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Engorgeous George

The Yampa in April

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Colorado just finished three days of rain and snow up in the Mountains.  The runoffs have started and are running high.  I will be running the Yampa river today.  Water temperatures are less than 33 degrees.  That will definitely shrivel your balls if you end up swimming.  Even if not with the splash we will be wet for better than half the run.  Should be fun.  Last year at this time we saw Moose, Elk, Big Horn Sheep, a Black Bear and many Eagles.  I will not be fishing but my brother will.  Time to get moving, the sun is coming up and i have a bit of a drive.

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9 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

Colorado just finished three days of rain and snow up in the Mountains.  The runoffs have started and are running high.  I will be running the Yampa river today.  Water temperatures are less than 33 degrees.  That will definitely shrivel your balls if you end up swimming.  Even if not with the splash we will be wet for better than half the run.  Should be fun.  Last year at this time we saw Moose, Elk, Big Horn Sheep, a Black Bear and many Eagles.  I will not be fishing but my brother will.  Time to get moving, the sun is coming up and i have a bit of a drive.

Have fun and be safe boyo!

Love your spirit of adventure.

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34 minutes ago, kutulu said:

Who is April and what's a yampa?

Yampa is how the illegals pronounce Tampa.  

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I've been to Yampa. Cool place.

I took the family to Colorado a few years ago, and a couple we known owns a huge chunk of property near Yampa.

We stayed there a few days in this rustic cabin. We rented some horses and checked out the property, and I developed mad respect for horses. I couldn't see the ground because of all the undergrown, and the horse was skillfully navigating over rocks, stumps and logs I couldn't even see. Once we got out into the open, I got the focker into a full gallop, which I'd never done before.

There was zero cell service out there, which was glorious. We were cut off from the world for days.

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Steamboat Springs ski hill is now closed.  Others will be moving from skiing to rafting and kayaking in the comming days though Mary Jane and Breckinridge and others will remaIn open for a while. Spring has not arrived in the high country.  Absolutely no green anywhere.  The animals were not awake and moving about at all though there where choruses of frogs on the river.  A couple of trout fishermen were out but having minimal luck.


Oh, we ran it and managed to stay dry the entire way, even avoiding any splash as the river is still far from its max flows, but where taking out I slipped on a algae covered rock and went in completely under water in water that was 32 degrees.  Fortunately the sun was out and there was no wind so I warmed up fairly quickly once I dragged my shriveled old man balls out of the drink.

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Yesterday I was back to my weekday paddling routine.  I arrived at my local reservoir to find emergency personnel pullling a body from the reservoir.  Somehow a guy managed to capsize his boat on a relatively calm day and to drown in the still cold waters.  I was asked to delay my put in while they finished up.  I did though it seemed to me I would have been well out of their way, but then what did I really know about whadt was going on and the extent of their search area.


The walleye are just beginnning to spawn and some turtles weere out sunning themselves.  I trolled two rapalas as I crossed the open water covering about a mile and a half as I got to the bay I like to fish.  Not a single hit from the trout I was hoping to target.  The walleye I got were undersized and still with eggs so back they went.  I decided to work some cover for bass but only got two perch.  I quit the fishing and just enjoyed padding around.  I saw a herd of antelope on shore.

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Gots to wear your PFD's when the water is this cold.  Later in the year you can just have them handy, but right now, wear them, don't just have them  in your boat.

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