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These creatures can really push the limits of a person's patience.


:mad: :( :banana: :wall: :angry:

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These creatures can really push the limits of a person's patience.


:mad: :( :banana: :wall: :angry:


I feel your pain! I have a 2 year old son, so I'm right there with ya! And this one is more of a pain in the ass than his older brother (who is now 5) ever was!

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Ditto that for my four year old boy.

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I mean, have they ever considered NOT whining for more than 5 minutes? 6 minutes would be a world record or something.


Could they be more obsessive compulsive?


Me: Sorry, honey, your Elmo blanket fell into the lake of fire. Try one of these dozen other blankets.

Toddler: No, I want the ELMO blanket!!!!! :clap: :clap:

Me: Physically impossible. But we do have 12 others you could use. :clap:

Toddler: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! God has forsaken me!!!! ELMO BLANKET!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So I turn around after being on the phone/computer talking to a guy in my FF league... what do I see. Mucho black crayon all over the wall on the back of the couch.



Swwwwwweeeeeeeeet. :cry: Reading online I need to use toothpaste.. the non-gel kind. :mad:

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I mean, have they ever considered NOT whining for more than 5 minutes? 6 minutes would be a world record or something.


Could they be more obsessive compulsive?


Me: Sorry, honey, your Elmo blanket fell into the lake of fire. Try one of these dozen other blankets.

Toddler: No, I want the ELMO blanket!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Me: Physically impossible. But we do have 12 others you could use. :clap:

Toddler: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! God has forsaken me!!!! ELMO BLANKET!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've wanted to jump side kick my kids more than I can count. That being said, you are the adult, he/she is the child. The onus is on you to establish guidelines/rules, and appropriate consequences for not following them.


I was just with my inlaws and their 5 yr old. I've got one within weeks of theirs. Their kid asked for something which was in the car, the dad said he couldn't have it because it was too far away. I then spent the next 30 minutes+ listening to the kid whine about getting it and his dad telling him no. WTF, where are the consequesnces? My kid, by the second request it would have been "ask me again and you don't get it today." Remarkably my kid wouldn't have asked a third time. :dunno:

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Toddler: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! God has forsaken me!!!! ELMO BLANKET!!!!!!!!!!!!


Take comfort in the fact that you can get even in your old age--you get to be one grouchy mofo.

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My 5yo daughter is a world-class whiner. If there was an Olympics for whining she would represent the United States proudly. I've been training her from a young age to be a persistent and effective whiner and she's really growing into the part well. I've found that, once the whining begins, you can get a much more drawn-out and dramatic whining session by alternately mocking her and yelling at her to be quiet, then sitting back and trying to ignore her, and then after the whining has continued for a period of time sufficient for her age and growth status, relenting and giving her whatever it was she was whining about, with a proud smile and a pat on the back.


I always tell her that she got what she wanted because she whined so well, and her contented smile is reward enough for me.

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My son is a big whiner too.


I have started saying, "I don't hear that" when he whines. I totally ignore him until he can ask correctly.


I focking HATE whiny kids.

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My 5yo daughter is a world-class whiner. If there was an Olympics for whining she would represent the United States proudly. I've been training her from a young age to be a persistent and effective whiner and she's really growing into the part well. I've found that, once the whining begins, you can get a much more drawn-out and dramatic whining session by alternately mocking her and yelling at her to be quiet, then sitting back and trying to ignore her, and then after the whining has continued for a period of time sufficient for her age and growth status, relenting and giving her whatever it was she was whining about, with a proud smile and a pat on the back.


I always tell her that she got what she wanted because she whined so well, and her contented smile is reward enough for me.

effective whining is rule number one in the jewish american princess handbook

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My 5 year old is a good kid. Patient and caring.


My 3 year old is a hell raiser. His new favorite word is "fockin". He uses it in its proper context in several situations (This fockin door, Where the fock is that, etc.). :rolleyes:

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My son is a big whiner too.


I have started saying, "I don't hear that" when he whines. I totally ignore him until he can ask correctly.


I focking HATE whiny kids.

Me too. And mine is still not talking much. B)

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My son is a big whiner too.


I have started saying, "I don't hear that" when he whines. I totally ignore him until he can ask correctly.


I focking HATE whiny kids.



I've taken to telling her that whining is not the way to ask for something and that she should use the words she knows to ask for something. Then, I tell her "No."

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I have two 2 1/2 year old boys. Most days, they're pretty mild. But get them around their five year old cousin and their behavior is shot for at least two days.


We moved from cribs to new big boy beds last night. We were a little worried, as older by five minutes threw a bit of a fit when it was bed time. But, both made it through the first night. They grow up fast.

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