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Mungwater last won the day on February 29 2016

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593 Excellent

About Mungwater

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    FF Geek

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  1. Mungwater

    I'm closing in on 20 years..

    Sigh, after three surgeries in the last years on my shoulder. They started the process of medically retiring me. its a little bittersweet, but 27 years is a long time. I’ve had a career that 99% of people would be happy with.
  2. Mungwater

    Father’s Day advice

    What advice did your dad give you that you still listen today?
  3. Mungwater

    US missionary

    But couldn’t that be reverse cowgirl? let me google “US reverse cowgirl”. I’ll be right back
  4. Mungwater

    You know what's ever not going to be Trashy?

    The key to leapfrogging is spread legs, so I guess you’re right
  5. Please no political ones, I’ve found that I like just listening to a few when I’m on the treadmill/on a walk instead of music. the bonfire with big jay and Bob Kelly is really good two bears one cave with Tom segura and Bert is also funny. Bert’s solo one isn’t as good. I have a couple more, but I’m curious if anyone has any other good ones that I haven’t heard of.
  6. Mungwater

    NCAA = rooned?

    A&M is still making millions off Johnny
  7. Mungwater

    Texas wild fires

    It’s not near me in El Paso, but I did hear it’s over a million acres destroyed
  8. Mungwater

    If a Civil War started....would you enlist?

    Yeah colonels they send to train troops all over the world is a complete idiot.
  9. Mungwater

    If a Civil War started....would you enlist?

    Yeah the guy who has over 26+ years and counting who trains soldiers for a living,, is an idiot
  10. Mungwater

    If a Civil War started....would you enlist?

    You pvssies wouldn’t do anything
  11. Mungwater

    Yay, another surgery

    Sure, I was taking the dog out for a walk and he tripped me. I used my arm to break my fall
  12. Mungwater

    Yay, another surgery

    I’ll be here, love to see you again
  13. Mungwater

    Yay, another surgery

    So I broke my arm and separated my shoulder about two years ago. Have pins and a plate, now the army wants to remove all of it. Sounds like it’s going to hurt like a . Anyone have any experience with hardware removal? stupid Murphy, I should have pushed you down the stairs.
  14. Left/right, whatever. Anyone who follows any of those is complete batshit crazy. Then after every election their side loses, “how did that happen..?” Cause you avoided the middle