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Chemical gases and pepper spray used........

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If they're being as moronic (i.e. using urine) as was being reported, they did deserve it.




Also, answer me this:


If they had been "radical, right-wing nut job fundies" protesting the DNC and this had happened, would your post have resemebled something like :blink: ?

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If they're being as moronic (i.e. using urine) as was being reported, they did deserve it.

Also, answer me this:


If they had been "radical, right-wing nut job fundies" protesting the DNC and this had happened, would your post have resemebled something like :thumbsdown: ?



Are you sure you are not some midle aged perv looking to pick up kids on the internets? You seem too wise in the ways of the world to be a punkasskid. :dunno:

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If they're being as moronic (i.e. using urine) as was being reported, they did deserve it.

Also, answer me this:


If they had been "radical, right-wing nut job fundies" protesting the DNC and this had happened, would your post have resemebled something like :thumbsdown: ?


Nope. That's the difference between me and some people here. I'm consistent. The oppression of peaceful protesting is anti-American, I don't care which convention it's at or who the protestors are. Had there been chemical gases used on people at the DNC last week, I would have been equally bothered by it.

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Nope. That's the difference between me and some people here. I'm consistent. The oppression of peaceful protesting is anti-American, I don't care which convention it's at or who the protestors are. Had there been chemical gases used on people at the DNC last week, I would have been equally bothered by it.



The key to your statement is "peaceful protesting". The anarchist that are in St. Paul are hardly peaceful. When you try and harm Peace Officers they deserve what they get.

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why do scumbag jobless libs/dems start riots at both conventions? :thumbsup:



typical liberal retardedness...blaming everybody else for their scumbag protesting actions and urine throwing.

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why do scumbag jobless libs/dems start riots at both conventions? :thumbsup:

typical liberal retardedness...blaming everybody else for their scumbag protesting actions and urine throwing.

Not just liberals. Plenty of conservative idiots too.

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Go overturn dumpsters, cop cars, and set things on fire. See what happens. I hope those jackasses get raped in prison. By the guards. With nightsticks.


I'm aroused. :thumbsup:

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I merely typed what I saw on CNN and said that more details were sure to come. I don't read every thread here, sorry. I pop in for 15-20 minutes a night, if I have time.



:thumbsup: :lol: The ultimate excuse! Next time, don't pop in.

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Not just liberals. Plenty of conservative idiots too.

nope. 2008 headlines for both conventions have the riots started by worthless leftie scumbags.

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:thumbsup: :lol: The ultimate excuse! Next time, don't pop in.


Excuse for what? :lol: What would I make an excuse for? Posting something I saw on TV and saying more news to come?


Extremists are so tiring.

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...no arrests? There's a crowd big enough to incite a riot in the streets and you can't grab ONE person? :thumbsup:

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I merely typed what I saw on CNN and said that more details were sure to come. I don't read every thread here, sorry. I pop in for 15-20 minutes a night, if I have time.


Please update the thread with any breaking news. When you have had time to reflect, would you care to share your thoughts on how the protesters were mistreated?



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Please update the thread with any breaking news. When you have had time to reflect, would you care to share your thoughts on how the protesters were mistreated?



omg, please don't aks the tards questions like this. it's obviously an infringement on their 1st amendment rights to not be allowed to throw a bucket of piss at you. that whole "let's drop a bag of sand on their bus" is their right to protest, you moron. if there could be a dumber bunch of f*&kers, i'd be shocked. btw, how does that first conversation go exactly..."dude, i got this bucket from my dad's garage and i thought it'd be cool if we all pissed in it for 4 days to fill it up...that'd be cool." "huh, huh, me too, dude...my dad's got a bucket. i'll go get it. if we get our girlfriends too, we could fill up like 4 buckets with piss in like a week or 10 days...then we could throw it at the people who are gonna vote for bush. it's an illegal war you know, so let's throw piss at em and let em know we don't like bush. except we do, eh, but you know, not the president. ahh, huh, huh...huh, huh. dude, i gotta piss right now."

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I had a long discussion with my brother who works in downtown St. paul about this whole thing.


He's fed up, a R, and wants skulls cracked.


I told him "Hey, everyone has a right to protest. and just because 10-15 or even 50 of those people are trouble-makers, doesn't make all of them bad. they are expressing their displeasure, and I for one, stand by their right to protest. BUT...breaking windows, spraying bleach on others, and inciting riots is NOT anything I will stand behind...period. they have as much right to stand in front of a bus going to the RNC as much as teh man who stood in front of the tanks in Tieneman Square. Civil disobedience is NECESSARY sometimes to retian our rights."

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I'm prepared to get bashed so bash away. Now i'm not some big conspiracist (i can't eve spell the word) but i have some feelings of skepticism. There were plenty of anti-war protesters at the democratic convention, but there weren't any problems. Most people aren't that retarded, they know that destroying innocent peoples windows, damaging police property, and the like isn't going to help their cause. They know it'll only hurt their reputation, liberals reputation, democratic reputation, and that news coverage would expose them as stupid dumb assed crazies that are ruining America. I mean, you'd have to be pretty fockin dense to think those actions would further your cause and get other americans on your side.


One thing i could see though is that these people know dems are their best chance at environmental reform and ending the war in iraq so maybe they don't want to piss them off as much. They want the dems to know that their are still many people actively protesting the war, but are doing it in a peaceful, pro-democratic way so they'll have as many sympathizers as possible. Also, maybe they just hate the republicans so much and have a lot of pent up anger and feel like now is a good time to let it out.


Its hard to believe they could be that stupid though.

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