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Recliner Pilot

ABC News doesn't have an agenda....nah.

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No leftist agenda? Look at this headline:


Plasma, LCDs blamed for accelerating global warming



But what does the story actually say?


Levels of this gas in the atmosphere have not been measured, but scientists say it is a concern and are calling for it to be included in any future emissions cutting agreement.


He says without measuring the quantity of NF3 in the atmosphere it is unclear what impact it will have on the climate.


"We haven't observed it in the atmosphere. It's probably there in very low concentrations," he said.


"The key to whether it's a problem or not is how much is released to the atmosphere."





No scare tactics being used there, but that is all the "GW" tin-foil hat morons have at this point. :overhead:

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Yes they do. Fox is just as liberal as the rest. The only difference is Fox lets the conservative voice on all the time


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LMAO. RP is OWNED! LMAO! :banana:

OWNED??? How the fock is he owned because Fox News reports some liberal news????

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OWNED??? How the fock is he owned because Fox News reports some liberal news????

I'm not surprised you don't see how RP got owned. Then again both you and RP think Fox News = Liberal Media :banana:

Gocolts and RP, not the sharpest tools in the shed.

You guys are funny!

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I'm not surprised you don't see how RP got owned.




Do I work for Fox News or something? How is that Fox buying into the "GW" bullsqueeze hysteria somehow reflects upon me?


If anything, Heavy Set pointed out how Fox isn't just a right-wing mouthpiece.

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I'm not surprised you don't see how RP got owned. Then again both you and RP think Fox News = Liberal Media :blink:

Gocolts and RP, not the sharpest tools in the shed.

You guys are funny!


Why can't you go into a thread and take part in the discussion instead of just throwing around insults?




Don't you make a point to whine about this very same thing when people say something in your threads.


Its funny that you talk out of both sides of your mouth like that. :dunno:

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Do I work for Fox News or something? How is that Fox buying into the "GW" bullsqueeze hysteria somehow reflects upon me?


If anything, Heavy Set pointed out how Fox isn't just a right-wing mouthpiece.


Why don't you change the title of the thread to: "fox news and abc news don't have an agenda...nah."

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