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About Jetdoc

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    FF Geek

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    Airliners of all types, porn

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  1. Jetdoc

    Holy flying mooses!

    Beat me to it.
  2. Jetdoc

    Irrefutable evidence of Police Racism

    It is hard to imagine a set of circumstances where this wasn't at least split-second racial profiling by the police.
  3. Jetdoc

    Michigan Just Got a Little Uglier

    I thought this thread was about Threadkiller going back home to his roots...
  4. Jetdoc

    Post your dog pics!

    I'm glad I found this thread right before I left for lunch.
  5. Jetdoc

    Black History Month

    And apparently a bunch of words I cannot hope to pronounce.
  6. Jetdoc

    The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion

    How's my favourite chauffer doing? Still delusional?
  7. Jetdoc

    The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion

    I thought this was about the Matrix and how Biden is our Neo.
  8. I'll admit - I'm the one that reported drobeski. He said something funny, and we can't allow something like that to proliferate here...
  9. Jetdoc

    protesters tear down barricades and storm US Capitol

    I wrote in his wife's name. While peeing in the snow. And it was in her handwriting. TRABEK!!#!@!@
  10. Jetdoc

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    I believe Biden will wind up being one of the greatest presidents of all time. He will lead us through the conquering of one of the worst pandemics that America has faced. He will be known for saving the Earth from climate change through the changes he enacts over the next four years. He will heal many of the cultural divides in the country and bring equality to all, regardless of sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation. And he will accomplish all of this in just four years, ready to hand the baton to Kamala Harris for another eight years.
  11. I literally fell out of my chair laughing at this post.
  12. Not just A Christmas movie, it's one of the best Christmas movies ever made.
  13. Jetdoc

    Exxon write downs & layoffs

    Yep, still trudging along in this pipeline company.
  14. Jetdoc

    Entry level smoker

    Do you get those by printing off pages of the Geek Bored and throwing them into the fire?