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Thornton Melon

I'm quitting my job

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I come in to work today and find Rotoworld.com blocked by my company's internet police. This is the last straw. FFToday has been blocked for about a year (I can still get to the forums, obviously). Every so often another site falls under the "Games" category, slowly but surely eating away at my "leisure" time at work. Fock this place. :music_guitarred:


A couple of years ago, someone posted a link to a site that converts foreign language websites to English, but could also be used to view sites normally blocked by your company's firewall. Anyone have that link? This sucks....

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I'm flashing back to about four years ago when the same thing happened at work. Shortly thereafter, all fantasy sites were 'opened up' because the CEO got hooked on fantasy sports :music_guitarred:

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I believe there is a tool/website that sets up some sort of proxy which masks the website information and would allow you to access it at work. I don't recall it off the top of my head, but I'll see if I can find the info on it.


Look over this: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-to-...d-websites.html


Gives you a multitude of options.


Personally, I like the Google Translation option. http://translate.google.com/translate_t . Enter the webpage URL, select a translation to English, and give it a whirl.

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I believe there is a tool/website that sets up some sort of proxy which masks the website information and would allow you to access it at work. I don't recall it off the top of my head, but I'll see if I can find the info on it.


Look over this: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-to-...d-websites.html


Gives you a multitude of options.


Personally, I like the Google Translation option. http://translate.google.com/translate_t . Enter the webpage URL, select a translation to English, and give it a whirl.



Try unblockthissite.com....its what my students use to unblock myspace.

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I believe there is a tool/website that sets up some sort of proxy which masks the website information and would allow you to access it at work. I don't recall it off the top of my head, but I'll see if I can find the info on it.


Look over this: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-to-...d-websites.html


Gives you a multitude of options.


Personally, I like the Google Translation option. http://translate.google.com/translate_t . Enter the webpage URL, select a translation to English, and give it a whirl.


Thanks, Echo. I appreciate it. Unfortunately, neither one of them worked. I couldn't even get on the first site. "Proxy Avoidance", or some shight. Bunch of anal bastages!

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I heard that Google Web Accelerator will work for that kind of thing. Never tried it though.


"Proxy Avoidance" again.


I think I'm focked....


Thanks for the input, gentlemen.

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Before the fantasy sports web sites were 'opened up', I'd connect to the office via the company VPN and note my VPN IP address before leaving for work.


Upon arriving at the office, I'd 'Terminal Server' (Start, Run, mstsc) back to my home PC using that IP address. That way, I could surf the Net at will without (technically) violating any company policies.

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"Proxy Avoidance" again.


I think I'm focked....


Thanks for the input, gentlemen.


Don't submit your two weeks notice just yet, try.... https://www.megaproxy.com Click on the "Try it Free" link on the bottom of the page. You can get a lot of use out of the free option each day. I've never paid for the unlimited version but it's an option.

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I come in to work today and find Rotoworld.com blocked by my company's internet police. This is the last straw. FFToday has been blocked for about a year (I can still get to the forums, obviously). Every so often another site falls under the "Games" category, slowly but surely eating away at my "leisure" time at work. Fock this place. :music_guitarred:


A couple of years ago, someone posted a link to a site that converts foreign language websites to English, but could also be used to view sites normally blocked by your company's firewall. Anyone have that link? This sucks....

Wow, small world. I think we work at the same place. They already blocked pretty much everything else, I don't know why they had to block rotoworld. Just a tip, we can still use KFFL, thats about it.

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Before the fantasy sports web sites were 'opened up', I'd connect to the office via the company VPN and note my VPN IP address before leaving for work.


Upon arriving at the office, I'd 'Terminal Server' (Start, Run, mstc) back to my home PC using that IP address. That way, I could surf the Net at will without (technically) violating any company policies.


Exactly what he said.


www.gotomypc.com will solve all your problems.


Just be sure you realize that by doing all this is grounds to be fired... but if you're prepared to quits anyways i guess it doesnt matter.

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If they're using Websense, and I think they are since "Proxy Avoidance" is a standard category, then there's not much you can do. Proxy servers pop up daily , but websense updates their blocks daily as well, so you probably would only get a day or so out of any proxy server before you're blocked again. Websense is pretty pricey, so if your company is now implementing it, then they probably are focusing in gettign their userbase to only browse pertinent business sites. realize of course, that websense is also a tracking program with some pretty decent reporting capabilities, so you are being watched. I've had to produce reports of a user's daily web browsing routine, and websense can do it down to the minute. "came in at 8, went to fftoday for 15 minutes, went to cnnsi for 10, back to fftody for 15, etc'.

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If they're using Websense, and I think they are since "Proxy Avoidance" is a standard category, then there's not much you can do. Proxy servers pop up daily , but websense updates their blocks daily as well, so you probably would only get a day or so out of any proxy server before you're blocked again. Websense is pretty pricey, so if your company is now implementing it, then they probably are focusing in gettign their userbase to only browse pertinent business sites. realize of course, that websense is also a tracking program with some pretty decent reporting capabilities, so you are being watched. I've had to produce reports of a user's daily web browsing routine, and websense can do it down to the minute. "came in at 8, went to fftoday for 15 minutes, went to cnnsi for 10, back to fftody for 15, etc'.


Can it read what we type into these posts?

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Even if that works for him (which it most likely wont) - he'd have to type the IP every time he wanted to click on a link within the website. If they are already monitoring for proxy avoidance, he's pretty much SOL.


To the OP - if you are somewhat tech savvy, check out SSL Explorer. It set's up a VPN (to your home PC) through port 443 (SSL) which your company cannot block since it's httpS. It's pretty easy to setup on your home PC too...


I am also assuming that gotomypc.com will be blocked...your security guys aren't that stupid to leave that open when they just blocked a crapload of new stuff. Also, most places that go to this extent are NOT going to allow you to RDP outside of their network.


Have you tried the straight IP?


Sometimes the blocking software in question only uses the domain name of a site and will not try to resolve the actual IP.


Worth a shot.




Also try: http://www.the-cloak.com/login.html


Just type in http://www.fftoday.com in the "Start URL" and click "Start Surfing"

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Websense blocks most of the sites that everyone is suggesting if you use "http". By using "https" you are going into a secured site and websense shouldn't block it.

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Can it read what we type into these posts?


no, you're safe there. the only way that could happen as if your company was really anal and dropped keyloggers on your machine during your login script. not that i've ever done that in the business world. I have done it to my friend's kids computers when asked to provide the parents with ideas on what their kids were really browsing.

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Not that it shouldn't block it - but most security folks overlook adding the https into websense to check and see if it should block it.


We check https...


Websense blocks most of the sites that everyone is suggesting if you use "http". By using "https" you are going into a secured site and websense shouldn't block it.

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Can it read what we type into these posts?



I am not sure about WebSense but it is quite easy to find a program to pack snif off the wire and then regroup the packs into a transaction to be consumed by a human to read. If you are every worried about this type of stuff make sure to only use site which are encrypted (https).


For example if you use the same password for this forum as you do for your online banking is a bad idea because the login credentials (user name and password) are not encrypted prior to being sent over the wire.

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Even if that works for him (which it most likely wont) - he'd have to type the IP every time he wanted to click on a link within the website. If they are already monitoring for proxy avoidance, he's pretty much SOL.


Actually if you go to and hover over the links you'll notice the IP is used rather than the domain. This should be the norm with most web sites and namely those built off of one CMS or another.

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While that's not always the case - my point is, I'd be surprised if he can even get to it via IP.


Most places who implement security (and know what they are doing)...will usually take this into account.


Actually if you go to and hover over the links you'll notice the IP is used rather than the domain. This should be the norm with most web sites and namely those built off of one CMS or another.

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Before the fantasy sports web sites were 'opened up', I'd connect to the office via the company VPN and note my VPN IP address before leaving for work.


Upon arriving at the office, I'd 'Terminal Server' (Start, Run, mstc) back to my home PC using that IP address. That way, I could surf the Net at will without (technically) violating any company policies.





This only works if they allow split tunneling through the VPN connection... or you know how to create split tunneling on your system when its disabled.

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Found another one: http://www.bypassfilter.net/gogogo/


Here is a small suggestion. Save up to purchase a iPhone, pay AT&T for the service and bingo complete unfiltered surfing where ever you want.


I just love the company's logic of "If we block the web then our employees will be so much more productive." Dumb Sh!ts. Worthless employees will be worthless employees with our without the Internet.


Kind in mind how much you can trust your employer by how much they trust you!

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If his place is blocking proxy avoidance - they are gonna get 99% of them...


I know you are trying to be helpful - but the OP is gonna have to go another route.


I hear ya. I just get annoyed with this shite.


If the OP does not mind day old news he could always use Google Cache. Not ideal but it is better than nothing.

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I know - sucks becasue I am on the other side of the fence and work with the guys who implement this crap...


LOL - I always tell people the wonders of Google Cache...


I hear ya. I just get annoyed with this shite.


If the OP does not mind day old news he could always use Google Cache. Not ideal but it is better than nothing.

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Yeah, my company uses Websense, so I don't think those proxy sites will work. I'm not gonna try any backdoors that'll get me in trouble. I want to leave (not because of this, but this sure doesn't help matters), but I don't want to be fired.


I'm gonna check out kffl. I know it used to be a pay site, but it looks like it's free now.


Thanks everyone.

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Some advice for you all...


First of all, proxies and working around corporate policy is a loser's game. Depending on how draconian your IT department/company wants to be, you could actually start getting in trouble and they could start sniffing your traffic, monitoring your total usage, etc. So there is literally two ways around this:


1) Get a new job.

2) Get an iPhone, Treo, or broadband PC card from a wireless company with your own personal laptop, and subscribe to unlimited broadband.


I don't have an iPhone but it is the best web browser I've seen in a phone. You can also connect some PDA phones to a laptop via a USB cable and access the web that way.

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I'd say how about just work as that's what they are paying you to focking do. I guess if they are only paying you $8-$9 bucks an hour to surf it's ok. It still amazes me that we have so many lazy, "what has the company done for me" people today (mostly under 30 I might add). And they'll be the first to :dunno: when their company loses $$ and lays them off. Pathetic. :thumbsdown:

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This is exactly why I will NEVER work in an office environment again! I put in about 15 years toiling away under the constant and unbearable scrutiny of Sr. Management and the prying eyes of co-workers. If I had a nickel for every time I had to quickly close down a FF window on my work computer because I heard footsteps encroaching on my cubicle I'd be rich! For the last 5 years I've worked from home as a telecommuter with the Company HQ 2,000 miles away! I can safely manage my Fantasy Football Empire to my heart's content, I over-research my opponents, I beat them to the wire for mid-week acquisitions, and I sit in my Spa at lunchtime listening to ESPN radio instead of hurridly rushing over to Panda Fresh to scarf down a plate of Kung Pao. I dont share a shitter with 38 other dudes, if I want to take a rip at 4:20 on a Friday..I do with glorious freedom! I do all of this and am still able to be 261% of my sales goal for '07!

I urge any of you trapped like Corporate Rats to take the reigns of your career and find a way to Telecommute. The only real downside is not seeing The Office Hotties parade around in tight skirts and inhaling their perfume as they cruise past your cubicle. Until the Business Community realizes that my FF team's performance is infinitely more important than their revenue gains quarter over quarter, I'm Home Office or nothing!!!

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I'd say how about just work as that's what they are paying you to focking do. I guess if they are only paying you $8-$9 bucks an hour to surf it's ok. It still amazes me that we have so many lazy, "what has the company done for me" people today (mostly under 30 I might add). And they'll be the first to :D when their company loses $$ and lays them off. Pathetic. :unsure:


In fairness, I do work quite hard at my job and I'm sure most people do as well. I also have a good manager who actually values me based on IF I complete my work and do a good job as opposed to if I "look busy". That's the real problem here. I'm sure there are plenty of unblocked sites where people can still waste time, they can probably sit there and play solotaire all day.


Good companies and good managers value their employees based on what they accomplish. If an employee is doing a kick ass job, I could care less how much time he spends on the web, getting coffee, whatever.

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I'd say how about just work as that's what they are paying you to focking do. I guess if they are only paying you $8-$9 bucks an hour to surf it's ok. It still amazes me that we have so many lazy, "what has the company done for me" people today (mostly under 30 I might add). And they'll be the first to :D when their company loses $$ and lays them off. Pathetic. :unsure:


Well, let's see...I'm 43, and I work my ass off for my company. I like to do my fantasy research during my lunch break, and during the few sporadic 3 minute down time breaks I might get during the day, so I miss my FFToday (main site), Rotoworld, etc. My company is losing money, it's not because of me, and if they laid me off, I would absolutely LOVE it!

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In fairness, I do work quite hard at my job and I'm sure most people do as well. I also have a good manager who actually values me based on IF I complete my work and do a good job as opposed to if I "look busy". That's the real problem here. I'm sure there are plenty of unblocked sites where people can still waste time, they can probably sit there and play solotaire all day.


Good companies and good managers value their employees based on what they accomplish. If an employee is doing a kick ass job, I could care less how much time he spends on the web, getting coffee, whatever.



I agree completely and don't think anyone should crack the whip over employees 40 hours a week. With that being said there is a sheitload of people that abuse their internet access and cost their companies dearly. I guess I'm just of the mindset that if I'm on company time I should be doing what they pay me to do. :unsure:

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Well, let's see...I'm 43, and I work my ass off for my company. I like to do my fantasy research during my lunch break, and during the few sporadic 3 minute down time breaks I might get during the day, so I miss my FFToday (main site), Rotoworld, etc. My company is losing money, it's not because of me, and if they laid me off, I would absolutely LOVE it!


I guess you would be one of the responsible people then. During lunch and breaks you should be allowed to do what you want.

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Have you tried Googleing fftoday and then clicking on the "cached" link underneath. That sometimes works.

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I come in to work today and find Rotoworld.com blocked by my company's internet police. This is the last straw. FFToday has been blocked for about a year (I can still get to the forums, obviously). Every so often another site falls under the "Games" category, slowly but surely eating away at my "leisure" time at work. Fock this place. :mad:



I'm sure you will be missed and employers will be pounding down your door with job offers. Your career goals and objective are what every employer looks for.

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