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all-time movie jerks

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talked about this on sports radio of all things this week...


GQ's movie jerks we love to hate...primarily newer/80's flicks


1. Billy Zabka as Johnny Lawrence

"The Karate Kid", 1984

2. Bradley Cooper as Zachary "Sack" Lodge

"Wedding Crashers", 2005

3. James Daughton as Greg Marmalard

"National Lampoon's Animal House", 1978

4. Eriq La Salle as Darryl Jenks

"Coming to America", 1988

5. Robert Prescott as Cole Whittier

"Bachelor Party", 1984

6. Ted McGinley as Stan Gable

"Revenge of the Nerds", 1984

7. Matthew Glave as Glenn Guglia

"The Wedding Singer", 1998

8. Craig Sheffer as Hardy Jenns

"Some Kind of Wonderful", 1987

9. Craig Kilborn as Mark

"Old School", 2003

10. Billy Zabka as Chas

"Back to School", 1986

11. Michael Bowen as Tommy

"Valley Girl", 1983

12. James Spader as Steff

"Pretty in Pink", 1986


where's david spade: PCU? where's Chet from weird science? where's Burt Young from Rocky? keifer sutherland in Stand by me?

Paul Rieser in Aliens? Paul Gleason from The Breakfast Club? Joe Pesci in Goodfellas? Biff from Back to the future? Shooter Mcgavin in Happy Gilmore?

the Principal from ferris bueller? Darth Vader?



GH's list


Billy Zabka -Karate Kid "How about you, hero? Had enough?"


Tom Wilson -Back to the future "Make like a tree...and get out of here."


Joe Pesci -Goodfellas "Hey Spider! That bandage on your foot is bigger than your fnckin' head! "


Bill Paxton -weird science "It's time to pay the fiddler... "


Ted McGinley -revenge of the nerds "What are you looking at, nerd?"


David Spade -PCU ""Who are the Jews?" Open up, sucko."


John Vernon -Animal House "Who dropped a whole truckload of fizzies into the swim meet?"


Christopher McDonald -Happy Gilmore "You know what *else* could draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his ass."


Burt Young -Rocky "I don't like these people"


Paul Gleason -Breakfast Club "You mess with the bull.."


Jeffrey Jones -Ferris Bueller "niiinneee tiimmeesss"


Jackie Gleason -Smokey and the Bandit "If they'd have cremated the sombitch, I'd be kickin' that Mr Bandit's ass around the moon by now!"

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Guest tiki_gods

Johnny from the Karate Kid was the greatest all time jerk. Except in the end he shook Daniel-san's hand.


Bad move for an all time movie jerk.

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Guest tiki_gods

Johnny was a bad a$$ but Kreese was the REAL bad guy in Karate Kid.

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Alec Baldwin as Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross? :pointstosky:

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Guest Davaco
Johnny was a bad a$$ but Kreese was the REAL bad guy in Karate Kid.


"put him in a body bag"


mel gibson in payback was a big jerk

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Robby Benson as that kid with cancer in "Death Be Not Proud."


God, I wanted to kick the snot out of that whiner.

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Alec Baldwin as Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross? :dunno:


WINNAH!!! :first:


Some of my favorite quotes ever come from Baldwin in that movie--and he's only in the film for about 5 minutes or so. Some snippets for those who haven't seen it:


"You can't close what you're given. You can't close sh!t. You ARE sh!t!"


"The leads are weak? The focking leads are weak?!? YOU'RE WEAK!!!"


"What's my name?!? FOCK YOU! That's my name!!!"


"First place is a Cadillac. Wanna see second prize? Steak knives. Third prize is you're fired."



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Bill Lumbergh (Office Space)


Eric Gordon (Billy Madison)


Doug Neidermeyer (Animal House)



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