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EternalShinyAndChrome last won the day on April 28

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About EternalShinyAndChrome

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    FF Geek

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  1. I do? I was just making a simple but very clear observation but if you say so!
  2. And yet, still smarter than you, the charlatan. So dumb you have to copy/paste from the bible because you can't think on your own.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump stole $100 million from taxpayers

    You're right. got that backwards! Doesn't really matter though, Worms will believe anything he's told.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump stole $100 million from taxpayers

    Trump stole $100 million because CNN told me so! Also CNN: Trump is a Russian Agent! Also CNN: Hookers peed on Trump! Also CNN. Nicolas Sandman attacked Indian Protestors! Also CNN: Mostly Peaceful Protests! Also CNN: Hillary Did Nothing Wrong! Also CNN: Hillary is a LOCK!
  5. I'm sure it did happen. FFS, we have a whole lot of "soft a$$ kids" in this very forum - worms, pimpadouche, ghey_artest, beachghey23, squistion, zsazz, the general and a whole host of others that were CLEARLY soft a$$ kids growing up and have turned into soft a$$ adults and raising even softer a$$ kids.
  6. Modern woman have it so bad nowadays. It's worse than it ever was. Women living in 2000 BC had it so much better! Oh, the horror!!!!
  7. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump stole $100 million from taxpayers

    CNN!!! If you have to use CNN, you've already lost the argument.
  8. Weird how all you morons NEVER want to talk about the discrimination of women digging ditches, brick laying and sewage cleaning jobs. It's only and always the C Suite jobs. It's never been about equality- it's about money and power. Until you want to address the lower level jobs and "equality", your fake outrage is going to fall on deaf ears because everyone sees it for what it is: BS
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Ann Coulter goes full white supremacist

    Oh, really? How long have you planned on voting for Trump?
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Ann Coulter goes full white supremacist

    And yet, you do nothing of the sort. All that wasted time that ended up in you just believing what you're told by your masters. Sad. You're a slave to your ideology just like your fellow posers here. Not a single one of you can think on your own and without approval from your propaganda overlords.
  11. OF COURSE you slurp the far-left glory hole propaganda because you can't think on your own. It's true because your masters told you so. No thinking needed on your part. Just OUTRAGE!!!! GTFO, you fat loser.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Hopefully the end for Fani and her legal abuse

    So the side that doesn't support child grooming, doesn't support sex changes and chemical castration for kids, doesn't support the burning and looting of cities is the trainwreck? And typically side with Democrats? You ALWAYS side with the Democrat Party. GTFO.
  13. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Hopefully the end for Fani and her legal abuse

    Says the guy who claims he's an independent.
  14. A LOT of women were on the forefront with their radical feminism and supporting the rainbow and tranny mobs. I won't even get into the feminizing of young men, so this is no surprise to me.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Hopefully the end for Fani and her legal abuse

    Huh? It's not MAGA burning cities, attacking citizens and cops, taking over city blocks, and looting businesses. You lefties have to gaslight at every turn because it's is almost always YOUR side that threatening, inciting and partaking in the violence.