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Is The "Tea Party" the Third Party We Desperately Needed?

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What happens? You end up crossing your fingers that you do not lose the House and Senate?


I'm not going to defend this Congress because they are almost uniformly horrible and that goes for both parties. I'm just calling bullsh1t on the idea that the Teabaggers are libertarians or independents. They're fringe Republicans run amuck and I'm enjoying the circular firing squad. It just doesn't get much better than Karl Rove bloviating about "integrity" and Rush Limbaugh telling him to STFU. :first:

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The Tea Party is NOT the third Party we desperately need. They are one of the two major parties we desperately need. The modern Republican Party completely sucks ass and it would be wonderful to see them disappear like the Whigs did to make room.

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The Tea Party is definitely thinning the RINO herd. That's a good thing.


Thinning the herd is a great idea for a minority party that controls zero branches of government. You wouldn't want to expand your base. :cheers:

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No, for a few reasons:


1. The Teabagger Party has a few legitimate independent and libertarian leaning types, but for the most part they are Republicans who are rightly ashamed of Bush's pathetic record in office and decided to rebrand to cleanse themselves of the stink of that administration rather than learn anything from their time in the wilderness and change.


2. The Teabagger Party seems to attract the dumest, most ignorant, racist and Bible-beating element of the GOP. They work well as a grassroots movement out of power but you see some of these people up close and realize what a bunch of social lepers and freaks they really are. I have a hard time believing moderates from either party are going to embrace the retards who are "leading" this movement.


There's a place for a secular, responsible, true small government libertarian movement but most Teabaggers are the same old dirtbags in ugly disguise.


hth :cheers:


When someone resorts to sexual innuendo and mockery to describe a movement, it's usually a good sign that the other side has no answers to said movement.

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When someone resorts to sexual innuendo and mockery to describe a movement, it's usually a good sign that the other side has no answers to said movement.


Like when the Teabaggers send out e-mails urging their members to "teabag" the president? :lol:

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What I find disturbing about all this is that while we all know there are clearly crazies on each side of the political spectrum.....there are enough conservative crazies to make a new party, and one capable of toppling status quo......


This fact should get everyone's attention......

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What I find disturbing about all this is that while we all know there are clearly crazies on each side of the political spectrum.....there are enough conservative crazies to make a new party, and one capable of toppling status quo......


This fact should get everyone's attention......


What get need attention is why you have picture of gay John Holmes as avatar?

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When someone resorts to sexual innuendo and mockery to describe a movement, it's usually a good sign that the other side has no answers to said movement.



He left out his usual 2 botched wars reference. Just missed the MDC trifacta of stupid.

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I heard on the radio today that this odonnel lady has gone from a 25 point underdog to now an 11 point dog in one day. All about the $$


a buddy of mine is running for a judge seat under the dem ticket, he said the first thing they asked him was "how much money can you bring to the table", same thing was asked by a college buddy who is now in the house under the rep ticket.


It's all about money, even look at this odonnel situation, none of the repubs mentioned that this must be what the people of Delaware preferred, they're more concerned with losing committee chairs than what the American people want.

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How much fun would it be if Christine O'Donnell and Alvin Greene were from the same state?

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He left out his usual 2 botched wars reference. Just missed the MDC trifacta of stupid.


Recliner Pilot once again making excuses for her Personal Jesus / Ghey Mancrush George W. Suck.

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Recliner Pilot once again making excuses for her Personal Jesus / Ghey Mancrush George W. Suck.


Please explain how me pointing out that you finally made a post without. "two botched wars" in it constitutes making excuses for Bush.


This should be good.

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I heard on the radio today that this odonnel lady has gone from a 25 point underdog to now an 11 point dog in one day. All about the $


a buddy of mine is running for a judge seat under the dem ticket, he said the first thing they asked him was "how much money can you bring to the table", same thing was asked by a college buddy who is now in the house under the rep ticket.


It's all about money, even look at this odonnel situation, none of the repubs mentioned that this must be what the people of Delaware preferred, they're more concerned with losing committee chairs than what the American people want.


Agree completely.

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