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Hardcore troubadour

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Hardcore troubadour last won the day on May 8

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About Hardcore troubadour

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    The scenic Hudson Valley
  • Interests
    The New York Football Giants, The Fat Housewives of Fishtown, Yankee Baseball

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  1. And you’ve been voting with the racist party most of your life. And intend on doing it again. Sad face.
  2. Rusty Pimpafool: I’m a conservative from way back. I’ll vote Republican again when Trump is gone. Hell, I still think the Iraq war was for the best. Rusty Pimpafool: The Republican Party became the party of racists a long, long time ago. MAGA is racist! HT: lol.
  3. Pimpa fool is nearly a senior citizen. We could be charged with elder abuse.
  4. Stay down lad. It only gets worse from here. Your weak kneed irrelevant replies here aren’t working. You’ve been dismantled by your own words. Get back in your hole
  5. stop reading after the first sentence. Just take your lumps for once big mouth. You’ve been Hardcored, once again.
  6. Looks that way. He still thinks Bush was right to invade and occupy Iraq.
  7. Again, nonsense. Christianity rejects no person, just actions. Islam wants non - believers dead, no matter what they do or don’t do. There is no comparison on any level.
  8. Hardcore troubadour

    The state of the Presidential race

    Pennsylvania is in the bag for Trump. They can’t pull the unconstitutional crap they did last time. Even with that the democrats barely won. MAGA is going after the strongholds now. That’s how weak, feeble and pathetic Biden is.
  9. So the republicans have been the racist party for a long time, according to big boy college historian Rusty, yet he was voting Republican up until Trump. Once again, I expose this two bit chump for the clown that he is. Lol.
  10. When did the racists switch from democrat to Republican?
  11. Hardcore troubadour

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    You’ve been here all day, ranting and being ignored for the most part, like every other day. Just stop.
  12. Hardcore troubadour

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    Spent all day with my family and then some. You were here. Losing. Just like your vacation.
  13. Hardcore troubadour

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    How was your day ? Looks like you spent it here. Fockin loser. Lol.
  14. Genocide.What a tool. The line between idiots on a college campus and middle aged, allegedly more experienced and wiser liberals is officially obliterated. It’s ok to criticize Israel. Jumping to Genocide with no proof of it is childish. Grow up.