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adam smitty

League Application

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Just thought you guys might like to see what I posted about looking for a new owner. You can see the thread here Also let me know if there are any important things I should add to the mini application.

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It's a little wordy and probably could have done without the whole "application" piece, but it will work. :lol:


FYI, I'd be willing to shell out an extra couple of $$ to pay for the new owner's fee. Looks like that's gonna have to happen. I wouldn't take that team either without waiving the entry fee. That's an automatic loss of $27.


If Thin Spirit wants it, he gets my vote. I've never played with him, but he's been around for a while and seems okay in my book.

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Someone brought up this suggestion:



"In the LOD (another Geek Board league) we've had to replace owners from time to time. We had a basement team last year, and it's a tough sell (though our fees are only like 5 bucks or something like that). One of our current members decided to make his more successful team available and took on the sh*tty team and took on the challenge of turning the team around. After a year, it looks like he's making steps in the right direction.


Just a thought for your league. If you have trouble finding an owner, maybe you can find one of your other owners to take this team and give up his current teams. In any case, it's a dynasty league. The roster does look bad, but there's room to work with and in time the team can be turned around. I don't know why this is getting so many negative responses."


I would actually be willing to do this if we need to. I already posted this as a possibility to see if it generates more interest.

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Someone brought up this suggestion:



"In the LOD (another Geek Board league) we've had to replace owners from time to time. We had a basement team last year, and it's a tough sell (though our fees are only like 5 bucks or something like that). One of our current members decided to make his more successful team available and took on the sh*tty team and took on the challenge of turning the team around. After a year, it looks like he's making steps in the right direction.


Just a thought for your league. If you have trouble finding an owner, maybe you can find one of your other owners to take this team and give up his current teams. In any case, it's a dynasty league. The roster does look bad, but there's room to work with and in time the team can be turned around. I don't know why this is getting so many negative responses."


I would actually be willing to do this if we need to.  I already posted this as a possibility to see if it generates more interest.

I don't know if many of you remember but when the league first started I said I was co-owning this team with a friend because he really wanted to be a part of a dynasty league. He has has a good amount of input on the team eventhough I have been the main speaker. I would be willing to give him full power over the current team and I can take over Doc's team if we can't find a replacement who wants to pay and will be a good owner. He is very familar with everyone's team and would be very active.



Oh yea I would like the challenge and I love the trading.

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I just sent Jwood an email about taking over this team. I didn't realize it was for the league I was already in. :unsure: :cheers:

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I just sent Jwood an email about taking over this team. I didn't realize it was for the league I was already in. :headbanger: :cheers:


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I just wanted the application deal because i honestly had no idea who would be interested in the league and just wanted a little background info on them...i'm sure ya know what i mean. i have 9 applications in my email right now and most of them are actually willing to pay the entire fee :huh:

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I think ONE of you is quite ENOUGH in this league!!!! :banana: LOL

I don't have a problem with Bobby taking over Doc's team, but I would like to know more about "Bobby Lite". LOL

Doc's team isn't so bad to take over, I've seen ALOT worse. We have a hell of a good league going and shoundn't have to pay for a new owner if we abslolutely don't have to.

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