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Giants Fan

i'm freakin out man

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Focking dude ... i am all goosebumps. Just saw like, something glimpse at me, while I was being quiet, and duck away. Focking all goosebumbs now. Weird as shiat, thought it was my cat fo a sec.


There is some kind of living creature in my house, and I just caught it looking at me. I cant identify what it is.


OMZg ... Am I crazy. My cat and my mother hafe both heard noises. Second time, I thought I saw something, heard a noise and it quickly vanished.

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So focking weird. Was like it peeked around the corner, saw me, and quickly took off the other way, without making much sound.


What I think I saw ... Either an alien, or I am having acid flashbacks. Truly, kinda freaking out right now.


Heard a sound, saw something I can't explain. Goose bumps, big time. Kinda freaked out.

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Must be some kinda animal in the house. Saw me, retreated. Was very weird though. i am kinda freaking out a little bit. It peeked around a corner at me.


Prolly some animal ... Freaking me the fock out though..

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Second time, have heard a sound, looked to see what I expect is my cat ... See something and it quickly vanishes.


So, I dunno man. I have set rat poison in the house, no takers. It's real though. never find rat turds or anyhring ...just saw out of he corner of my eye again, it's real. Went to look for it, gone.


Kinda scary.

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It could be, like an ET, or a gubmint drone.


Have I told you about my end of days machine?


You create a machine, that act's like a queen bee. You coukd even shortcut a lot of what you do and use actual bees, but with massive computer power, they may have some use as scouts.


But that is pretty much it. You now rule the planet, if you had a machine that kept making and servicing drones the size of insects., the combined inteligence and physical power could be extreme.


A drone, the size of a housefly, with a ricin, or some other poison could find and kill someone is in the near future.


Be advised. This is not just a warning, I think i have actually witnessed some shadow technology. Or aliens, or I am going crazy.


Calmed down now, I thought I saw something that freaked me the fock out ... Optical illusion. Play on light in a hallway.


I swear, it turned the corner, looked right at me, and turned and ran away. Dunno wtf it was. Kinda freaked out.

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Think it was just a shadow, besides i also heard a noise. Maybe a lizard. Coulda sworn I saw it,,and it vnishd in front of my eyes, makes me think it's just a weird shadow or something.

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One time, when I was in college, I convinced a friend of mine to drive me to the Mexican border.


The story was, no pledge class had ever gotten away on thief walk out, Scott free, as they say. I got captured, as a pledge, talked my way out of it. Part of the fun I guess.


So, It’s very "wqht's this kyin around shiat for?" as an active. We knew they went to Mexico.


Ya know, the border, back then, closes at midnight. You wanna get across after midnight, sleep in your car, which I have done ... Reqdy to go back home and take a shower by that time.


So, anyway, lomg story short I convincd this kid to drive me to the Mexican border. I told him the way to go, "like a four hoir drive, no promises, but the border closes at midnight.


So, we drove, almost to Mexico. I was asleep in the back seat, when I heard, "is that Heisenbergs Jeep?" and it was. All we needed was one pledge, they can kidnap, as a matter of fact, they Re required to kidnap actives. Well, this one active witth the Jeep, ran outta gas.


Right so, loke this active and 2 pledges are sitting there, not only waiting for the bordr to open, but also to put gas in the actoves Jeep.


Little Hinda 4 door pulls up on the scene. And I saw this guy ... He saw who was driving, and didn't look concerened,,but when he saw me waking up in the back seat ....... Be still my dogs of war.


This 18 year old kid from Pittsburgh, ran off into the desert. "Where are you gonna go? If you run off into the desert, you could die. SNAKE! Dude... Stop ... I gotcha. It's OK ... Now just walk back to the car with me and we are gonna drive you back to The House in Tucson.


Swear to god, like hallfway there, my friend who was driving also saw it. LA Llarona.

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He's from Sweden and freaking out, "WTF was that!?" and I said, "You just saw a ghost.." and he fully believed me,as we ...Padump, drove over a bridge and a river.


I believe in paranormal shiat, after that,


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But we delivered the pledge. As the sun came up, and we returned to Tucson .... Nobody gets away. Nobody.

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Very much like I would describe it, without the flaoting. White, whispy character with no face. I literally turned and looked from the pasanger seat as we drove past it. No face.


Hoax? Possible. Ya know, we saw somethiing. It was real, and we can't explain it

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This thing in the halway though. Maybe I shouldn't have ate that enire bag of weed, right?


Mother of God!




littering meow?

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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

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BTW, If you could ... Like if it was possible using nano-technology to make a drone, like the size of a house fly.Ok, that is kinda scary. If each drone can carry a poison payload.


Yer talking about knowing anythjng you want to know about anybody ... and being able to kill them on the spot.


It's rule the world type of shiat. Whoever gets their first, wins.

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Who wants to invest with me on a drone-be-gone, drone defense system?


I'd buy it. Tired of those pesky drones, deciding whether you live or die on the spot, when you run a red light in your flying car?


Drone-be-gone. Big, big future in anti-drone sprays.

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So, right now there are pretty much only two options, besides anti-drone spray.


You make, what I call a PEEMP. Pre-Emptive Electro Magnetic Pulse, and a PLL a pulsating low level device .... it will provide a barrier., and the threat of a complete reset. You will be in like a bubble where only you have internet access and peolple around you, might lose some data. Too bad. Fock them for leaving sensitive data on their phones anyway.


Dumbasses deserve it.


If you get where I am going here ... It's gonna become war. It is probably too late to stop a massive ice melt in antarctica. Bad shiat, is likely just on the horizon, we are smart enough as humans to see this tide on the way. And yet, not smart enough to stop it.


Bet, every cahnce that you get, people will be stupid. Never fails. Safest bet, evah.

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90 posts overnight...most talking to yourself.

You may need to get back to that doctor.

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I lived in a house that had a poltergeist. Maybe you got one.


Very often, there would be a noise behind you in the house. If you went into the room where the noise came from, it would be in another room. I would come home late at night and my friend would have every single light on in the house. He was cheap as hell and kind of a hard ass. When I ask him about it he said: "Bear, I'm scared." That just freaked me out.


I finally saw the thing. It took the shape of my friend and then disintegrated into the walls like a coat of paint. Naturally, that was somewhat traumatic.


I heard there was a pastor that used to live in the house at a wedding reception neck door. I went over and started a casual conversation with her. I finally brought up the house like "Oh, I hear you lived next door; how did you like it?" She looked me right in the eyes and said: "I didn't like it, and I'll bet you don't either." :shocking:

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We've all known he's a lunatic for years. Is this thread designed to make it official for the 1% of people who weren't convinced?

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i really thought I saw something peer around a corner. Musta been a shadow.


Yeah but what caught your eye was movement. Why would a shadow move? :ninja:

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