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Man charged in Chandra Levy murder...

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WASHINGTON (AP) - An arrest warrant was issued Tuesday for an imprisoned Salvadoran immigrant in the killing of federal intern Chandra Levy, nearly eight years after the case captivated the nation's capital and ended the career of a congressman.


The warrant accuses Ingmar Guandique (gwan-DEE'-kay) of killing Levy on May 1, 2001, as she walked her dog through Washington's Rock Creek Park, said U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Taylor. Guandique, 27, is already serving time in a federal prison in Adelanto, Calif., for attacking two women in the same park.


"It dawned on me that there's very little I can do or anyone else can do for the Levys other than to offer them justice," District of Columbia Police Chief Cathy Lanier said at a news conference. "This has been a long time coming."


The warrant is the latest development in an investigation that had gone cold for years after destroying the career of former U.S. Rep. Gary Condit of California.


Investigators in 2002 questioned Guandique in Levy's slaying after he was convicted in the other attacks, but he was not charged at the time.


Levy was 24 and had just completed an internship with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons when she disappeared in May 2001 after leaving her Washington, D.C., apartment. The Modesto, Calif., woman was wearing jogging clothes when she vanished, and a man walking his dog found her skull and bones in the park a year later.


Authorities questioned Condit, her congressman, in the disappearance, but he was never a suspect in her death. Condit, a popular Democrat for a dozen years in his district, was reportedly having an affair with Levy, and the negative publicity from the case was cited as the main reason for his overwhelming primary loss in 2002.


On Fed. 20, Levy's parents, Robert and Susan, said Lanier had told them an arrest was coming within days. It was not immediately clear what took authorities until Tuesday to issue the warrant.


Levy's parents did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment Tuesday morning, and their spokeswoman Judy Smith said she could not immediately comment on the news. No one answered the door at the Levys' tan, split-level home in Modesto, Calif.


Authorities said they hoped Guandique would be brought to Washington sometime in the next two months to face a charge of first-degree murder.

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maybe Condit would not have had such a backlash if he didn't go on all those interviews where he wanted to be

honest and clear the air and instead just kept lying. :arod:

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You can bet Condit wants to kick this guy in the nards.


Sux too - Chandra was fricking hot. :unsure:


Why can't the wetbacks and nergoes ever kill the fat homely ones?


Girls that is. I wouldn't want anything to happen to Phillybear.

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Can you imagine being Condit during all those questionings.



All I was after was some poosay on the side. :D I didn't kill the biotch. :D



and no one believed him. :mad:

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I'm skeptical.

What I don't get is Condit's wife lied repeatedly to Police about when she got to Washington. What flight she took. And where she stayed the previous night. I mean it was reported in the News. And then she quit talking on her attorney's orders.

Sorry but I'm skeptical.

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And she didn't take her cell phone with her. Nor her ID, etc. whioch she ALWAYS did previously. Like she wasn't planning on going very far for very long. If at all.

I'm skeptical.

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I'm skeptical.

What I don't get is Condit's wife lied repeatedly to Police about when she got to Washington. What flight she took. And where she stayed the previous night. I mean it was reported in the News. And then she quit talking on her attorney's orders.

Sorry but I'm skeptical.


Me too. It's pretty easy to pin it on a guy that is already in prison. Especially a Salvadoran immigrant that everybody will be afraid of and nobody will give a sh!t about what happens to him. :bandana:

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