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Father Trump Talk-the Boss is a true Alpha Chad🚨Donald is the only man who can save the world 🚨 You’re a sick SOB gutter , a sick SOB. It’s the truth , a sick SOB

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5 hours ago, Voltaire said:

Yes. You've been lied to.

I knew you'd do this because lying is what the MSM does and they sucked you in. It's easily provable to be taken out of context.

But don't believe me. I know you don't trust me. See for yourself.  Here's the full conversation. The money quote is about 3/5 of the way in.


Just skim down to it. Down. Down. Beofre an after. The entire conversation all the way before and after is alerting him to allegations of illegally cast ballots. Look here for illegal ballots, look here at these irregularities. On and on. Fraudulent votes. Dead people voting. Before and after the money quote, it's all about looking for illegally cast ballots. All of it. Every little bit.

I actually read that whole thing and it's really sad.

You have this desperate broken guy, Trump, spewing lie and after lie and getting told over and over that what he's saying is false.  He finally breaks down and just begs "find 11k votes".

We all know the context dude.  The context is you have a guy that has been crying about election fraud the moment he started running for public office.  He said in 2016 that the election would be rigged if he lost, but he actually won.  He said in the primary of that year after he lost Iowa that Cruz stole it, that it was fraud. In 2012 he wasn't even running but he started crying fraud for Romney.  Fock when he was just a reality TV star and the apprentice lost to amazing race for a Grammy he said it was rigged for focks sake.

So the context is that Trump is a guy that refuses to accept defeat and will lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, whatever to get his way.  And that's exactly what that phone call was about.

All of his claims during that phone call have been rebuked.  There were two recounts, investigations, and time and time again it shows trump lost Georgia.


The facts are all on my side, not yours.

Now tell me again, who is being lied to?

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1 hour ago, Ron_Artest said:

I actually read that whole thing and it's really sad.

You have this desperate broken guy, Trump, spewing lie and after lie and getting told over and over that what he's saying is false.  He finally breaks down and just begs "find 11k votes".

We all know the context dude.  The context is you have a guy that has been crying about election fraud the moment he started running for public office.  He said in 2016 that the election would be rigged if he lost, but he actually won.  He said in the primary of that year after he lost Iowa that Cruz stole it, that it was fraud. In 2012 he wasn't even running but he started crying fraud for Romney.  Fock when he was just a reality TV star and the apprentice lost to amazing race for a Grammy he said it was rigged for focks sake.

So the context is that Trump is a guy that refuses to accept defeat and will lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, whatever to get his way.  And that's exactly what that phone call was about.

All of his claims during that phone call have been rebuked.  There were two recounts, investigations, and time and time again it shows trump lost Georgia.


The facts are all on my side, not yours.

Now tell me again, who is being lied to?

"Sad" is a favorite Trump adjective, so nice use of it there.

What President Trump is asking for here may well be impossible. The only state that actually did conduct an audit of the ballots was Arizona and what we learned there is that if / when fake ballots get mixed in with good ones, its impossible to untangle them. Other states, including Georgia never made that effort; they recounted the ballots they already had counted.

Trump is not asking Raffensperger to find 11K new ballots, as Rusty believes. That call was all about investigating alleged abuses fraud and attempting to identify and disqualifying illegally cast ballots. Especially in Georgia where that video exists of the election workers in Fulton County calling off the ballot counting process due to a water main break and sending everyone home, then pulling containers out from under the tables, opening them with no observers present, and counting the ballots alone. That looked shady as hell. The explanation given sounds plausible, but if you want an election on the up-and-up, it should never be done like that. It really puts a cloud on what went on there. 

  • Sad 1

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40 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

The only state that actually did conduct an audit of the ballots was Arizona and what we learned there is that if / when fake ballots get mixed in with good ones, its impossible to untangle them. Other states, including Georgia never made that effort; they recounted the ballots they already had counted.

Wrong, several states conducted audits including Georgia and Michigan.

Source: https://web.mit.edu/healthyelections/www/final-reports/recounts-election-contests.html


41 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

Trump is not asking Raffensperger to find 11K new ballots, as Rusty believes. That call was all about investigating alleged abuses fraud and attempting to identify and disqualifying illegally cast ballots. 

Wrong.  At the time the call was made, everything that Trump alleges was investigated, audited, and they found that Biden won, over and over.  The call was a plea to get the election overturned anyway.  That's fairly obvious to anyone with a shred of integrity, and we will find out if the jury agrees in due time.

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51 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:


It’s funny how there has conveniently not been fact checkers bird dogging everything Biden says. 

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Just now, Tree of Knowledge said:

It’s funny how their has conveniently not been fact checkers bird dogging everything Biden says. 


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1 hour ago, Ron_Artest said:

Wrong, several states conducted audits including Georgia and Michigan.

Source: https://web.mit.edu/healthyelections/www/final-reports/recounts-election-contests.html


Wrong.  At the time the call was made, everything that Trump alleges was investigated, audited, and they found that Biden won, over and over.  The call was a plea to get the election overturned anyway.  That's fairly obvious to anyone with a shred of integrity, and we will find out if the jury agrees in due time.

Ron/ Gutterboy didn’t read or can’t read his own link. A recount isn’t an audit. Derp. 

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Ron/ Gutterboy didn’t read or can’t read his own link. A recount isn’t an audit. Derp. 



Michigan  and  Georgia  each  performed  post-election  vote  audits,  with   Michigan’s  extending  into   February ,  after  President-Elect  Biden   took  office.  These  audits  were   not  prescribed  by  law;  rather,  the  secretaries  of  state  called  for  these  audits  to  boost  voter   confidence  that  the  elections  were  fair  and  not  tainted  by  widespread  fraud.

Additionally,  Georgia  and  Michigan  also  undertook  audits  of  their  presidential  vote   counts.  Unlike  a  recount,  an  audit  is  a  post-election  safety  measure  to  verify  and  ensure  that   voting  systems  worked  as  expected.

The L's continue.  Please just shut up and stop replying to me.

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1 hour ago, Ron_Artest said:

Wrong, several states conducted audits including Georgia and Michigan.

Source: https://web.mit.edu/healthyelections/www/final-reports/recounts-election-contests.html


Wrong.  At the time the call was made, everything that Trump alleges was investigated, audited, and they found that Biden won, over and over.  The call was a plea to get the election overturned anyway.  That's fairly obvious to anyone with a shred of integrity, and we will find out if the jury agrees in due time.

The audits in Michigan and Georgia were limited affairs that didn't look for nor to find anything. It was Arizona that really took the time to do it right, with 1500 people and 100,000 man hours over five months. They found 49K problem ballots, not to say they were all bad or that all went to Biden, as there's no way to tell and they may well have evened out, but this was 5x more than the difference. What I'm not seeing in Arizona is a pattern of abuse by officials and so I feel I can generally trust the tally result even though the number of dubious votes is five times greater than the margin of victory. Biden would have had to have won these dubious votes by too great a margin,  seems to me.

Here's their report:


Not far from the top is table 5.2 The leading item, 23K, voted from prior address, 9K voted 2+ times, 5K is same name and birthdate in different counties.

It would have been nice to see these other states go to the same lengths that Arizona went to and take these allegations seriously, especially Michigan, which I paid closest attention to for obvious reasons.

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4 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

The audits in Michigan and Georgia were limited affairs that didn't look for nor to find anything.

It would have been nice to see these other states go to the same lengths that Arizona went to and take these allegations seriously, especially Michigan, which I paid closest attention to for obvious reasons.

Did you read the link I posted?


Following  Michigan’s  statewide  certification,  Michigan  Secretary  of  State  Jocelyn  Benson   declared  that  the  state  would  conduct  a  statewide  risk-limiting  audit  to  provide  a  further  check   on  election  results  by  inspecting  a  certain  percentage  of  paper  ballots .  Acco rding  to  Bureau  of   Elections,  the  audit  would  be  the  “most  comprehensive  post-election  audits  in  state  history”

They look for a lot, and what they found was slightly more votes for biden by a very small percentage.

Another Source: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2022/03/04/audit-debunks-dead-voter-theory-michigan-2020-election/9373387002/

Another Source: https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/03/02/michigan-election-audit-results/6884982002/

Another Source: https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2022/01/forensic-audit-in-michigans-largest-pro-trump-county-finds-no-evidence-of-election-interference.html

Still think Michigan was stolen?


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7 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

Who knows? There were filmed backdoor deliveries to whatever they renamed Cobo Hall on election night which may or may not have been food. Meanwhile, the ballots were counted after the observers were kicked out of the room then cardboard covered the windows. That doesn't instill confidence at all and the audit would not have found any of it anyways. The Michigan audit took a minute and a half  to confirm the results that Jocelyn Benson wanted. 

Another thing though is that focusing on these audits miss the big picture as well.

 States Democrats controlled used the COVID crisis to change voting systems and laws. You, for example, because you live in New Jersey, would have received your ballot mailed to you unsolicited. If you'd just moved into that house, you'd have also gotten the previous occupant's ballot as well. Tim Pool had been living in New Jersey at the time and he reported that he personally had received ballots he had not requested this way. Add in unsupervised drop boxes and Minnesota-style ballot harvesting and you have a problem.

Democrat activists inside and outside government successfully pressured social media companies to censor information. Elon Musk showed how that worked at Twitter with the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, most prominent of many examples.


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21 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

Who knows? There were filmed backdoor deliveries to whatever they renamed Cobo Hall on election night which may or may not have been food. Meanwhile, the ballots were counted after the observers were kicked out of the room then cardboard covered the windows. That doesn't instill confidence at all and the audit would not have found any of it anyways. The Michigan audit took a minute and a half  to confirm the results that Jocelyn Benson wanted. 

Another thing though is that focusing on these audits miss the big picture as well.

 States Democrats controlled used the COVID crisis to change voting systems and laws. You, for example, because you live in New Jersey, would have received your ballot mailed to you unsolicited. If you'd just moved into that house, you'd have also gotten the previous occupant's ballot as well. Tim Pool had been living in New Jersey at the time and he reported that he personally had received ballots he had not requested this way. Add in unsupervised drop boxes and Minnesota-style ballot harvesting and you have a problem.

Democrat activists inside and outside government successfully pressured social media companies to censor information. Elon Musk showed how that worked at Twitter with the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, most prominent of many examples.


An now we're back to Hunter Biden's laptop 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for playing.

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Gutterboy still thinks the laptop story wasn't real.  lol

He always shotguns emojis and runs away when he loses.  SAD.

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2 minutes ago, Jose M said:

Gutterboy still thinks the laptop story wasn't real.  lol

He always shotguns emojis and runs away when he loses.  SAD.

Ron/ Gutterboy also thinks people with mansions in the Hamptons took a beating during the mortgage fiasco. 

  • Haha 1

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3 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

You just got owned.  Take the L. 

To recap for you: Voltaire claimed that the recording of Trump was a lie.  The recording was produced, Voltaire then said he wasn't asking for votes, he was pointing out voting issues.  I told Voltaire that everything that Trump talked about was proven to be false.  Voltaire then said that there was no audit in any other state than Arizona.  I provided links to audits in other states.  Voltaire said the audit in Michigan was meaningless.  I provided evidence that it was the largest audit in Michigan history and proved that Biden won.  Voltaire then brought up how twitter censored Hunter Biden's laptop. 

That is how you counter ignorance and misinformation.  A masterclass.


  • Haha 1

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24 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Ron/ Gutterboy also thinks people with mansions in the Hamptons took a beating during the mortgage fiasco. 

The third grade summaries of events are my favorite.  :lol:

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6 minutes ago, Jose M said:

The third grade summaries of events are my favorite.  :lol:

Yeah. I remember all those for sale signs out there. It was a ghost town back then. Those Poor people got crushed.  

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1 hour ago, Jose M said:

The third grade summaries of events are my favorite.  :lol:

The country is full of useful idiots that have us on the road to ruin.  It’s kind of nice to have a live example because I don’t run into any in the real world.  

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Sounds like every GC'er here.  How many of ya'll wanna die if Diaper Don doesn't get elected?


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2 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

How do you get clobbering out of that? Why is everything with you distorted? 

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9 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

How do you get clobbering out of that? Why is everything with you distorted? 

He doesn't read past the headline.  

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20 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

How do you get clobbering out of that? Why is everything with you distorted? 

Specifically to get a rise out of you regarding the word "clobbering."


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2 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Specifically to get a rise out of you regarding the word "clobbering."


You’ve always done it.  Nice try. 

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15 minutes ago, Jose M said:

He doesn't read past the headline.  

They never do. Bleach! 

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14 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

You’ve always done it.  Nice try. 

Bottom line: Polls favoring Biden. 


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1 hour ago, Maximum Overkill said:


The Peoples President 

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

The Peoples President 

Damn right my friend. 🇺🇸

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On 4/10/2024 at 6:52 AM, Ron_Artest said:

We all know the context dude

GUTTERBOY, ya still sharing with the Family?



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Hair plugs, fake teeth, plastic surgery.  C pap straps visible on his face in the middle of the day.  Safety shoes. Lol. 

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