 3:12.  Amen. 

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Poor wee paws. Imagine just posting Bible verses that you can take out of context and apply to absolutely anything you want to believe but when asked very simple questions about it can’t do it. Pretty bizarre to live your life by a book you can’t explain and you have to suspend your belief in common sense to think those things happened. 

Mental health is a serious thing folks

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26 minutes ago, cyclone24 said:

Poor wee paws. Imagine just posting Bible verses that you can take out of context and apply to absolutely anything you want to believe but when asked very simple questions about it can’t do it. Pretty bizarre to live your life by a book you can’t explain and you have to suspend your belief in common sense to think those things happened. 

Mental health is a serious thing folks

It’s good to see you understand that you are having mental health issues, I mean any husband that likes to his wife out to bars in the early am times just to watch men pick up on her, and then go to a ff board to ask what you should do about.  Does indeed need help.  

Behold, the eyes of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His steadfast love.  Psalm 33:18. It’s in the Bible. 

I hope the new therapy lessons work for you and wife.  Take care.  

God bless , I hope.  

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1 hour ago, cyclone24 said:

Poor wee paws. Imagine just posting Bible verses that you can take out of context and apply to absolutely anything you want to believe but when asked very simple questions about it can’t do it. Pretty bizarre to live your life by a book you can’t explain and you have to suspend your belief in common sense to think those things happened. 

Mental health is a serious thing folks

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 👆🏿  2 Timothy 3:13   Amen. 

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1 hour ago, weepaws said:

It’s good to see you understand that you are having mental health issues, I mean any husband that likes to his wife out to bars in the early am times just to watch men pick up on her, and then go to a ff board to ask what you should do about.  Does indeed need help.  

Behold, the eyes of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His steadfast love.  Psalm 33:18. It’s in the Bible. 

I hope the new therapy lessons work for you and wife.  Take care.  

God bless , I hope.  

You try so hard. It’s kind of adorable really. 

but for what it’s worth, I’m not the one who can’t answer questions about a book I’ve carved my entire life around. And yeah, all that stuff about talking bushes and being able to put two of every animal on a boat and a dead guy with holes in his hands and feet walking out of a tomb, I’m sure those things are real (eyeroll)

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9 minutes ago, cyclone24 said:

You try so hard. It’s kind of adorable really. 

but for what it’s worth, I’m not the one who can’t answer questions about a book I’ve carved my entire life around. And yeah, all that stuff about talking bushes and being able to put two of every animal on a boat and a dead guy with holes in his hands and feet walking out of a tomb, I’m sure those things are real (eyeroll)


1 hour ago, cyclone24 said:

Poor wee paws. Imagine just posting Bible verses that you can take out of context and apply to absolutely anything you want to believe but when asked very simple questions about it can’t do it. Pretty bizarre to live your life by a book you can’t explain and you have to suspend your belief in common sense to think those things happened. 

Mental health is a serious thing folks

You do suffer from mental health issues, now run and get some help, do you need financial help? Do you have any insurance? 

I just want to see you get better, Hurry now.  Proverbs 26:4&5. It’s in the Bible, that’s my answer to you, until you get the mental helpyou say you need . And stop calling me adorable tranny boy   

God bless, I hope. 

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I don’t know chuckles. You’re the one buying the fancy book but can’t explain it. To wrap your existence into something you cant prove, see or explain? Mental illness is obvious.

No, we good. Got a few concerts coming up, going to Maui in December, and then a yacht trip in January. Thanks though

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18 minutes ago, cyclone24 said:

yeah, all that stuff about talking bushes and being able to put two of every animal on a boat 

Everyone knows it was a UFO, not a Boat. 

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48 minutes ago, cyclone24 said:

I don’t know chuckles. You’re the one buying the fancy book but can’t explain it. To wrap your existence into something you cant prove, see or explain? Mental illness is obvious.

No, we good. Got a few concerts coming up, going to Maui in December, and then a yacht trip in January. Thanks though

Sorry that your mental illness is obvious, how can I help?  You seem to be reaching for help, please let me know. Read that Bible you own, it will help your body, and save your soul. 

Proverbs 26:4&5.  Amen. 

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37 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Everyone knows it was a UFO, not a Boat. 

That’s what all the people that drown said.  Opps their bad.  

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3 hours ago, cyclone24 said:

I don’t know chuckles. You’re the one buying the fancy book but can’t explain it. To wrap your existence into something you cant prove, see or explain? Mental illness is obvious.

No, we good. Got a few concerts coming up, going to Maui in December, and then a yacht trip in January. Thanks though

Justified By Faith.  Romans 5:1-2.  Amen. 

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7 hours ago, cyclone24 said:

You try so hard. It’s kind of adorable really. 

but for what it’s worth, I’m not the one who can’t answer questions about a book I’ve carved my entire life around. And yeah, all that stuff about talking bushes and being able to put two of every animal on a boat and a dead guy with holes in his hands and feet walking out of a tomb, I’m sure those things are real (eyeroll)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is Profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 

That the man of God may be Perfect, throughly furnished unto all good Works.  2 Timothy 3:16&17.  Amen. 

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8 minutes ago, weepaws said:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is Profitable for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 

That the man of God may be Perfect, throughly furnished unto all good Works.  2 Timothy 3:16&17.  Amen. 

Just a quick heads up. Copying and pasting the entire Bible doesn’t exactly scream not bat shiit crazy. HTH

  • Haha 1

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