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Game Over?

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In the last 3 weeks I have gotten married, gone on my honeymoon, and moved half way across the country (to support the wife going to law school).


All the while my FF preparation has suffered. Additionally, my plans to fly from South Bend to the DC area for my draft have been thwarted by my wife who ridiculously thinks that I should save the $$$ of a plane ticket and stay with her for the weekend. ;)


No, Im not a completely whooped beeotch. Just an avg. man trying to make a fresh marriage work and acheive balance in my life. :wub: :banana: :banana:


I have been relatively successful over my 8 years of playing FF and Im confident that will continue and even improve. However, in less than 3 weeks I can already see how marriage has severely cut into my may addiction to FF.


My question to anyone who cares is how has marriage affected your FF, if at all? Especially in terms of time, preparation, and enjoyment.

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In the last 3 weeks I have gotten married, gone on my honeymoon, and moved half way across the country (to support the wife going to law school).


All the while my FF preparation has suffered. Additionally, my plans to fly from South Bend to the DC area for my draft have been thwarted by my wife who ridiculously thinks that I should save the $$$ of a plane ticket and stay with her for the weekend. :mad:


No, Im not a completely whooped beeotch. Just an avg. man trying to make a fresh marriage work and acheive balance in my life. :wub: :wub: :D


I have been relatively successful over my 8 years of playing FF and Im confident that will continue and even improve. However, in less than 3 weeks I can already see how marriage has severely cut into my may addiction to FF.


My question to anyone who cares is how has marriage affected your FF, if at all? Especially in terms of time, preparation, and enjoyment.


Wait until the kids come......then you have to decide between sleeping and fantasy football, because the only time you will have is when they are sleeping.


I definetly do a lot less research now, but it hasn't effected my performace (since most of ff is luck).



nice name


U of Maryland -1997

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I have explained to my wife that our league's payouts are right before Christmas and the quality of her Christmas gift is directly related to how much I win playing fantasy football.


Not only does she root for my teams on Sundays, she knows the players names.



this year however, will be my first fantasy season with children... I'm not sure how I'll convince a 10month old to sit still and watch football on Sundays.

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I have explained to my wife that our league's payouts are right before Christmas and the quality of her Christmas gift is directly related to how much I win playing fantasy football.


Not only does she root for my teams on Sundays, she knows the players names.

this year however, will be my first fantasy season with children... I'm not sure how I'll convince a 10month old to sit still and watch football on Sundays.


you're a smart man. i can learn things from you. :ninja:

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My wife hates football and evenmoreso fantasy football, I love them both. I utterly despise BINGO and she loves it. Sooooooo......... I dont give her crap about her bingo and she leaves me alone on my FF. Marige is all about compramize so find something she realy likes and tell her she can do that if you can do your thing. If she does not agree to this pimpslap her till she gets the point. :ninja:

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My 10th year anniversary is this January and FF has been a part of our marriage since the beginnig. I have moved cities from where my big money league is, and we make the 6 1/2 hour journey every Labor Day weekend for the draft. Sunday my arse is on the couch 11:00am until 11:00pm period. I do watch both of the kids allowing my wife to go do what she wants and hopes to god she doesn't spend all my money. You must establish sunday's are for football! Saving money on an airline ticket is your call, have you thought about drafting from the phone this year? Whatever you do though, don't give up FF!

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No, Im not a completely whooped beeotch.


Yes you are you just haven't realized it yet. I can tell who wears the pants in this relationship.


If you have the money and it's something you like to do DO IT! Be a man instead of a whiny beotch for once in your life

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Good point about the kids, Terp324. I figue my prep time is A LOT more than those that are both blessed and burdened with having to raise kids, support a wife, and an FF addiction.


Its an adjustment like anyhting else in life. Just feel like whining a lil bit. And your right about the luck factor too but good preparation almost always helps.


University of Maryland Alum- Class of 02'


Fear the Turtle!!

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my wife has given in to the fact that Sundays are my day to veg on the couch starting around 11am (EST) and not leave the couch until halftime of the sunday night game (continue to watch in bed, of course)...she even has succumbed to cooking a nice meal for myself and any one of my friends that come over for the ticket...HOWEVER, my Saturday's now have become something similar to Will Ferrell's in Old School...nice little days at Bath, Bath and Beyond, etc. etc....needless to say my desire to golf on Saturday and not move from the couch on sunday isn't in the cards...golf ends when football starts (except for rare exceptions)

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Oh man, marriage cut into everything I like to do. Granted, I married a real biotch. We're actually getting divorced now because of it. She hated fantasy football, hated me to watch football on Sundays (usually by the 2nd game, she'd be yelling so loud for me to clean house or something, I would just turn it off), no Madden (sold my Xbox), no Seinfeld (she didn't like Seinfeld!!!), etc. I got tired of letting someone else run my life, so I'm getting divorced. Wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but I'm really looking forward to being able to do what I want to do.

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My wife hates football and evenmoreso fantasy football, I love them both. I utterly despise BINGO and she loves it. Sooooooo......... I dont give her crap about her bingo and she leaves me alone on my FF. Marige is all about compramize so find something she realy likes and tell her she can do that if you can do your thing. If she does not agree to this pimpslap her till she gets the point. :(


:thumbsup: My soon to be wife loves scrapbooking so she has that and I have football. She know sundays during football season not to ask me to do shet. After football season is another story but come september to January my ass is watching football.

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Additionally, my plans to fly from South Bend to the DC area for my draft have been thwarted by my wife who ridiculously thinks that I should save the $$$ of a plane ticket and stay with her for the weekend. :thumbsup:


That does seem like a lot of money to spend just to attend a FF draft. Could you maybe participate by phone or email?


My wife is pretty understanding about my ff addiction. The biggest adjustment is when the kids came along. They don't understand the importance of daddy watching football on Sundays. Even when it was just 1 kid, it wasn't too bad. The wife could keep him entertained. Now with 2 kids, I have to scale it back quite a bit. Checking scores every 10 or 15 minutes instead of camping my butt on the computer all day following the games live on NFL.com.


Preparation has definately suffered as well. But balance in life is good. I wouldn't trade it in.

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You must establish sunday's are for football!


:thumbsup: Best piece of advice.


Start this early in the relationship and it will carry on.

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I have explained to my wife that our league's payouts are right before Christmas and the quality of her Christmas gift is directly related to how much I win playing fantasy football.


Not only does she root for my teams on Sundays, she knows the players names.

this year however, will be my first fantasy season with children... I'm not sure how I'll convince a 10month old to sit still and watch football on Sundays.


Sounds like my wife. :thumbsup:

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Got married in May of this year. Our wedding present to each other was a Sony 50" HD SXRD TV complete with stand to go with my phenominal surround sound.


That's how she's affected my FF.


GB that woman.

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Are you guys nuts? He's a newlywed. He should be spending every waking moment in bed making love to his wife. Gotta enjoy that part of newlywedhood while it lasts. :wub:


Me? I've been married twelve years and have a seven year old son. FFB doesn't negatively affect my marriage because I do almost all the cooking, most of the cleaning, and I share the child rearing duties. And, I make sure to give my wife plenty of time to get out and enjoy life, too.


Because of this, she never hassles me about football, or Formula One, either. In fact, she encourages me to go out to the bar and watch football on Monday nights.


Hmm, then again, maybe she invites her boyfriend over then! :dunno:

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should have thought about this before you married her :wub:


I got married in June and went from 4 leagues to 5 leagues :dunno:

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I'm getting married in 40 days... my stipulations for getting married were 1) I was NOT moving to philadelphia. 2) I will always do fantasty football. 3) I will still be allowed time to play computer games. lol



FF will not be DENIED!!!!! lol

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Yes you are you just haven't realized it yet. I can tell who wears the pants in this relationship.


If you have the money and it's something you like to do DO IT! Be a man instead of a whiny beotch for once in your life


Glad to see that you know me, my wife, and about our relationship. :dunno: But I anticipated these type of respones so no big deal.


I could have got the plane tickets if I really wanted to. And still could. But, I've decided to side with the wife and draft over the phone like I did last year. (Out of town helping sister after her foot surgery)


I am quickly learning that you have to pick your battles. We've been married for less than 3 weeks, just bought our first home, and the wife just started an extrememly stressful 1st year of law school. For me to be selfish, drop probably $500 bucks for a weekend of FF with the fellas and leave her alone in the house this soon. Just not a good move.


But you know since your da big pant wearing man, tell me what would you do?

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should have thought about this before you married her :clap:


I got married in June and went from 4 leagues to 5 leagues :wub:


My wife knew what she was getting into. The kids...well that's another story. Thank goodness for night games and TIVO/DVRs. :dunno:

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I WILL be participating in my draft by phone. Just wont be attending in person like I wanted to.


Also, the wife is VERY understanding of my FF and general sports addiction. She fully understands that Sundays and for football and so are Saturdays for that matter.


She has repeatedly sat in sports bars with me on Sundays for 5-6 hours and knows to lave me alone for several hours when my Skins lose.


I see how my post may have led people to think that I am giving up FF b/c I got married. Sorry for the confusion.


God-willing I will NEVAH stop playing FF. Just might have to cut back on the time commitment.

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She can't complain about FF if her mouth is full.....


allows you to watch the game too....

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I will be getting married in January...but I have lived with my fiancee for about 3 1/2 years.

She found out RIGHT when we met that I have my "Football Sunday."

My routine is about the same as most have stated here, but my comprimise with her is that on Sunday, once we get up I am either the one making breakfast or we go out for breakfast. Then once we get home (about 11-11:30 Central) I hope on the computer to make last minute adjustments to my line-ups.

Then it is back and forth between couch and computer from Noon till then end of Afternoon games.

I usually don't HAVE to watch the night game, but do for atleast the first quarter to first half and then just flip back to it periodically to catch what is going on.

She really does not like "Football Sunday," there is no doubt, but she lives with it and pretty much understands it too. She will watch the Vikings game w/ me, but that is about it.


The real problem with my Fantasy Football is the fact that I am a Head Hockey Coach. And that really is what takes up most of my time - I spend about 6 days per week at the hockey rink and usually one of those days is a Sunday. So that takes away a couple of hours too.

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Me? I've been married twelve years and have a seven year old son. FFB doesn't negatively affect my marriage because I do almost all the cooking, most of the cleaning, and I share the child rearing duties. And, I make sure to give my wife plenty of time to get out and enjoy life, too.

That doesn't leave you very much free time to be one of the top ranked online poker players in the world, does it?

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Simple solution to this.........


Stay a bachelor marriages all end in divorces any way. Don't get married unless u r sure.

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VaTerp - You're just a nicer guy than i am, cause I dont let anyone tell me what to do. If she offered good, valid reasons for it, then i can listen to logic. But, it sounds like she just would "miss you too much" or that "she is trying to break you of that FF habit" early on.


No, i do not know your relationship or your wife, or your life. BUt i do know this, give an inch and they will take a mile.


I say this without insult, just with experience, if you are ok with not being an individual and not having much of a say in what brings you happiness, then give in now, and give in forever. If that makes you happy, more power to you (i am actually a bit jealous of this type of person). But, if you value those things that make you happy, you have to stand up for them...because no one else will do it for you.

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She can't complain about FF if her mouth is full.....


allows you to watch the game too....


Obviously you are not married. As soon as you say I DO she says I DONT!

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Obviously you are not married. As soon as you say I DO she says I DONT!



wow I must have it good then, I get the best of both worlds, while watching football. Like it was said before, you need to instill this into the beginning of the relationship, every since we met she knew football on sundays are a must, thank god we met in september 8 years ago.


:pointstosky: :blink:

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I have explained to my wife that our league's payouts are right before Christmas and the quality of her Christmas gift is directly related to how much I win playing fantasy football.


Not only does she root for my teams on Sundays, she knows the players names.

this year however, will be my first fantasy season with children... I'm not sure how I'll convince a 10month old to sit still and watch football on Sundays.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Whenever I place in the money I make sure I get my wife a gift in appreciation of her not bothering me on Sunday while I enjoy Sunday NFL ticket. It has worked out great. She has patience with my addiction due to it.

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VaTerp - You're just a nicer guy than i am, cause I dont let anyone tell me what to do. If she offered good, valid reasons for it, then i can listen to logic. But, it sounds like she just would "miss you too much" or that "she is trying to break you of that FF habit" early on.


No, i do not know your relationship or your wife, or your life. BUt i do know this, give an inch and they will take a mile.


I say this without insult, just with experience, if you are ok with not being an individual and not having much of a say in what brings you happiness, then give in now, and give in forever. If that makes you happy, more power to you (i am actually a bit jealous of this type of person). But, if you value those things that make you happy, you have to stand up for them...because no one else will do it for you.


I hear what your saying but I hope people read my clarification. Im doing my draft over the phone and I will continue to play FF and watch countless hours of sports as I always have.


So I will continue to do things that make me happy and keep my addictive sports habits. I just have to learn to compromise sometimes now. For example, the reasons she laid out for drafting over the phone instead of flying to my draft were valid and logical so I put up the white flag.


BTW, I put game over as the title for the post b/c its on a T-shirt that I bought for our honeymoon. It has a bride with a :D and a groom with a :( look on his face. Above the couple is says Game Over.


As we all no the game is never really over. NEVAH! But when I stepped to the alter she definetly took the early lead.

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I am in a similar situation. I am a huge ffball fanatic for the past 5 years and I recently was married 3 months ago. I am supporting my wife while she goes to graduate school in Tennessee while we moved here from Indiana.


She studies constantly though and I never see her so I am left on my own most days, which allows me hours to prep for fantasy football...isn't your wife in the same situation going to law school which I believe has to be much tougher?! She shouldn't even miss you with all the studying she has to do.

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Wait until the kids come......then you have to decide between sleeping and fantasy football, because the only time you will have is when they are sleeping.


I definetly do a lot less research now, but it hasn't effected my performace (since most of ff is luck).

nice name


U of Maryland -1997

I use the same philosophy. Do you want to go on a boring vacation or do you want to live it up? She doens't complain when the money starts to roll in.

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Simple solution to this.........


Stay a bachelor marriages all end in divorces any way. Don't get married unless u r sure.


Correction...marriages end in two ways...divorce or death :(

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dude, buy the plane ticket. no one at the live draft wants to deal with "phone boy". someone will have to take time from there fun draft day to keep you informed on every pick, etc. your killing them. man up and go. u don't get many chances to have "guys time" when married....take advantage.

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dude, buy the plane ticket. no one at the live draft wants to deal with "phone boy". someone will have to take time from there fun draft day to keep you informed on every pick, etc. your killing them. man up and go. u don't get many chances to have "guys time" when married....take advantage.


Yeah. I hate to have to be phone boy AGAIN but thats the way it is. Last year I was in ATL helping my sister after her foot surgery and drafted over the phone. It sucks but it turned out ok.


But I am one of the founding members of the league along with the commish, who was in my wedding and fully understands.

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Yes you are you just haven't realized it yet. I can tell who wears the pants in this relationship.


If you have the money and it's something you like to do DO IT! Be a man instead of a whiny beotch for once in your life



I'm not married and probably never will be.

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I'm blessed.


At around 9:58AM (Eastern) over 6 years ago (we were still dating), my wife got out of bed, scrambled for the remote on the floor and turned on ESPN's pre game Sunday show. I was like "what????" I found out my wife was and is still addicted to all sports especially the NFL. She played collegiate sports, has a family who's just as nuts about football especially the Bayou Tigers and has better hands on her flag football team than the Texan receivers.


6 years later, it's still a ritual. We spend our entire weekend especially Sunday's to recharge from a hard week of work over nachos, good food and our babies. We even watch golf for hours at a time without blinking.


Ever seen that Eharmony.com commercial where this guy is like "find a mate who also loves to watch the game on Monday night!" That's my relationship.


I'm blessed. I married a hot jock who married a jock. And I flat out love my wife for the fact (one of many) that we have a shared passion for sports. Even on our honeymoon, I watched a ton of World Cup Soccer and she was all over it. On our honeymoone man!!! All other women I've date ever, hated sports.


BTW No comment on why she was getting out of my bed when we were still dating. :(

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I have explained to my wife that our league's payouts are right before Christmas and the quality of her Christmas gift is directly related to how much I win playing fantasy football.


Now that's laying a coat a butter on it babY ! :banana:

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Good decision making comes from experience. Experience is often gained by making bad decisions.


After my practice wife, I made damn sure that all women I dated knew what things were important to me and what things I could care less about. I went through a few, but I finally found one that never says a word about my poker playing, football Sundays, or Friday nights out with the guys.


Marriage is about compromise, true ... but most people seem to believe it's all about the men compromising away the things they enjoy. I feel sorry for most men.

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