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Doctor tells Obama supporters: Go elsewhere for health care...

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There is a focken sign on his door that tells Obama voters to go seek care elsewhere. When signs in the South said "No coloreds allowed" did that mean they were allowed. They just had to figure that the sign did not mean what it said?


If someone reads the sign and goes elesewhere then that person was turned away by the sign. therfore: Doctor was unethical in putting the sign up. He didn't break a law but he acted unethical.



The sign says "If you voted for Obama go elsewhere." Not "If you're an Obama supporter I disagree with your political views but come on in because I will still give you the same level of care". It clearly states "Seek care elsewhere."

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Maybe this doctor is just tired of dealing with focking idiots, ever think of that geniuses.

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A couple of weeks ago, I was in the dentist chair getting a tooth drilled when he started ranting about the healthcare bill and how America is going to end up just like Europe, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, my mouth is jacked open and full of novocaine so I can't say shiot and he has an assistant finish it so I can't even say anything to him afterwards.


I thought to myself "Focker, you don't know me or my political leanings, it's pretty ballsy to start in on politics with your patients and just assume they think the same way."


I guess seeing this story and from that experience, that's the way the world is going. The Strikes of the world are going to make sure everyone around them knows that their opinion is the only right one whether you want to hear it or not.

hey look newbs...someone affected by the healthcare bill....update the thread please..tia

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It's a stupid sign, but he has every right to post it. It's a bit immature as well, for a man in his position.



But is anyone actually going to see that sign and think he wouldn't treat them? He's a doctor. You're a tard if you think he can just say no. The sign is a politcal statement, not a focking policy. I do think it should specify something about healthcare, as he is a doctor and that adds relevancy and makes more of a point. Just a general "if you voted for Obama, go somewhere else" is kind of off-putting and a bad business decision.


But, because it's his business, he can place the sign there. The sign keeping someone from going there is no different than if he had horrible breath or was known for being a jerk or whatever. He's off-putting, but it doesn't violate any regulations.

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Just like that cheesesteak shop owner who told people to speak focking English before placing an order. This guy rules.

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I'm with JT, I think the sign is out of line. People going to a doctor don't need that kind of confusion. It may meet the technical requirements of "ethical standards," but IMO it is wrong.

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I'm with JT, I think the sign is out of line. People going to a doctor don't need that kind of confusion. It may meet the technical requirements of "ethical standards," but IMO it is wrong.


The point JT and I argued was that the sign would affect the level of care of his patients. Do you agree with that? There's general agreement that the sign is a little excessive. but thanks for showing up a day late and a dollar short.

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The point JT and I argued was that the sign would affect the level of care of his patients. Do you agree with that? There's general agreement that the sign is a little excessive. but thanks for showing up a day late and a dollar short.

Sorry, I was busy yesterday with my day job to help fund the latest trillion dollar entitlement. :rolleyes:. You were arguing semantics, which frankly you often do. There is no requirement to be a Rhodes Scholar to see a doctor. I don't think that a guy who is pissing blood should show up to a urologist's office and see that sign. Personally I'd rather have him express his opinions at the time the appointment is set, along with a statement that if the person chooses to go there anyway, their care will not be compromised. Perhaps that would not be "ethical," I don't know. We agree to disagree I guess.

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