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jonmx last won the day on June 1

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About jonmx

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  1. Projection is a sign of psychological sickness. It could just be related to high-stress in your life, but it could also be associated with a severe case of TDS. For your sake, you should probably get an opinion of a professional psychologist.
  2. jonmx

    Alex Jones ordered to pay $1 billion

    It is horrible day in the US when questioning the official story in the US is no longer protected speech but treated as criminal. The unelected authoritarian portion of our government is using the full force of government to imprison whistleblowers, shutdown alternative media, spy on citizens, and censor and control all information available to its citizens. Bootlickers who fear freedom will celebrate this. True Americans will get mad and fight to win back this country and hold those unelected rogue bastards accountable for their abuse of power.
  3. You are so full of crap. All their cases are not from his grand jury. He is getting all these cases such as Alex Jones case coming down which is completely unrelated, but still associated with Trump. And he should be pulled because he us a corrupt POS who is hellbent on getting Trump.
  4. jonmx

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    That is not thinking, that is simply dismissing because it is not what you heard on MSNBC.
  5. jonmx

    Guess which one won Miss Alabama.

    You forgot to add, she also has balls and a cok.
  6. That is the official spin from the court, but why was Merchan assigned to the grand jury trial and why the 4 other trials. One could be luck, but multiple trials is 100 percent BS. Besides, in this high profile and important case, the judge should not have any conflict, and this judge did. The odds are still astronomical even with just 4 cases. And you are too cowardly to go through point by point because you will lose. BTW, your are the one using talking points you copied from the official statement of the crooked court. My points are mine. You are the brainless idiot bootlicking for a corrupt authoritarian power who are interfering in the election. The court needs to be investigated to cut through their BS.
  7. jonmx

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    But that is the problem. It should not be about winning the election. It should be about was justice served. I outlined 7 reasons in the trial thread why this case was a gross miscarriage of justice. But nobody cares. You don't care. It is about getting Trump and winning. I care about justice. You don't bring charges because you hate someone. You bring charges because it is a fair administration of justice. That is why I hated the trials for Rittenhouse and Zimmerman. Those trials were not to administer justice, those trials were to punish people on the wrong political side. Neither of those cases had any chance of success in a fair trial. But the point was to punish those bastards because the left hated their guts by dragging them through the hell of going through a murder trial. This trial got the political result because it was carefully rigged. There is zero chance this stands up to appeal. There were far too many errors which all favored the prosecution.
  8. jonmx

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Actually, the fact that only 54% have faith in the system shows how crappy it was. And the majority of people who disapprove are the best informed. This sham trial will only get stinkier as the facts of this trial get exposed.
  9. Rocks have more intelligence than this retard.
  10. As I already know, you are an absolute moron. The odds the Trump-hating corrupt judge would be selected 5 times is 25^5, which is 9,765,725 to 1. That is way beyond reasonable doubt. For Trump, they were instructed they could infer his guilt. So STFU, you never have a friggin clue and are only capable of cutting and pasting others.
  11. jonmx

    I’m back! What did I miss??

    You are still missing a brain.
  12. jonmx

    Guess which one won Miss Alabama.

    Woke people are a minority. They get off on being in institutions to advance their crazy ideology.
  13. jonmx

    Guess which one won Miss Alabama.

    Even fatties deserve to be treated equally under the law. Even fatties should have equal opportunities. But if someone weight 300 lbs, they are fat.
  14. 1. Biased Judge. This judge illegally donated to a campaign to Stop Trump. He did get reprimanded quietly, but was kept private until a couple days ago. It should have been a basis to remove the judge. 2. Illegally Selected Judge. The judge is suppose to be selected randomly from a pool of over 25 judges. There have been 5 Trump-related cases come though this district, and this judge was assigned to each of them. That defies astronomical odds. 3. Gag Order. The legal precedence for a gag order used to justify a gag order is for the protection of a fair trail for the defendant and to gag the media. Using that to gag Trump is a violation of his rights. 4. Illegal Charges and misleading jury instructions. The basis of the case around Trump involves two statues which require a fraudulent business record and a charge which requires some conspiracy incorporating an unlawful means. The unlawful means did not have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt or even agreed to amongst the jurists. So we have two very vague misdemeanor offenses which requires other laws to be broken to make them a crime. We were never told what these laws were and they did not have to be proven, just inferred. A real court would have required that to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and have all the elements of that crime listed out. This case makes no legal sense in there was no specific act or crime identified. Trump was convicted and we have no basis to know what the actual crime he was convicted of. 5. No Jurisdiction. The underlaying law which had to be broken to make this case were all federal crimes. They listed three possibilities. Tax Fraud, Campaign Violations, and Bank Fraud. These laws are all federal and literal cover hundreds of pages of law, none of which were specifically identified, explained, or even proven in court. This New York court has no jurisdiction to consider that charges, but illegally brought them in by proxy of other laws which reference other crimes. Even New York code defines crimes as violations of local and state laws and does not include federal law. But yet this court referenced federal crimes in order to establish a basis for conviction. 5. Expiration of Statue of Limitations. The statue of Limitations for this expired in 2019. This court used excuses of extending the Statue of Limitations due to Trump being in office and covid and the other underlaying unnamed laws which have longer limits. 6. Political Motivated Prosecutor. The prosecutor was in touch with the White House who helped direct the case. He ran on getting Trump. This was not a prosecution based upon a fair application of the law. 7. Judge's rulings were grossly one-sided. The judge constantly denied Defenses objection and sustained the Prosecution objection. The judge rushed the trial and jury selection to make sure the case was tried to maximize the impact on the election. The judge opened the door to allow every piece of salacious evidence in should Trump have testified, which is the very same reason they just overturned Weinsteins conviction. To name just a few....
  15. jonmx

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Meaningless poll. Less likely rarely translates to actual change of voting. What does matter is donations to Trump have gone up through the roof, way over $50 million in small donations in just two days. Trump approval ratings have gone up 6% since the verdict. These quick national polls don't mean squat. We will see how it plays out in swing states in the coming weeks.