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Fantasy Draft Ethics

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Thinking of the Portis situation (and others) it begs the question -


In your league - if you have an uninformed owner who selects an injured, suspended, retired, or incarcerated player (hey - it happens!) - do you:


A. Let the pick fly. It's their job to do homework. Lessons learned.




B. Mulligan - he/she is informed of the info and gets to pick another player (if they desire). The argument being that you risk starting your season with a league who has an owner at an unfair advantage from the get go and therefore not as competitive to your opponents.

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i cant believe that you are even asking this question....you have to let the pick fly....period...otherwise, you will get peopl saying "aww man i didnt mean to pick this guy...i want a mulligan too"...have to let it fly...i did this one year when buckhalter was hurt and i never did it again...

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If Owner Drafts an Injured, Retired, Incarcerated Player....


It is your obligation as a good fantasy owner to relentlessly make fun of that owner.

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If Owner Drafts an Injured, Retired, Incarcerated Player....


It is your obligation as a good fantasy owner to relentlessly make fun of that owner.


:lol: :lol:

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Unless it's your mom who made the pick, you have to let the pick stand. But if you're in a league with your mom and she makes a bad pick like that, I say give her a mulligan. She wiped your ass for you for several years, its the least you can do.

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If the guy is new to FF I'd give him one free one. That said, if someone picks a player already on a roster they have to buy the team that has him a cold one. :(

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In my league, we're mostly a bunch of college friends, so we don't take things too seriously. We would give him the opportunity to change his pick, but not until after lots and lots of ridicule.

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Unless it's your mom who made the pick, you have to let the pick stand. But if you're in a league with your mom and she makes a bad pick like that, I say give her a mulligan. She wiped your ass for you for several years, its the least you can do.


My dad potty trained me, so Mom is on her own. :D

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Give the guy (or gal) a break. If they're so unprepared that they pick an injured player in the 1st couple of rounds, they probably won't be in the hunt anyway. Tell them that guy's injured, and give them a chance to reassess. That said, tell them that this is the one and only time they get a redo. From that point on, they stick with their picks...

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Thinking of the Portis situation (and others) it begs the question -


In your league - if you have an uninformed owner who selects an injured, suspended, retired, or incarcerated player (hey - it happens!) - do you:


A. Let the pick fly. It's their job to do homework. Lessons learned.




B. Mulligan - he/she is informed of the info and gets to pick another player (if they desire). The argument being that you risk starting your season with a league who has an owner at an unfair advantage from the get go and therefore not as competitive to your opponents.


Let the pick fly. Say nothing. If someone buys high on damaged goods, then they're dumb for not performing due diligence prior to the draft.


We had a guy make 4 injury picks in a row one year, his 1st in the league. Some of the guys at the draft pointed out his injuries each time and he got "do overs" much to the rest of our chagrin. The clown ended up winning the league, and several of us have been irritated by it ever since. So much so that we intstituted a "gag rule" whereby it's buyer beware with no comments and no do-overs on picks. You say his name, you just drafted him. No asking "is so-and-so hurt?" - once you've mentioned his name, he's yours. (Houseyermomma - lock him up......Howsmazooie - put him on the board......championship)

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For my league, the rule is: once you announce your pick, he is yours. This year, we have a draft board, so once the player is on the board, he is yours.

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I used to part of the "tough shiat" crowd, but as I got older and more experienced in FF I realized that having sucky teams and owners made the league much worse.


I would tend to give a guy a do over for players who will not suit up at all during the season.


I would also tend to not invite the uninformed back for next season.

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In our league if the player is injured and he gets drafted then the owner stays with that pick after all the laughter subsides. If the player is Dead or retired then we will allow a re-pick again once the laughter subsides. We like for every team to be able to field players each week, but if they don't reaserch injuries prior to the draft. then too bad for them.

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It depends on the parameters of the league. If this were a money league, then I'm sorry...dude is assed out!! He should have done his research just like everybody else did. If it was a friendly league...a league that someone is participating in just to make conversation with their colleagues who are in the league too, then I'll give him fair shot..

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well I think its lessoned learned time and he better find Betts somewhere later.


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You really do have to stick him. It's his fault. Don't make it yours. Otherwise what happens when owner Y picks a guy who is hurt and nobody says anything (perhaps he was hurt the night before and only a few know and those few keep their mouth shut). Owner Y is going to be pissed that owner X was given a do over and he wasn't.


I guess if there is no money on the line then do overs are possible but give me a break. Do 11 other owners need to be light hearted because one guy screwed up or should that one owner be light hearted about his own mistake and just move on. These are rarely top picks so we're usually talking about mid to late rounders. Laugh it off and drop him after week one (or earlier depending on your league rules).

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I used to part of the "tough shiat" crowd, but as I got older and more experienced in FF I realized that having sucky teams and owners made the league much worse.


I would tend to give a guy a do over for players who will not suit up at all during the season.


I would also tend to not invite the uninformed back for next season.


If you're not inviting him back next season, then there's no reason not to take his money this season. If you're trying to build a league of owners that stick with it for years, I could maybe see some of the compassion. Otherwise, collect his money and laugh at him.

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point and laugh. No do overs. No mulligans....point and laugh :banana:



this is by far the best way to handle it. :doublethumbsup:


if they are uninformed...well, thats just their own fault.


stupid is as stupid does.

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lol, i've been playing FF for 8 years and i made a snafu in 2002, after winning back to back championships in my main league....i started another league where I was commish and player....draft was live, and I had to draft for 3 people who could not be there. To make matters worse, the draft that mattered (my main, big money league) was the night before.....So.....with things being hectic I was just drafting straight off a stock FF list (instead of using my laptop with projections) and as I was saying the name it was already too late, I read outloud "Jamel White" lol....who had a week earlier lost his starting job, comming off of a 1000 yard season....


ohh well....took my licks and moved on.

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If Owner Drafts an Injured, Retired, Incarcerated Player....


It is your obligation as a good fantasy owner to relentlessly make fun of that owner.

Exactly. But to be honest, we had one guy make some craptastic picks his first season and two of them actually panned out pretty good. If we had talked him out of it than he would have sucked even worse than he did.


We are all big boys and as soon as you start placing your own values and input on someone else's team, then you might as well just divvy up the players yourself and give no one any picks. You have the right to be great or to run your team right into the ground. Same thing with trades, we usually try to make sure that no one is trying to pull a fast one over on someone, but in the end it is up to them to make the decision, even if everyone else in the world knows that it is stupid.

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After the laughter dies down and everyone has had a good time making fun of the dumbass/uninformed owner, then you move on with the draft... No do-overs in our league... HTH

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uninformed means uninformed..... :lol:


They are on their own......but since the draft is now online.....


:thumbsdown: oh well



Excellent point about the online drafts. In one of my two leagues - we draft via online at Sportsline. It's much easier to let an owner pick a scrub by mistake than it is in person when the finger pointing and laughter kicks in.

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Most of the people in my work draft use mags. Most will speak up immediately if someone takes a player definitely out for the year. Me personally, I usually wait 2-3 picks then let them know their player was recently injured.

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I'd break your question into two parts:


1) Ethics - Do you have an ethical obligation to let the guy know about his bad pick and give him a mulligan? Absolutely not, in my opinion. No obligation whatsoever.


2) Putting aside ethical obligations, should you give the guy a break anyway? Maybe ... it would depend for me on the situation ... For example, I would probably cut someone slack if they're a FF rookie doing his or her best, especially if it's a top draft pick. On the other hand, if we're talking about a FF veteran who should know better but was just too lazy to do any predraft research, I don't really have much sympathy. Also, money vs. free leagues is a factor -- it's easier to cut someone slack in a friendly free league, whereas in a money league, even if I myself want to be a nice guy and give the person a second chance, it may not be fair to everyone else to do that.

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In my friendly, 8-man league, we talk freely before and during the draft about strategy. If a guy asks me "Hey, what's the deal with Clinton's shoulder?" then I'll give him a straight answer. But if they don't ask any questions, I assume they have everything under control and they get whoever they pick :unsure:

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