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About wolves111

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  1. wolves111

    Stroud - Bust Articles

    Have him in two leagues. Took Murray in one as a back up and Daniels in the other: Two mobile QBs with upside. Best of both worlds
  2. wolves111

    Dynasty: Ricky Pearsall shot during robbery

    Police are not revealing the name of the shooter until his family in South America can be notified.
  3. wolves111

    Dynasty: Ricky Pearsall shot during robbery

    What does that say about the people living there?
  4. wolves111

    4th Round RBs

    Gales Sayers
  5. He’s 5’7. Yeah a real beast
  6. wolves111

    Trade offer?

    Offer him Burrow.
  7. Squirt? Did your mother teach you that word or show you up close?
  8. Just how stupid do you have to be to vote Democrat? They’re agenda is to kill YOU! YOU the white guy who keeps the country running! You’re standing in their way to conquer America. They would rather rule over ashes and dead Americans than lose power. Wake the **** up
  9. wolves111

    Gibbs vs Barkley

    That’s a really nice team. Can’t understand why Walker’s adp isn’t higher.
  10. wolves111

    Would You Draft Jefferson Round Two

    Are you familiar with wishful thinking?
  11. Between the QB situation and his hamstring injuries from last year I’ve seen him drop out of the top 10 in recent mocks. In a ten team league I took him at pick 11. That said it was after getting Taylor at pick 10 he was technically still my #1 wr. Worth the risk or pass and take Wilson?
  12. wolves111

    Voter I.D.

    No i.d. required to vote. Carry on watching our country being destroyed by your god Obama.
  13. wolves111

    Voter I.D.

    So today the Dems announced they want identification to enter their convention but not to vote. Not even the dumbest liberal wouldn’t agree their agenda isnt Satanic. Never in our countries history have we seen this level of corruption so blatantly displayed. Assassination, murder, blackmail, prominently flaunted to the moronic masses. We’re toast. And most of you ignorant voted for our demise. Im done now. Just sit back and await our Savior Jesus.
  14. Picking third I’d target Hill or Lamb and Henry coming back in round two: If he’s gone one of Etienne, Williams, Pacheco will be there