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mmmmm...beer last won the day on August 28 2020

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716 Excellent

About mmmmm...beer

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    FF Geek

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  1. mmmmm...beer


    Right on the money with the SOP's. Right now our "handbook" is a weird amalgamation of policy and standard operating procedure. Meaning it's half "this is the rule" and "this is the agreed upon best practice/easiest way to adhere too or implement that policy". So we really need to separate them out. Going against policy will get you jammed up, legally even. Going against SOP... not so much. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I want to make sure just because you aren't doing it the exact way it says, you aren't written up for a policy violation, or "out of scope" and find yourself personally liable etc. for focking up. Really... I want the SOPs to be something a rookie agent can come in and say... how the heck do I do this? And the SOP can give them a guide, and as long as they follow the guide, they should be good to go policy wise. Most of its not rocket surgery, ie stuff like "when interviewing/interacting with an informant you are required to have more than one agent present". Just general stuff like that...
  2. mmmmm...beer


    Almost there brother... almost.
  3. mmmmm...beer


    They've put me out to pasture boys. They know I'm retiring at the end of October. So they put my heir apparent into a "acting" me position for the next 120 days. They pretty much want him running the day to day. They've put me on revamping the policy/sops that haven't been touched since 2003. I'm supposed to help him with his questions, and mentor here or there. Honestly he'll do a way better job than me. He's still young enough and has enough time left to get after it. I'm not complaining... gives me time to lift 5x a week... cruise the interwebs. Though... I honestly can't freaking wait until October. This is a little brutal. Being no busy for the first time in 26 years is dragging... Plus... I miss my family. It's been two months since I left Japan. Going back the 1st week of August for 3 weeks, and then coming back to finish up. As of this week... 100% debt free... no house or car payments... no credit card debt... nada. It's a little weird feeling.
  4. mmmmm...beer

    Chicken or Egg - Ram Trucks

    That's not very nice.
  5. mmmmm...beer

    Chicken or Egg - Ram Trucks

    Ohhh yes.. Dodge/Ram trucks are know for their bulletproof engines and transmissions, I forgot!
  6. mmmmm...beer

    Chicken or Egg - Ram Trucks

    I've had several Ford Trucks... most owners are regular guys. Ram drivers... seem to be pretty idiotic lately.
  7. mmmmm...beer

    Chicken or Egg - Ram Trucks

    They are all over here in Colorado one more jacked up than the next. They are of course the first to tailgate you and fly around you going. People here in general drive like @ssholes. Worst I've ever seen, and I've driven daily in Minneapolis Portland, and Seattle. Only place to compare it to is southern Cali I-5. Seriously... the drivers around Denver are freaking horrible.
  8. mmmmm...beer

    Chicken or Egg - Ram Trucks

    Is it the pr!ck that buys a big ass Ram truck and drives it like a doosch or is it the Ram truck that you purchase and it makes you a pr!ck douschy driver?
  9. Hahah yes but unfortunately by then Mrs...Beer is having none of it!
  10. mmmmm...beer

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Is he even coherent enough to let it bother him? Once the talker leaves the room he forgets what they were blabbing about. Then another talker comes in and makes him MAD by telling him to drop out. Then they go away and so do his thoughts?
  11. mmmmm...beer

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    This true? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9nXZ2CuuaO/?igsh=eml6M2c1ZHhkZ2t0
  12. mmmmm...beer

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    All of the sudden black lives will matter again.
  13. mmmmm...beer

    I would like to see politics as it's own subforum

    Bah. You know your part of the back and forth Schick. Waiting on baited breath to get your little jabs in.
  14. mmmmm...beer

    I would like to see politics as it's own subforum

    No... it's that you @ssholes bring it into every damned thread.
  15. mmmmm...beer

    I would like to see politics as it's own subforum

    So many of our posters have been run off because of the toxic political bullsh!t spewed here ad nausaem. I know I get tired of it and leave. Hence why I show up every several months.