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Leon Panetta to run the CIA?

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I will give him all the support but that strikes me as a very odd pick. Clinton's former Chief of Staff to head the CIA? Huh...

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Yeah, that is kind of an odd choice. He has been more involved with domestic policies in the past. But a smart guy like Panetta is likely to succeed anywhere he lands.

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"No experience in the intelligence world" :dunno:


That makes him about as qualified to run the CIA as Obama is to be President.


No experience with intelligence...jeez, Obama might as well of picked you.

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No experience with intelligence...jeez, Obama might as well of picked you.





Can't really say, I haven't read much yet about the guy :D

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My qualifications seem to be the same as Panetta's.


Except he doesn't seem like an azzhole. So, you are different.

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" Change We Can Believe In"? I see an administration that resembles Clintons eight years in office. Where is the change? Ponetta is Cheeney without the experience. They both suck. One has the abillity to shoot his enemies. One has the ability to shoot his socks! And not the cat!! If you want to destroy the CIA, he's your man. Good change you stupid fawk!

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Leon Paneta is OK by me, but I don't think this is the best job for him. As a matter of fact it's disappointing.


Obama should tap a highly regarded veteran CIA agent of non-partisan loyalties. I just wonder if anybody like that is around anymore. The Bushtard purged anyone who didn't masturbate to Abu Gharib photos from the CIA's ranks. Maybe he has to go outside the organization.

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Obama wants to end the torture practices the CIA has adopted under Bush. He had to pick somebody uncompromised by those practices, which pretty much meant that any current CIA official was out of the question. I would've preferred he pick somebody like Lee Hamilton, but I can see why he went with an outsider.

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I will give him all the support but that strikes me as a very odd pick. Clinton's former Chief of Staff to head the CIA? Huh...

For once I agree with jets24. That is an unusual pick. Not the first person I would have thought of to run the CIA.


Also, he's 70 years old. Does he have the energy?

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"No experience in the intelligence world" :doh:


That makes him about as qualified to run the CIA as Obama is to be President.



No experience with intelligence...jeez, Obama might as well of picked you.


o\/\/ned :lol:

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I voted for Obama, but I have to say this pick is disturbing. I think the CIA is misunderstood by many on both sides, but it's importance, especially today, is only increasing.


Think Igotworms hit it on the head, Panetta was chosen for his anti-torture & rendition stances.

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Think Igotworms hit it on the head, Panetta was chosen for his anti-torture & rendition stances.

There are plenty of qualified people with intelligence backgrounds that broke with the Bush admin on torture.


I do like most of Obama's other selections, but this one.... :doh:

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Link to anyone being tortured?


Just click on any thread that you responded to. Reading your posts is definitely torture. :doublethumbsup:

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o\/\/ned :overhead:



Link to anyone being tortured?



Just click on any thread that you responded to. Reading your posts is definitely torture. :music_guitarred:

o\/\/ned again. :mad:

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o\/\/ned again. :music_guitarred:


I could do without the truculent assmeg sig. It's been long enough. I have truly suffered for my sins.

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I could do without the truculent assmeg sig. It's been long enough. I have truly suffered for my sins.


no you haven't :music_guitarred:




just kidding. Sorry about that. How about this sig????



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Even the radical liberal senator Dianne Feinstein doesn't like it.


"I was not informed about the selection of Leon Panetta to be the CIA director. I know nothing about this, other than what I've read. My position has consistently been that I believe the agency is best-served by having an intelligence professional in charge at this time," Feinstein said in a written statement. A spokesman said Feinstein had not received a phone call about Panetta from anyone in the Obama camp and first learned about the decision from news reports.



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I remember an article written in the darkest years of the Bushtard reign of terror ~2003 or 2004 or so by a veteran CIA agent who had recently been forced into retirement. I wish I remembered his name. He was lamenting the abduction of the agency by these fringe radical Bush appointees while folks like himself were being forced out. I've got to think there's a few dozen or so of older guys like him in their 60s/70s that would love to get back in the CIA, clean the place out, and right the ship. The country could certainly use them.

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Expect another 9/11!!!! And another Bush (possay) in the White House in four years! Change my ass!!!

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Just click on any thread that you responded to. Reading your posts is definitely torture. :overhead:


Redtodd has nothing to worry about from this Gallagher wannabe. :banana:


I see none of ya has been able to show actual torture either implemented or condoned by the Bush admin..........

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Anonymous sources saying Cheney approved of waterboarding and sleep deprivation (two things not considered TORTURE)...............that would be a


Next. :dunno: :dunno:


They will be considered torture soon enough. I'd be deleriously happy if it means prison time for the top cronies of Team Bushtard including The Bushtard himself but I'm not expecting anything so grand.

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They will be considered torture soon enough. I'd be deleriously happy if it means prison time for the top cronies of Team Bushtard including The Bushtard himself but I'm not expecting anything so grand.


I always have visions of Voltaire meeting Recliner Pilot somewhere and the two of them having a knife fight. Relax both of you. It's just internet fantasy web-site. Also, this thread was about Leon Panneta so stop hijacking threads.

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I always have visions of Voltaire meeting Recliner Pilot somewhere and the two of them having a knife fight. Relax both of you. It's just internet fantasy web-site. Also, this thread was about Leon Panneta so stop hijacking threads.


This may shock you, but RP and I get along surprisingly well. Certainly better than you and him.

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I always have visions of Voltaire meeting Recliner Pilot somewhere and the two of them having a knife fight. Relax both of you. It's just internet fantasy web-site. Also, this thread was about Leon Panneta so stop hijacking threads.


Considering you have visions of two members from some internet fantasy website, i'd say you need to relax as well.

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They will be considered torture soon enough. I'd be deleriously happy if it means prison time for the top cronies of Team Bushtard including The Bushtard himself but I'm not expecting anything so grand.


Is this a prediction of some Tuesday indictments?

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I always have visions of Voltaire meeting Recliner Pilot somewhere and the two of them having a knife fight. Relax both of you. It's just internet fantasy web-site. Also, this thread was about Leon Panneta so stop hijacking threads.



You should stick to posting threads about how your man-crush on Mangini went sour.

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Shocking. Obama made another move that Recliner Pilot deems unacceptable.


RP may be unintelligent, boring, and a one-trick-pony, but he sure as hell is dependable. :music_guitarred:

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Shocking. Obama made another move that Recliner Pilot deems unacceptable.


Yep, I question the judgement of someone who nominates a guy with ZERO experience in the intelligence community to run the CIA, expecially in today's world.


You, on the other hand, are a simpleton Obamabot who laps up anything he does as if it is a miracle.

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Yap yap yap yap Clinton yap yap yap yap yap yap Hillary yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama.

Dependable, indeed. :music_guitarred:

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Is this a prediction of some Tuesday indictments?




If Obama takes his hand off the Bible after being sworn in, turns, looks Bush in the eye and puts him and his entire entourage under arrest immediatly, I would be shocked. Won't happen. Obama is much more inclined to imediatly turn the page and put all this behind him.


Now, John Conyers certainly has other ideas. He's lived for this moment for years and has no intention of turning the other cheek. He wants heads to roll so we'll see if Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama can reign him in.

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Conyers is a moron and a joke. But Reid and Pelosi have yet to demonstrate the most basic political skills needed to keep their own under control, so anything can happen on their watch.


Hell, they can't keep themselves from looking like complete idiots.

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Yap yap yap yap Pelosi yap yap yap yap yap yap Reid yap Reid yap Pelosi yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Reid yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap Pelosi yap yap yap yap Conyers yap yap yap yap yap Obama yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap Obama.


As usual, a totally worthless post by the Lemming. :unsure:

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Yep, I question the judgement of someone who nominates a guy with ZERO experience in the intelligence community to run the CIA, expecially in today's world.


You, on the other hand, are a simpleton Obamabot who laps up anything he does as if it is a miracle.

Nope. Never heard of the guy and I don't come here pretending to. I'm just intelligent enough to know that Obama has put a hell of a lot more time in deciding these positions, and has a hell of a lot more knowledge, than you ever will.


Any retard can come here with the same boring shtick everyday. Please link a post of yours where you compliment a selection he's made or a decision he's made on another topic. Go ahead. I'll wait.

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Obama's selections are fair game and when he make a questionable pick it should be debated. But there can be no debate that none of his selections are as bad as the selection of Sarah Palin as VP.

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