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Hardcore troubadour

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Hardcore troubadour last won the day on May 3

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12,718 Excellent

About Hardcore troubadour

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  • Location
    The scenic Hudson Valley
  • Interests
    The New York Football Giants, The Fat Housewives of Fishtown, Yankee Baseball

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  1. Hardcore troubadour

    What is your net worth?

    Tell us what you like about the liberal agenda.
  2. Lol. There is a predetermined outcome there Atticus. This is a show trial. And the prosecution ain’t showing much. And their own witnesses keep shitting on their star witness. This is garbage and you know it. But now more people do as well.
  3. Hardcore troubadour

    What is your net worth?

    I’m investing in White Boy Summer 2024. I’m gonna make a killing. Sorry fags. You’re not invited. But there’s some drag Queen story hours around for you. Have fun.
  4. Hardcore troubadour

    What is your net worth?

    🏳 So you vote for mutilating children. Or you would as it’s not a concern of yours. But abortion is. Lol.
  5. Hardcore troubadour

    Jan 6, 2021

    Nancy Pelosi was left wondering why there weren’t more uprisings and said there might be more. That’s ok though. She’s the greatest investor of all time so she’s entitled to make inflammatory statements. Genius like that is under a lot of pressure.
  6. Hardcore troubadour

    Racist frat boys

    Did they actually say blacks are apes? Because as we all learned from you with Jewish people, unless you actually say the thing, it’s not a thing. Thanks man. Fockin clown.
  7. Hardcore troubadour

    What is your net worth?

    Yeah sure. But you left the mutilating children and not notifying parents part out of it I see. Typical ignorant, lying TDS infected leftard.
  8. Hardcore troubadour

    Leftist Protesters are Retards

    Yeah. But I’d still stroll right through their “autonomous zone” if I had to get somewhere. And laugh.
  9. Hardcore troubadour

    Racist frat boys

    WBS 2024! Suck it sissies!
  10. Hardcore troubadour

    Racist frat boys

    Yup. There are a bunch of them here. They say things like “oh, the poor oppressed white guy”. Fock em. I tolerate that crap out of my stupid liberal niece. I wouldn’t out of a middle aged white guy. Unless they didn’t work for it. Which most of these twats have not. Then I’d just tell them they say that because they are not fully formed men. They are still children.
  11. Hardcore troubadour

    Leftist Protesters are Retards

    Late fifties. Pretty good shape. I haven’t seen one of these protesters that I couldn’t kick the shitt out of.
  12. Very good week for the Trump team. Plus the latest polls. Looks like there won’t be any other trials until after the election once this trash is over with. Sorry Girlie Men of the geek club. Maybe next time.
  13. Hardcore troubadour

    What is your net worth?

    . He doesn’t approve of it, he just votes for it. Cut him a break.
  14. Hardcore troubadour

    Racist frat boys

    White boy summer 2024! You think y’all were keeping them down? Lol
  15. Libtards have issues with someone taking the fifth now. Lol.