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EternalShinyAndChrome last won the day on January 1

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About EternalShinyAndChrome

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    FF Geek

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  1. EternalShinyAndChrome


    Get thee away from me, Satan!!
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    I figured that boyosexual beachghey wouldn't be far behind boyosexual gheyartest in posting.
  3. Oh look at, another boyosexual twink lover!
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    That's exactly what a coward would say when he's called out on the carpet. Crawl back into your hole or under your desk or wherever it is you hide.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Good Liars

    Yes, you are. Thanks for admitting it.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    It's what weak, cowardly and pvussified liberal men do. Talk the talk, but NEVER walk the walk. You think the POS is really giving extra money? No way in hell.
  7. yeah, you're reaching pretty bad here. I guess you have to when you support and vote for a pedophile like Joe Biden.
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Weak response from a weak man. Always hiding behind something - standard liberal male. Can't walk the walk.
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    you f'n pvzzy. Another liberal who talks the talk but can't walk the walk. SOP for today's modern, weak and cowardly leftist.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Good Liars

    Says the guy who day and day out repeats the nonsense he gets from his far-left sources and plantation masters. Dude, you're in no position to point fingers.
  11. Agreed. I fully support Liberals aborting their kids and setting themselves on fire. The crazy ones, anyways, but that's most of the left nowadays.
  12. Typipcal response when a lefty doesn't want to hear the truth. When you want to piss off and scare a conservative, tell them a lie. When you want to piss off and scare a lefty, tell them the truth.
  13. Nah, the liberal riots of 2019-2022 have done more damage than Oklahoma. They destroyed, looted, damaged and burned multiple cities. The thing about lefty ideology is that it's killed more people than any far-right ideology - and it's not even close. And that's just in the 20th century alone.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome


    Ahhh...there's that "religious" weepaws we all know. Satan already has his claws in you. You see, one of Satan's great tricks is to convince the person they are all pious and are like Jesus himself and yet the true self comes out now and then like above. That's the deal with the Devil - he always gets his due and you just gave it to him. Thank you - really - thank you for displaying your true colors here.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome


    There's a special place in hell for false prophets like yourself who pretend to be religious but let pride and idolatry consume your life. Don't forget that sunscreen!!!