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The Rules of Engagement

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What are you rules of trading engagement? Do you try and send in an offer a little below market value for the players your seeking, so you send even value, or do you over pay to get what it is you seek? Are you a buy low bandit, sell high guy? Whats your strategy?

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What I like to do is offer something that really helps his lineup or has that perception. I want my guy...but I want him to think he's getting maybe two starters and I steal one of his studs while only trading a marginal starter and maybe a bench player.

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I look at other owner's rosters and find out where they are super-strong.


For example, a guy in my league had Peyton Manning and Donovan Mcnabb. After week three, I dropped him an email and asked if there was anyone on my roster that he was in love with. He said, "Steve Smith".


I told him that I would hate to lose Smith, since it would really weaken my receiving corp. I offered him Smith and Matt Leinart (who was about to become starter and I knew he liked him since he owned Boldin) for McNabb and Reggie Wayne.


He refused, because he like the Manning/Wayne connection. I told him that he doesn't get points for his backup QB to be getting tons of points while he's missing that "stud" receiver. He countered with McNabb and Burress. I accepted.



In summary, look at an owner who has an overabundance at a position and stress to him that he ain't winning no games by having points on the bench. He may overspend if he thinks he'll obtain a starter at one of his weaker positions.

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I typically try to take advantage of those in a “bad spot.”


I just acquired Shaun Alexander in exchange for Jamal Lewis + Chicago Bears DST from our resident 0-5 guy. Now I know that most of the owners take a lot of pride in letting a sinking ship sink and they laugh rather than make offers.


This guy did a HORRIBLE job of managing for bye weeks. He needs a starter. Alexander has given him exactly 0 points the last few weeks and the next few weeks so it does him no good to try to recover by keeping him. It took me a bit to stomach the loss of the Bears DST because they are scoring an astounding average of 14ppg in my league… ironically, more than Alexander was averaging before he got hurt. As the LT2 owner, I wanted to roll the dice on having a healthy Alexander for the end of the season starting with LT2. I hedged because the Bears also have the Cards this week. Ironically enough, I offered him a zillion different trades which he refused and then I woke up yesterday morning to the above offer from him.


But I look at bye issues, injury issues… probably more than most on every roster and try to swoop in for the kill.


I was left with the Jets DST and the Lions DST. Horrible. So I followed that trade with a trade to acquire the Jax DST in exchange for Randy McMichael to a guy in a jam at TE. Since he already had the Chargers DST, he had “no problem” giving me the Jags. I can live with the Jets, particularly against the Dolphins, for one week.


Quite a two-pronged play if I do say so myself.


The funny thing is that my league typically screams about my trades year after year... but no one ever steps up to try to do something similar. The 0-5 guy isn't bailing, particularly since we have weekly cash payouts... but he needed to do something and no one else was stepping up to the table. Hopefully, this trade has long-term benefits for the both of us.

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I will usually over pay to get what helps my starting lineup.


This year, after week one, the Shaun Alexander owner in my league made it known that SA was on the market. He really had no second RB, and we start two. I had Larry Johnson, Brian Westbrook, and Willie Parker. I offer Westy, Parker, and Matt Jones for Alexander to have LJ and Shaun as my starting two. As of now, I'm losing (slightly) in the deal, but at the time I looked stacked.


In the leagues I'm in, you ususally have to overpay or noone will trade with you, kind of the ole "give them an offer they can't refuse" type thing. There really is not much trading in either league I'm in.

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This year my strategy is a little different. I'm 5-0 and the next best record is 3-2. I'm not making any trade offers because I don't need to. Offers that come my way are countered with offers that favor me. As long as I'm winning, the only deals I'm willing to make must be a clear advantage to me.

Yesterday I turned down an offer - Shockey for Benson. He also has Crumpler, so I countered Benson for Crumpler because Shockey's feet/ankles scare the hell out of me. Right now he is forced to play both of them this week (against me!) because all of his RB's and WR's are hurt or on bye.

It's great to negotiate from a postion of strength! :huh:

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Ill look to prey on teams who are obvious loyal fans to a certain team. Such teams named "bengals

Forever" or "Packers Rule" are easy targets. These guys usually will except any deal that involves getting a player from their favorite team.

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I will usually over pay to get what helps my starting lineup.


This year, after week one, the Shaun Alexander owner in my league made it known that SA was on the market. He really had no second RB, and we start two. I had Larry Johnson, Brian Westbrook, and Willie Parker. I offer Westy, Parker, and Matt Jones for Alexander to have LJ and Shaun as my starting two. As of now, I'm losing (slightly) in the deal, but at the time I looked stacked.


In the leagues I'm in, you ususally have to overpay or noone will trade with you, kind of the ole "give them an offer they can't refuse" type thing. There really is not much trading in either league I'm in.

How are you only losing slightly????


Westbrook is the #1 RB in most leagues!!!!!!! And you my friend have gotten 3-4 weeks of absolute 0's from SA. So, SA will have to outrpoduce Westy by like 20 points a game to catch back up. I doubt that happens. You got ROBBED!!!!

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Good points all.


Another point, i think, has to do has to do with the makeup of your roster.


If you have a lot of valuable, but not studly pieces, guys like Brees, Bledsoe, Rivers, Maroney, T. Jones, Chester, Plaxico, DJAx, A. Johnson, etc.. i.e. players that rate in most cases out of the top 8 spots of most position rankings.. you can prob. piece together a deal for a stud by helping a team with a variety of spots..


Whereas, if you have the converse, that one studly chip, i.e. Palmer, LJ, Rudi, Holt, Marvin, etc. you're likely to go the other way if you need help in other areas and break that stud up into pieces.


Studs usually get you easy wins.. but i usually avoid putting "the eggs in one basket" if you will, because injury or major underperformance to a stud can be a killer. Hey, i'd love to have LT2 and a bunch of other pices that are valuable.. that would be the ideally flexible pre-trade position.. right now, my most valuable guy is prob. Clinton Portis.. so i have to monitor him closely and make sure that if his actual worth seems to go down, i can unload him for a decent value back.


My comment ain't actually strategic, you guys hit on some of the things i am always looking to do.. but it's more of good practices in terms of how to manage your team and making sure you/I don't dilute the talent pool so much that you have a static and therefore, "stuck" team. If your stud has bad matchups upcoming or looks like he's got other issues.. you have to unload him for value. No one else is usually paying as much attention to your studs as you.


By the same token.. you always have to look hard at the studs on struggling teams, mine the ww and look to buy low if you can.


I guess my next chapter should be on the virtues of drafting well, patience and the best deals are the ones you don't make :cheers:

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How are you only losing slightly????


Westbrook is the #1 RB in most leagues!!!!!!! And you my friend have gotten 3-4 weeks of absolute 0's from SA. So, SA will have to outrpoduce Westy by like 20 points a game to catch back up. I doubt that happens. You got ROBBED!!!!


OK, you're right, I'm more than slightly behind in this deal right now, even though Westbrook has missed a game also. But, Shaun has already had his bye, and when back, I'll have Johnson and Alexander. I agree I'm behind, but will not agree that I got robbed. Westbrook has yet to finish a full season and is still dinged, so the verdict is still out on who did the robbing.

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OK, you're right, I'm more than slightly behind in this deal right now, even though Westbrook has missed a game also. But, Shaun has already had his bye, and when back, I'll have Johnson and Alexander. I agree I'm behind, but will not agree that I got robbed. Westbrook has yet to finish a full season and is still dinged, so the verdict is still out on who did the robbing.

Sorry, I didn't mean to attack so much. I reread my post and it did seam a little harsh. It also depends on whether or not it is a PPR league and things like that. Plus...SA should have a good schedule at the end of the season...but it should be no defense teams out of the PAC-10...I mean NFC West!!


Good Luck.


I did a big trade like that also...but you never know until the end of the season who wins out. I needed RB depth...so I traded:


LT for F. Gore/McAllister/Gates


We'll see what happens!!!

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OK, you're right, I'm more than slightly behind in this deal right now, even though Westbrook has missed a game also. But, Shaun has already had his bye, and when back, I'll have Johnson and Alexander. I agree I'm behind, but will not agree that I got robbed. Westbrook has yet to finish a full season and is still dinged, so the verdict is still out on who did the robbing.



Amen to that! I like your aggressiveness on getting what you want. You make the playoffs and you are in a nice position, RB wise at least.

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alot depends on who im dealing with.Usually I try to send in an offer thats equal or better then im getting since im initiating things.However, if its someone who always counter offers for more, I might at times low ball them and work my way up instead.


My philosophy though is that the only truly good deal is the deal that helps both parties.If Im just out to screw my neighbor, chances are he is going to be less likely to consider my future offers and then to im opening myself up to everyone else trying to pull one on me to try to get even so to speak. I just look for where our needs lie and what we can do to solve them....even if it means working a multi owner deal.

Course if you are in a league of scoundrals and or people who are resistant to trades it kinda turns into a waste of time to put much effort in and a league im currently in is like that ..so usually there I make my first offer my best offer and move on if no deal struck.

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I usually offer him a trade that is pretty fair (but obviously in favor of me).


And then if he doesn't accept it, sometime over the next couple of days I'll drive over to his house at night and wipe a booger on the underside of his car door handle............It doesn't make the trade go through or anything, but I feel a little better afterwards.

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I'm in one league where the only way you can make a trade is to totally bend over and let them ram you!


I wanted Roy Williams and figured I'd overpay to get him.....I offered Andre Johnson and Santana Moss....just to make sure I got him. The guy declined and said "not enough". I sent another even more rediculous offer for Larry Fitzgerald....he declined again.


I think that is why they are both hurt. The owner of them was trying to be a dilhole and wanted to rob me and the fantasy gods didn't like that!!

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